Finally a new franco kernel yay.
Tried that. Went to Settings>calls>voicemail and the only option is adding/changing the voicemail number. Nothing in Marshmallow itself gives clues on this functionality.
Maybe it's something that will be rolled out later but as of now that can't find anything to enable it regardless of whether the carrier supports it or not. Shame really!
Since Marshmallow I have noticed that if I adjust the audio in for example a video, the pop down volume notification wont automatically disappear unless I press the screen.
This is pretty annoying as this causes some videos to pause or other screens to pop up.
Has anyone else noticed this or got an obvious fix?
6.0 OTA appeared for me last night on the Nexus 6. Nothing on the N7 (2013) yet. First impressions are everything seems super smooth and fast, even more so than 5.1. But maybe this is just a placebo effect. Haven't really seen enough to know if the battery will perform better.
Still very tempted by an upgrade to one of the new Nexus phones but I don't need it particularly with this. Still wish that Google would built a simply battery percentage into stock Android.
There is battery %age in M
What I would personally like is an option that iOS and Samsung Touchwiz has, namely to have the number and the percentage next to the battery icon. Similar to the how Android displays the percentage when charging or if you swipe down on the notification bar.
Cheers Mattey.kona786 first day it seems just as good as the lollipop builds, although I'll need wait a few days to get a decent judgement on battery.
That option would be nice for the people that want it, but personally I like it the way it is.
I'm just surprised that there isn't something better in vanilla Android, that's all.
I think a lot of things can always be improved, and for me this is one of them. But clearly we disagree so I'll shut up!
I don't like just the bar either. Try the app Battery Percent Enabler.
Served me well.