Played my society game today, they keep their own handicaps and I was on 40, it "should've" been higher as the scores for the last round which I struggled at hadn't been entered/applied, anyway the ground is a lot drier now and I've been largely playing ok so decided to play my 'joker' (one round a year, declared in advance, doubles score basically)...
Best round to date

strokeplay wise it was 96, +27, first time ever under 100

Front nine was also a 46 so best ever 9 as well.
Stableford that was 49, got the win (although second was 45!), our team won as well with 3 of the 4 scoring >40
Good day all around

It wasn't even that clean really just recovered well when I did make a poor shot, kept my head down and putted well. 1.8 putts average, 3 pars, 7 bogeys.
Got the golfpairs comp at St. Pierre in Mathern on Tuesday, gonna try to get to the range tomorrow as I was a bit off with my irons generally, leaking right, but on the basis of that it might actually be ok