GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Sorry, I wasn't very clear. What I meant was, does SL give good gains over all the muscle groups, or does it just focus on just the muscle groups required to lift big weights? For example, I need strong(er) calves, should I be supplementing stronglifts with the calf press machine? Are there any areas that stronglifts don't hit?

I think you just answered me though :p
tbh you've picked the only functional muscle that doesn't get hit by SL, you barsteward ;)

If your calfs really are lacking, some form of calf raise would help.

What makes you think they are weak? Are they painful? If so that's something else.
Haha, I was only picking a random example! They aren't particularly weak, I just want more power for races. Then again I could just do more biking I guess..

Anyway, you've convinced me, I'll switch to SL for a while and see how it goes, thanks.
Just back from a brilliant run. Just shy of 2.5 miles but that's the longest I've run since my injury :D Feeling absolutely great and wasn't really out of puff or feeling it in the legs, I just felt shattered by the end.
Really silly question from a beginner, admittedly:

I often did weights and feel no pain/soreness/stifness the next day. I used to get this a lot and thought it was good because I could actually feel the workout the next day.

Now it's not the case, my arms are hurting less after a workout, even thought I've only recentely upped the weights by a kg or two.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is this to be expected as I'm getting stronger?

Silly I know, but the fact that my arms don't ache makes me feel like I'm not doing enough!
Really silly question from a beginner, admittedly:

I often did weights and feel no pain/soreness/stifness the next day. I used to get this a lot and thought it was good because I could actually feel the workout the next day.

Now it's not the case, my arms are hurting less after a workout, even thought I've only recentely upped the weights by a kg or two.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is this to be expected as I'm getting stronger?

Silly I know, but the fact that my arms don't ache makes me feel like I'm not doing enough!
The only thing you are doing wrong is working out your arms
Quick one guys, only got Tues/Weds/Thurs for gym this week.
Am I better off doing upper body on Tues/lower body on Thurs (with tuesday being a monster session) or can I get away with:

Tues - Back & Biceps. Weds - Legs & Abs. Thurs - Chest/Shoulders/Tri

Really not sure hitting legs day after back is a great idea!
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Right a few quick questions from someone considering doing something to build muscle.

Currently I'm about 19.5st and i'd say 30+% bodyfat. I've been running sporadically for a few months to gradually get my fitness levels up (it's taking a looooong time) but would really like to improve my body from being a wobbly massive deadweight into something my girlfriend can enjoy :p

SO. Can I do anything from this position or do I need to shed a few stone first?

I can't afford a gym, I have a set of york weights I bought a few years back and never really used, otherwise it's just going to be stuff I can use in the house, and I don't have room or money for a big set up.

Essentially the worst possible position to be starting from, fat, skint and little equipment.

Any advice on how to get started would be gratefully received.
After a bit of advice...

I'm pretty active, not so much weights, but I cycle around 60 miles a week as well as kickboxing/circuit training 2/3 nights. Don't seem to ever gain any weight or muscle. Started to monitor my calorie intake...

I'm 5ft10 and weigh around 66kg managing 2.2-2.5k calories and 100-150g of protein a day. Reckon I should get in one of these shakes? Seems like maximuscle progain fits the bill?
If you want to gain muscle, you'll want to be doing more than cycle and box. You need to start lifting weights. And especially with how active you are i'd imagine you need more like 3000 calories to gain weight, i.e eat more. Shakes are a supplement, get the base diet sorted then decide if you need shakes to get that little extra. For example i get ~300 calories(out of my ~3500), 75g protein a day from shakes because it's an easier and cheaper alternative to another meal.
tl;dr Shakes aren't the magic solution to getting big :)
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