Golf Thread

Good 4&2 victory tonight in Singles tie (Corporation cup) - Giving away 1 shot against last years champion.

I was 5up after 8 holes... he was playing poorly. The he suddenly found his game - I was still 3 up on 14th when it probably swung finally.

He was putting for a 2 from about 15 ft. I was miles right chipping up a huge bank - played it well to about 12 ft, he putted and ran it by about 3ft. I just missed from 12ft so had a 4, he then missed the 3ft putt to half the hole.

He admitted after in his head he had won the hole, I admitted after, in my head I'd lost it!!

Good game, nice guy.

Presidents Putter comp (foursomes on Thursday night) - Local county knockout comp. We are playing as last years club foursomes champions. There is also two singles matches in the game in front so best of 3 games.
can I ask, if your driver is your most consistent club, why would you change that? driver for 90% of people is the club that is probably the hardest to hit well on a regular basis?
I've always hit driver well, this one does what all the others can do or did tbh.

Only reason to change is chasing the extra yardage and I fancy a change now and again.
Damn - hope you get it sorted....

With the swing video - two things that jump out to me - main one: You need to shorten that swing - you are WAY WAY too long in the back swing. Up to parallel maybe, but don't be going past there. You gain very little in distance, but loose so much control being that "long" - Look at Finau or Rahm - look where they top out their swing compared to yours...

Second - might be the angle of the video/camera - but you seem to take the club away massively outside the line. Need to be less up and out on the way back.

But mainly - that swing needs to be shorten for sure.

Not criticizing you - just pointing out a couple of very obvious things I see !!

Not at all, I'm glad to have the feedback.

Always felt that my back swing was too steep, think it needs shallowing out then, as well as shortening?
Not at all, I'm glad to have the feedback.

Always felt that my back swing was too steep, think it needs shallowing out then, as well as shortening?

Shorten it first - that's the biggest stand out for me.....

Like I say - look at Rahm/Finau and how short they are with backswing - yes they still have ridiculous power, but any pro will barely touch the parallel, most are short of that even.
@booyaka I have quite a long backswing, its weird, because when I don't give it a full swing I don't get the correct tempo, I think it allows me time to transfer the weight and strike the ball better, as if I try say a 70% swing my timing is more off, I tend to come in late and catch the ball fat.

Will be working on it though (if this ******* weather gets better here) and see how I get on.
Just take a look at any pro/high level amateur - Swing is almost NEVER past parallel - Shorter swing "usually" equals more control.

Not saying I know everything about the golf swing but a more compact swing will be more in control/balanced etc.
Just take a look at any pro/high level amateur - Swing is almost NEVER past parallel - Shorter swing "usually" equals more control.

Not saying I know everything about the golf swing but a more compact swing will be more in control/balanced etc.

oh yeah, I totally agree.

I don't have a Daly swing I don't think :p.

my biggest problem is speed, I need to slow my swing down a little bit, but its sooo hard to do, and feel out of my "rhythm" when trying to do so.

Sorry to keep harping on about the MLM, but its great with the camera, in practice mode, after your shot, it gives you telemetric on one side and a reply of your swing on the other, amazing stuff!
right guys, I might have found an issue with what's happening with the ball I used with the implemented dots, it could very well be the layers of coats on the balls, apparently none or one works better than say three or four.

if someone can tell me the best ball (with lack of coats) that would be awesome.

oh yeah, I totally agree.

I don't have a Daly swing I don't think :p.

my biggest problem is speed, I need to slow my swing down a little bit, but its sooo hard to do, and feel out of my "rhythm" when trying to do so.

Sorry to keep harping on about the MLM, but its great with the camera, in practice mode, after your shot, it gives you telemetric on one side and a reply of your swing on the other, amazing stuff!

I wouldn't rule out the problem being speed. Maybe worth getting a lesson to see if it's the speed/swing combo?

I'm over the moon with my driver swing/speed now - tried to slow it down on a 300 yard hole on Monday and was totally out of tempo so I'd say speed might not be the issue.

Works for me but different folks, different strokes and all that!
Strange how Golf has a way of evening out your successes and failures.

My distance issue is pretty much sorted. Finally have decent and reliable gapping between my irons and have added around 20-30 yards to each club respectively. The issue now is getting used to that. I now bring a lot of the fairway bunkers into range and often completely fly the greens because I'm so used to clubbing up to compensate for poor distance. Not the worst issues to have I suppose, but having the confidence to trust that I'm going to hit the ball better more often is going to take some getting used to.

