Oh man, how can a show start so well and end so badly?
Episodes 1 and 2 were brilliant and a sheer joy to watch. The performances from Sheen and Tennant were outstanding, world-class, and the interaction relationship between them was genuinely amusing and touching. I also loved the build-up with the nunnery and the baby swapping, it was so well written, well directed and so very, very British.
Then all of a sudden the children came on the scene, and the show took a massive dive in quality and writing quality (the show writing quality, not the book it is based on). I understand it is based on the book which is pre-defined but I assume there was some room for interpretation and it was clear that the director lost it somewhere along the line, turning a dark and adult atmosphere into a cheesy kids show with the occasional swearie. All of a sudden the sharp, intelligent and atmosperically religious vibe took a downturn, the acting became cheesier, the portrayal of hell and the Demons was imo awfully done, and the special effects were ropey and cheap-looking. It's like the budget and energy was used in the first two episodes.
Highly disappointing for the potential it had.
Episodes 1-2 - 9/10
Episodes 3-5 - 6/10.