No other phone has the rounded specs of the Nexus 6. Why look else where, every phone has a fault one way or another.
A note 4 with stock android would have very little in the way of faults though.
A note 4 with stock android would have very little in the way of faults though.
Got an S3 for free which I've just put cyanogenmod on, vast improvement over my desire HD. Not so desperate for a new phone now so will see how it goes with the encryption/performance issues on nexus 6.
Though if google refuse to make encryption optional and you need a custom ROM to do it that somewhat defeats the point of having the nexus 6.
but it doesn't come with stock android and many will take this on via a contract and be too worried to mod it.
I'm pretty sure the encryption will get addressed
There was a screen shot on the blogs today of Android 5.1 seen in a Dutch or Belgian location if memory serves. Says it is not a major upgrade but fixing bugs and quirks. Looks like Google will be wasting no time in addressing any Nexus issues.
There was a screen shot on the blogs today of Android 5.1 seen in a Dutch or Belgian location if memory serves. Says it is not a major upgrade but fixing bugs and quirks. Looks like Google will be wasting no time in addressing any Nexus issues.
Anandtech suggest the screen isn't very good
"Overall, the Nexus 6 display is quite poor relative to the displays on other smartphones like the Galaxy Note 4, iPhone 6, and HTC One (M7). It's also a definite regression from the display on the Nexus 5, which is concerning given the fact that the Nexus 6 is $300 more expensive."