^^^This, is certainly more articulately put than I can be arsed to put it...
My issue isnt with anyone, I'm very much in the 'dont be a ****' boat, I don't care who you are, where you're from or who you lay down with, but when shows suck, and have large chunk of 'The MessageTM' and little else, and then their failure is blamed on people being anti-XYZ then thats just BS, a crap show is a crap show...
But there’s a difference between ‘a show is bad’ and ‘a show is bad because of the message’.
“The message” doesn’t inherently make a show bad, nor does it make it good. There’s been plenty of heterosexual relationships in shows that don’t make sense or aren’t believable because of being poorly written and/or acted. There’s also many shows that don’t have any romantic relationships and are poor. Yet in both cases posters can discuss the faults and their causes in depth.
Yet shows, like this, just get it’s bad because of the message. Or worse, I’m not going to watch something because of the message. At that point people’s bias’ starts to show.