Out for the monthly Society game today, played my 'joker' (the year long competition is 8 best scores + joker, you need to declare it before the round) and shock of shocks I scored 38 points. 4th game this year and 4th time scoring 38 points, consistency at least
And yet, my game is very much not consistent these days... Several no-score holes but then crazy stuff like the 2nd hole, nearest to the pin hole so par 3, 2 shots for me with my current handicap, hit a stunning 9 Iron to about 2 foot from the hole, made the birdie, so won nearest to the pin and got 5 points on one hole!!!
Second on the day, winner got 42, but still gonna be easily leading the competition so good times
And yet, my game is very much not consistent these days... Several no-score holes but then crazy stuff like the 2nd hole, nearest to the pin hole so par 3, 2 shots for me with my current handicap, hit a stunning 9 Iron to about 2 foot from the hole, made the birdie, so won nearest to the pin and got 5 points on one hole!!!
Second on the day, winner got 42, but still gonna be easily leading the competition so good times
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