I've been going to the local 18 hole course now for a few months and I'm sick of having to rent out a half set of rubbish clubs; I think that it's about time that I invested in some clubs. I don't have a massive budget and I don't think that my skills warrant anything too good.
I've found this set of Wilson Prostaff clubs that can be bought individually in Sports Direct/Golf Warehouse UK for ~£16-40 a club that look to be half decent: http://www.wilson.com/wilson/golf/product2010.jsp?CONTENT%3C%3Ecnt_id=10134198674754148&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302760559&bmLocale=en_GB. Do you think that it would be a decent set of starter clubs?
Is there a reason you want to buy new? I didn't even consider new clubs when I started playing again .. get so much more for your money 2nd hand, and they're not the kind of thing that generally "wear out".
I got my Ping i3s, full set including SW, for £100 in excellent condition. They're the right setup for me and the grips are like new.
Just a thought.