GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Not happy today, I went down to my gym and they've finally replaced all the machines. Good you might think but you'd be wrong. While the old machines were looking a bit worse for wear at least they all worked as they were supposed to. I can only imagine how the board meeting went: "We're looking for machines that are anatomically opposed to anything the human body can do..... wait, what's that Jenkins, you think you can dislocate someones shoulder with a simple chest press? Excellent work m'boy.".

On the bright side they do now have a squat rack and somewhere I might be able to do chin-ups as long as people stop using them just to sit on.
Not happy today, I went down to my gym and they've finally replaced all the machines. Good you might think but you'd be wrong. While the old machines were looking a bit worse for wear at least they all worked as they were supposed to. I can only imagine how the board meeting went: "We're looking for machines that are anatomically opposed to anything the human body can do..... wait, what's that Jenkins, you think you can dislocate someones shoulder with a simple chest press? Excellent work m'boy.".

On the bright side they do now have a squat rack and somewhere I might be able to do chin-ups as long as people stop using them just to sit on.

lol, nice post
indeed, though medium paced cardio is fine, he has been told plenty that HIIT is counter productive to the purpose of the weights.
he is seeing the results that keep him happy though, so who are we to argue!

Well he's reaping those newbie gains :D i got my biceps to 42cm within 2 months of training, 4 months on and im up a half a CM woo.....hooo! lol
Hey, I have been skimming throught this thread and GordyR's original post has been very helpful and some of the following posts have also been helpful, so thanks to GordyR and ther posters.

I have recently decided to get my body in shape cause over the last few years I have let myself go and because of lack of excercise and poor diet I have put on wieght. I would consider myself overwieght but not obese. I am 18 Years old, roughly 6"1, 102kg and I don't know my BF% but I guess it is 20%-30%.

My current routine is:- (http://www.jaycutler.com/sub/training_beginner.html)

Day1 - Chest & Tri
Day2 - Back & Bi
Day3 - Legs & Abs
Day4 - Calfs, Traps & Shoulders
Day5 - Rest

I Have been doing this since the first of this month (1/10/07). After every session I do roughly 30 mins on the bike, Level 10 and try and stay over 100rpm and HR over 160.

My diet is good atm, 6 small meals. Most days 3 of which are protein shakes.

Does anyone have any tips on fat loss? I have a lot of free time because I have no job at the moment so can do pritty much anything any time. The only problem is transport because I can't drive but I can always get the bus or walk (gym 30 min walk from house) so not to much of a problem.

If you need to know any more just ask away!

Thank you in advance and sorry if there is poor spelling :D
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Well he's reaping those newbie gains :D i got my biceps to 42cm within 2 months of training, 4 months on and im up a half a CM woo.....hooo! lol

My biceps are 17 inches. Im not looking to make any more gains that way. Hardly newbie gains when it comes to body fat loss. I've went from like 26% down to 22% (roughly) and lost about 2 stone. K.
My biceps are 17 inches. Im not looking to make any more gains that way. Hardly newbie gains when it comes to body fat loss. I've went from like 26% down to 22% (roughly) and lost about 2 stone. K.

yes it is newbie 'gains'. its the most productive period in your training life, the honeymoon / newbie period.
My biceps are 17 inches. Im not looking to make any more gains that way. Hardly newbie gains when it comes to body fat loss. I've went from like 26% down to 22% (roughly) and lost about 2 stone. K.

17 inches? How the hell you get that without bulk training? 43 cm is pretty darn decent for untrained imo considering your only 6'2" you must have monster genes!
17 inches? How the hell you get that without bulk training? 43 cm is pretty darn decent for untrained imo considering your only 6'2" you must have monster genes!

its probably not all muscle ;] he has a higher fat % than me and my arms have plenty of fat on them.
17 inches? How the hell you get that without bulk training? 43 cm is pretty darn decent for untrained imo considering your only 6'2" you must have monster genes!

Some of the higher percentage fat or w.e could do with that but in all honesty when I flex it it's pretty solid from the top of the biceps round to the back of the tricep. Dunno about monster genes lol but I do have a pretty huge chest, which is also solid. (not sure on exact measurements) In all honesty, any excess of body fat is stored in my lower stomach as my midriff already has my abs showing through. My forearms are pretty big but when tensed it's solid again.

By the end of the this month im hoping BF% to be under 20%. That 22% was taken a few weeks back, but some of you will say it's not 100% accurate but it's a rough estimate.
what are your lifts like out of interest?

