Glasgow Airport-under attack

dbmzk1 said:
Some of the first people interviewed said that. Guess you weren't paying attention :D

Who have subsequently been shown to be wrong/incorrect/blind (delete as applicable)

Of course as holier than though BBC news have said so it MUST be true..
starscream said:
What's the matter? Don't you like sarcastic strawman over the top comments being posted? I thought you loved them hence all your STAB :mad: type one word posts. If you enjoy misprepresenting and mocking others posts I'll just return the favour :D
VIRII said:
What's the matter? Don't you like sarcastic strawman over the top comments being posted? I thought you loved them hence all your STAB :mad: type one word posts. If you enjoy misprepresenting and mocking others posts I'll just return the favour :D

I have no idea what you even mean by that last post.
FrostedNipple said:
grrr at muslibs, bring in the death penalty for those that practice their religions too much i say
Still no evidence that it was muslims behind this, unless you can link to some I've not seen yet...?
Why does it take two people to do a suicide bombing??

Bomber1: Hey what's up
Bomber 2: nothing, you?
Bomber1: nothin...just going to blow my car up...
Bomber 2: no way! Dude I totally want to come I haven't done that in ages
Bomber1: OK, go half on petrol
Bomber2:fine, but you're driving
There is no information about the nationality or religion of the people responsible for the two failed car bombs, or the incident in Glasgow today, yet CNN is running a special program tonight....

"On the heels of a foiled attack in London, see terror's new breeding ground - where young British Muslims are transformed to extremism."

Honestly! With power comes great responsibility, and here is a network who broadcasts the news to 300,000,000 in the United States do they not have a responsibility to present the facts and allow their viewers to make up their own minds? Rather than telling them in a manner that seems factual, that the UK is now the training place of the worlds terrorists?

Granted, these people may turn out to be British Muslim extremists, but nobody knows that, and nobody knows where or how they were trained.
Nazbit said:
There is no information about the nationality or religion of the people responsible for the two failed car bombs, or the incident in Glasgow today, yet CNN is running a special program tonight....

The witness who defended the policeman reported that the guy who was burning was shouting "Allah Allah Allah". Its on BBC News 24. In addition in the car were gas cannisters and so has been linked to the London Bomb attacks.

I agree one shouldnt jump to conclusions but its very very obvious that it was another Muslim attack (before the witness report). Who else has the motivation to do this?
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Chrisp7 said:
The witness who defended the policeman reported that the guy who was burning was shouting "Allah Allah Allah". Its on BBC News 24. In addition in the car were gas cannisters and so has been linked to the London Bomb attacks.

I agree one shouldnt jump to conclusions but its very very obvious that it was another Muslim attack (before the witness report). Who else has the motivation to do this?

Tam the janny,he wanted to put the heating on but he lost his couldnt see where he was going so crashed into the terminal. He wasnt shouting allah allah he was shouting AHHHH AHHH!!!!!! cause he was in so much pain.
kkthxbye said:
Been watching news all day remind me of 7/7 all over again, proud of how this country rejacts to things like this.

As in not really give a toss? stiff upper lip etc?
stiff upper lips yes, not giving a toss is abit harsh, id say closer to we are use to it maybe? hearing about it so much we do our bit (keep a look out, help the police where poss) and get on with life.
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