Giving up sugar in tea

I went cold turkey on sugar in my brews. I just stopped. I did the same with biting my nails. I had sugar and bit my nails for as long as I could remember.

I wouldn't say I'm a strong willed person either, no idea how I managed to do it. Not complaining though!
Looking at this from a slightly different angle.

Why drink tea if you don't like the taste? Surely adding sugar is hiding the flavour of the hot beverage? If you have to add sugar in order to be able to drink it, then just stop drinking it. Don't punish yourself by drinking something you don't like. Isn't that common sense?

I don't like tea but I like coffee. I like the flavour of the coffee and to spoil it with either milk or sugar is just wrong.
I am also doing the whole eating better. I replaced tea or coffee with green tea with lemon. Not something you would put sugar in and much better for you if you can get used to it.
Aslong as you have a healthy lifestyle and aren't drinking 4-5 cups of tea a day theres no harm having 1 teaspoon in a cup of tea - I've dropped mine from 2 spoons to 1 spoon and now about half a teaspoon - any less and its just not satisfying - tho sometimes I will drink tea black with no sugar and don't mind it like that - black without sugar or milk is good for a burst of energy and keeping me awake when needed (with sugar you get more of a boost but its shorter lasting than black tea on its own).

I'm not a fan of (most) sweetners I've of the slightly uninformed opinion that they are generally bad for you just in other ways to sugar.

Looking at this from a slightly different angle.

Why drink tea if you don't like the taste? Surely adding sugar is hiding the flavour of the hot beverage?

I don't like the taste of tea (with milk) on its own at all but add sugar and it makes a very satisfying and relaxing drink that I do enjoy.
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I moved in with my first uni housemates and none of them took sugar and I got an.immediate outcry of 'ponce' 'vaginaface' and 'would I like some tampons with that too?' So I was basically bullied into not having sugar. But now it tastes just as good as with sugar and has the same effect/desire as with sugar so thanks guys I guess!
You get used to it pretty quickly.

After stopping a good while ago, I find it tastes horrible with sugar in.
I was the same 2 tsp in my tea and trying to cut down on processed rubbish.

Have it down to 1/2 tsp but i'm struggling to go lower.

May try some stevia....its natural sweetner. As long as you dont use that aspartame poison.
Thats because they are.

Aye, but I feel a bit of a ****** round someone's house when they ask if I'd like a cup of tea and I ask what they have, which is invariably PG, Tetley, Yorkshire, or some other tat. I then have to turn it down or grin and bear it, where once upon a time I'd guzzle anything gratefully. Though sometimes I turn up with a box and pretend I've just been shopping. "Have you tried this tea? it's dead nice." The buggers just tend to drink it though and the next time I'm round they're back on the crap - probably because they've bought 1500 bags for £2.56.

I have the same problem with beer. Ignorance was bliss, even though it tasted like ****.
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