I did a set with my driver first, was kinda planning to do another set at the end but lost track of time so that didn't happen, from that set I think it was ~186 carry average, 3100rpm spin (+/- 550 ish), rolling to just over 200 according to the trackman. Bit shorter averages than I've seen on the GCQuad indoors which were around 192 carry but not a million miles away.
On a bit of a tangent I swear I swing better/faster out on the course as I 'know' I've carried it >210, but I guess that's also a 'good one'.
The final GT3 setup was I think carrying about ~198, spinning 2300 iirc and rolling out to 220. So on those numbers a very healthy increase in distance and all the '+/-' numbers were showing a tighter consistency.
One of the last bits I did, or he requested, was 'hard swings' so rather than the kinda measured swings to the point trying to get consistency I pushed it a bit and clubhead speed which had been around 88-91 for most shots (all combos, including my existing driver) I hit at least one at 96.4 clubhead which carried 220, pretty straight too. Did feel with that setup that I could go at it a bit more 'freely' without having to try to force the face/delivery, with my existing one if I close the face 'too much' it's a huge pull.
It'd be real interesting to game that tbh, dunno anywhere that does demo clubs though