Played yesterday and really missed Driver (cracked crown at range session over weekend). The front 9 of my local is playing so long because of the weather recently and was getting bored of trying to find plugged balls. Shot 98 in the end which I would have been overjoyed with a month ago. Weird how quickly you can become displeased with what once would have been a great result... Also forgot my putter which doesn't help :p
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maybe foolishly had a lesson yesterday after playing some of my best golf, certainly going to be a learning curve into the swing change but im sure if i can figure it out itll be worthwhile.
maybe foolishly had a lesson yesterday after playing some of my best golf, certainly going to be a learning curve into the swing change but im sure if i can figure it out itll be worthwhile.

It's never fun. Find myself planning lessons outside of when I'm meant to be playing with people as it's impossible to enforce without a bit of range practice. It's the most tired excuse going, "just changed my swing so this could go anywhere...".
well, my RPT balls came by RM today. All im waiting on are the "standard" Chrome Soft X balls to arrive, hopefully tomorrow / Sat.

It's never fun. Find myself planning lessons outside of when I'm meant to be playing with people as it's impossible to enforce without a bit of range practice. It's the most tired excuse going, "just changed my swing so this could go anywhere...".
Last 3/4 months I’ve got my handicap down from 19.8 to 17.0 and to be honest could be off around 15 if I played other courses.

The last few rounds even though my scoring has been decent I’ve just not felt like I’ve been striking the ball great and I’ve never been one to take a divot I pick the ball clean usually so it’s going to take some work.

The first 30 shots during my lesson were flushed as good as ever showing I was hitting down and low point 3-5inches past the ball which is unheard of for me however after that very sporadic, hopefully from me getting tired beating balls.
Last 3/4 months I’ve got my handicap down from 19.8 to 17.0 and to be honest could be off around 15 if I played other courses.

The last few rounds even though my scoring has been decent I’ve just not felt like I’ve been striking the ball great and I’ve never been one to take a divot I pick the ball clean usually so it’s going to take some work.

The first 30 shots during my lesson were flushed as good as ever showing I was hitting down and low point 3-5inches past the ball which is unheard of for me however after that very sporadic, hopefully from me getting tired beating balls.

yeah, well, i have just been on my sim, and I was losing around 8-10 yards on the cheap Slazenger compared to the Callaway CS X.

So yeah, balls play a massive factor. For sure.
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Played in President Putter Comp last night - local County club comp. We were at home.

3 matches on the course - 2 x Singles matchplay and 1 x foursomes. I was in the foursomes. (alternative shot, 1 ball between you)

Hard game - giving away 9 shots in 2 ball - Was 2 up after 12 but then we were giving away shots on 13/14/16/18.... Lost 2 up on the last. (they were only +2 for last 6 holes, with 4 shots, so technically -2 for last 6 holes playing off 11 and 20 handicaps)

20 handicapper hit the ball as well as I've ever seen someone off that number play.... Nuked his 3 wood about 240 off the tee or the deck everytime.

So we lost but both our singles won - So into the next round with a 2-1 win.....
Played my first round on Sunday, just a 9 hole. Played horrendous as expected, didn't bother keeping count. Still very much enjoyed it though, went back out last night to a par 3 9 hole and played much better, still terrible but the initial change of playing on grass/varying ground vs a mat at the range I seem to be adjusting too already. First round was me treating the rough like normal and grabbing a 5 iron or so just get closer to the green, last night I tried just using a 9 iron or pitching wedge to get back to the fairway and it worked out much better overall for me. I have 0 consistency with my driver/hybrids and its a struggle to ever get a good connection for me and hit it straight. My shot is so short with them its worth trying to use them on the 200yd holes but I just kept hitting it 100yds or into the rough.

Not much to some of you but was pretty happy I managed to get a bogey on one of the holes last night. I choked my first putt for a par but made it on the 2nd try atleast.

Getting booked in for some more lessons/an actual playing lesson. I've got the itch to get some proper clubs fitted but I just know my game is not good enough to warrant it atm.

Heading back out to the same par 3 on sunday morning, really loving it all so far though. Any tips/advice for a new guy would be appreciated.
@Snookums that's great! Glad you enjoyed it, that really is the main thing. Keep at it and make sure to implement your lessons in practice and you'll see a lot more consistency. Was in a similar position to yourself last year after having not played for maybe 20 years, worst score was 136, now I almost consistently break 50/100.

Only tip I'd give is don't throw everything in the bag if you don't feel you can use it yet. Take clubs you feel comfortable hitting, even if it means hitting a 7 iron off the tee. You just want to stay out of the trouble and save money on lost balls when you start out. Don't get complicated around the greens, just get it on for a putt. I loved to over complicate things when I started by using all different types of wedges, you only really need a SW and PW, everything else is bump and run at this stage. Get in on the green as efficiently as possible, doesn't matter what you use.

BIGGEST tip is don't get frustrated, there's no point at the moment, not until you can understand what might have gone wrong with your swing etc. Just play and have a good time :)
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