Google employees given Google Nexus

Just quietly - after playing with it for a while and seeing it in everyday use I'd drop my Hero for it in a moment. I'm just not ready to hand over £400 for the privilage.

Having said that, if it becomes available on T-Mobile I might consider it. However the Bravo still interests me more design wise.
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One thing that would stop be from getting this is the facebook syncing that the Hero does in the people app.

I like having all my friends photos automatically collected and applied to my contacts! I don't know if this is a HTC thing or a Google thing but this is what I would still want.
It's a HTC thing but you if you long press anywhere on the desktop and add a folder, you can select the option to have a Facebook Contacts folder.
These look amazing :)

Might have to wait for these to come out to replace my HTC Touch Diamond2 :eek:
Really want to get an Android phone and looks like this is going to be a massive step up with the CPU & nice that it has 5MP camera :D
Seems the Nexus One doesn't record 720P but is in fact DVD resolution (720x480) so it SEEMS the HTC Bravo specs me better the Nexus One as the Bravo does have official specs out and it states 720P HD.

Hmmm I think the Bravo looks nicer too.

Both phones should run the same due to using the same cpu/chipsets.
Seems the Nexus One doesn't record 720P but is in fact DVD resolution (720x480) so it SEEMS the HTC Bravo specs me better the Nexus One as the Bravo does have official specs out and it states 720P HD.

Hmmm I think the Bravo looks nicer too.

Both phones should run the same due to using the same cpu/chipsets.

Prefer the look of the Nexus One :(
The Bravo follows the HTC looks trend though!

Without being told I'd have thought the Nexus One was in fact a Moto at first glance!
Seems the Nexus One doesn't record 720P but is in fact DVD resolution (720x480) so it SEEMS the HTC Bravo specs me better the Nexus One as the Bravo does have official specs out and it states 720P HD.

Hmmm I think the Bravo looks nicer too.

Both phones should run the same due to using the same cpu/chipsets.

the bravo also supports div-x so it's entirely possible that the hardware is capable just not being enabled or coded into android, htc needs something to make people buy the bravo over the nexus one. Those two features don't really bother me if the price is right on the nexus one :)

edit: if I'm not mistaken the snapdragon chipset is capable of 720p recording /edit

I'm 50/50 on the looks, I would prefer the nexus one to not have the silly ball and have the optical like on (some of) the htc models. But other than that it could be ok. I don't like the physical buttons on the bravo as they're unbalanced.
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Likelyhood of this being available in the UK (not through network stores obviously, but from somewhere like Expansys) by the middle of Feb?
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you should be able to use google checkout to buy one and have it imported then just pay any taxes etc once it arrives - estimated £450ish total with VAT, import tax and delivery etc assuming the US price is $530 and no 'UK' option
This doesn't really look too exciting for me. Im sure it will be good but I was expecting something far more "revolutionary" than what has been delivered.

Still, will be interesting to see the verdicts from the various big review sites!
For anyone interested Engadget have got a unit in for review (early)
initial impressions etc are at the link below :)

Well I think this is probably the phone which jumps ahead of the iphone 3gs. No doubt that after a few months the price will also be a lot better than the 3gs.

Will be interesting to see what improvements Apple make in the summer. One of the things they will probably do is fall back on their claim that multitasking on phones isn't necessary.

This doesn't really look too exciting for me. Im sure it will be good but I was expecting something far more "revolutionary" than what has been delivered.

Still, will be interesting to see the verdicts from the various big review sites!

Phones are pretty advanced now. I'm not sure what else there is to develop beyond simply adding processing power (and hence the type of applications which can be used) with each new iteration.
you should be able to use google checkout to buy one and have it imported then just pay any taxes etc once it arrives - estimated £450ish total with VAT, import tax and delivery etc assuming the US price is $530 and no 'UK' option

Was hoping more along the lines of a bundled contract deal like Expansys's TMobile Milestone deal...
Phones are pretty advanced now. I'm not sure what else there is to develop beyond simply adding processing power (and hence the type of applications which can be used) with each new iteration.

You are quite right really. Aside from ramping up the hardware more and more (which is inevitable), its coming down to software dev's to get some good stuff out there for the platforms (Android, Maemo, WinMO, iPhone etc).
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