Good news for Scotland (and the rest of us)..

This thread sums up how divisive she was. I hope their next leader is someone that can bring everyone together within Scotland and out and avoid division again within Scotland and out.
This thread sums up how divisive she was. I hope their next leader is someone that can bring everyone together within Scotland and out and avoid division again within Scotland and out.

Impossible, just like how Brexit has divided the country - Scottish independence has.

You've got the ultranats who blame Westminister for everything and believe that Scotland can only ever prosper as an independent country.
You've got the flag waving Unionists who hate Sturgeon, and love the King and Queen with such enduring love they refuse to ever be split from them.

Both of these groups are cults, and are very large. There are those who don't care, but probably won't vote. And there are then a group who are open to persuasion but no one is answering these calls. Probably because they can't.

You'll never bridge this gap and you won't bring one side onboard with the other. The only hope is that there is a silent majority which rule with such a large margin one way or the other that it can't be considered. And that's before you consider things like Brexit.
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Irrelevant. This is an issue that has UK wide implications and thus the SNP had no right to pursue a separate policy, but they did anyway because many in the SNP think they can act like Scotland is already independent.
You'd prefer them to kowtow to every whim that the bubble in Westminster ordains? That doesn't seem sensible for a party whose whole MO is it's expulsion from it.

Regardless of the content of the legislation the fact that they actually did something, anything at all versus the legislative chaos that has gridlocked Whitehall for years is not something to be so meekly thrown away.
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This thread sums up how divisive she was. I hope their next leader is someone that can bring everyone together within Scotland and out and avoid division again within Scotland and out.

Not sure Ruth Davidson wants to come back - there isn't really anyone else.
It's funny how the 'vote Brexit to get our sovereignty back' crowd are bitterly opposed to Scotland getting her sovereignty back.

Scotland had its vote back in 2014, in more favorable conditions to hoodwink the Scottish electorate that it might be a good idea to leave the UK, and the indy side lost.

The UK had a vote on EU membership, again arguably at a time favorable for a leave vote when the UK economy wasn't too bad and the previous year had seen the bad press following on from the mishandling of the migrant surge principally by Merkle who spoke and acted as if she was ruler of Europe, and the UK, as a whole, voted to leave the EU.

Had the EU vote gone 'the other way' then the UK goverment would currently not be entertaining any re run. Boris would have released the other video/ newspaper article etc he had prepared saying that membership the EU was always a good idea and that he had always been a proud supporter of the EU and UKIP and Co would be back to being fringe movements.

But with Scotland we are supposed to entertain round two less than a decade afterwards... all when the negative consequences of such folly should be mote apparent!
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Scotland had its vote back in 2014, in more favorable conditions to hoodwink the Scottish electorate that it might be a good idea to leavethr UK, and the indy side lost.

The UK had a vote on EU membership, again arguably at a time favorable for a leave vote when the UK economy wasn't too bad and the previous year had seen the bad press following on from the mishandling of the migrant surge principally by Merkle who spoke and acted as if she was ruler of Europe, and the UK, as a whole, voted to leave the EU.

Had the EU vote gone 'the other way' then the UK goverment would currently not be entertaining any re run. Boris would have released the other video/ newspaper article etc he had prepared saying that membership the EU was always a good idea and that he had always been a proud supporter of the EU and UKIP and Co would be back to being fringe movements.

But with Scotland we are supposed to entertain round two less than a decade afterwards... all when the negative consequences of such folly should be mote apparent!
Really now? Pretty sure Farage et al said they would continue to fight for another referendum if they'd lost.
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Under all the hot air and independence rhetoric you'll actually find a very under performing Scottish government - I am no Yes supporter, but for them to stand a chance they need to peel the movement away from the SNP as the performance of the government isn't helping their cause.

I do think a lot of this has come about because she decided the Gender Bill was a great way to coax Westminster into getting involved so she could point to how the Scottish Government doesn't have the power to govern in the current devolved state but seriously misjudged public opinion about the issue.
This thread sums up how divisive she was. I hope their next leader is someone that can bring everyone together within Scotland and out and avoid division again within Scotland and out.

She needed to be 'divisive' but got the axis of the division completely wrong in the end.

Her brief was astonishingly simple.

1) try not to **** up what you are doing domestically

2) create sufficient animosity to Westminster and division between the Scottish voting population and the rest of the UK such that you could realistically demand and win another referendum vote.

And against one of the most unstable and unpopular of Tory govements in years she still somehow manged to mess up her simple task by pursuing things such a widely unpopular, with the public, amendedment to an already incoherent piece of UK legislation which would obviously open the legal fiction it generated up for greater opportunity for abuse.
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But with Scotland we are supposed to entertain round two less than a decade afterwards... all when the negative consequences of such folly should be mote apparent!

But we all know Brexit is just the convenient excuse to demand another referendum on Independence.

If we'd remained in the EU, they'd have simply found another (manufactured) grievance to demand one.
Nicola Sturgeon was a hard pill to swallow sometimes but she almost always was for what was good for Scotland. I'm not her biggest fan but she is better than the alternatives available so this is quite a loss tbh. And the whole independence dropping off a cliff is hilarious its never been stronger but then the union lovers would say that.

Not sure the Scottish education system or health service would agree. She should have proved she was up to making a success of what really matters to most to convince people she could take on more with independence.
This thread sums up how divisive she was. I hope their next leader is someone that can bring everyone together within Scotland and out and avoid division again within Scotland and out.

The thread doesn't really prove that at all. This forum has more than it's fair share of right wing frothers and she certainly isn't very popular with that demographic. What this thread tells us is that English people think their opinion of Sturgeon is in any way accurate or relevant - suggesting that Sturgeon was bad news for Scotland when she presided over overwhelming electoral success is just about as false as it could be.

Sturgeon's successor will be divisive because politics is divisive.
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