Uh, well my routine has changed atm, just for a month then I'll go back to my other, doing my current one just to build endurance as well as strength 5x5 and 3x30, on different days of course.

Bench Press 100KG, Squats 140-150KG, Deadlifts I do 130KG, can do more but kinda paranoid if I increase it a lot then something might pop, I always watch my back. Bicep Curls 50KG total. Pec flys on incline 30KG each hand. Lateral raise machine, think it's 127KG. Leg Curls, the full stack (119KG), Leg extensions same amount. Leg presses I don't do I do calf raises on the same machine though which it is fine for, do that on 207KG but the gyms max on the stack is 178KG but I have to pile up extra 7.5KG weights from around the place, still could do with more but I don't want to bust the machine.

Thats about it. I do about 30KG each hand whilst doing the shoulder press but I could do more but in all honesty I find it quite hard to pull the dumbells up into position :( gotta work on that I guess, but im not the only one luckily.
I think you've been told a bunch of times to stop doing cardio after weights, why is it you fly in the face of good advice?

Okay I want to come back to this and I want you to explain it because really you don't understand the thousand different things I get told and what I read, what to believe?

Now as you KNOW im cutting, however I still do weight training as, first of all I like it and second of all it's all benefits to it, there is no downside to it. Now onto my proper question, are you saying that if I did weight training ONLY I'd lose the body fat? I wouldn't lose it fast, I know but thats what im asking. Or are you saying if I want to lose the body fat, drop the weight training and just do cardio, or do cardio on seperate days?
Okay I want to come back to this and I want you to explain it because really you don't understand the thousand different things I get told and what I read, what to believe?

Now as you KNOW im cutting, however I still do weight training as, first of all I like it and second of all it's all benefits to it, there is no downside to it. Now onto my proper question, are you saying that if I did weight training ONLY I'd lose the body fat? I wouldn't lose it fast, I know but thats what im asking. Or are you saying if I want to lose the body fat, drop the weight training and just do cardio, or do cardio on seperate days?

you are cutting, which for most people means you are trying to lose body fat and keep lean muscle.
doing HIIT after a weights workout is counterproductive, your body will be in a state which will be eating away at your muscle for energy (at a basic level). medium pace exercise for a short period of time after weights will keep to burning fat.

HIIT on its own is fantastic if fuelled correctly.

if you just want to lose weight, then weights followed by hiit would be a good way of doing it, burning muscle and fat :]
Definitely do cardio after weight training. By doing the weights first, you deplete your body of glycogen. Once depleted, your body can burn fat efficiently.
source- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/animalpak19.htm

Looking at your current argument against SK07 doing cardio after weights what are your thoughts on this? Not saying your points are wrong or right just came across this and wondered what people thought.

Edit: Just re-read some points made and I don't know if you are referring to just HIIT or cardio completely.
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you are cutting, which for most people means you are trying to lose body fat and keep lean muscle.
doing HIIT after a weights workout is counterproductive, your body will be in a state which will be eating away at your muscle for energy (at a basic level). medium pace exercise for a short period of time after weights will keep to burning fat.

HIIT on its own is fantastic if fuelled correctly.

if you just want to lose weight, then weights followed by hiit would be a good way of doing it, burning muscle and fat :]

Okay im not arguing, more critisizing for my own know how. Now wouldn't it only burn into muscle if you were doing it A LOT and I mean a lot. If im doing like 6-10 minutes per session it's not really over-kill is it?

Also so you are saying if I just do medium pace exercise? okay I'll give you an example, fast walking on the treadmill at 0 incline for 20 minutes. Something like that? Im really just look for the most efficient way to burn the body fat, obviously I want to try preserve as much muscle mass as possible...

And another thing, do you reckon I should do an hour of cardio on a seperate day? even if it's low intensity?

Also I remember you said your 19 stone, and you have less body fat than me so you must have a hell of a lot of muscle mass.
source- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/animalpak19.htm

Looking at your current argument against SK07 doing cardio after weights what are your thoughts on this? Not saying your points are wrong or right just came across this and wondered what people thought.

Edit: Just re-read some points made and I don't know if you are referring to just HIIT or cardio completely.

In all honesty what helped me to lose quite a bit of body fat/weight was my diet. Diet is more than half of it imo. Combined with exercise, nothing can stop you. I did cardio months back, pure cardio but had quite a crappy diet, didn't gain, didn't lose.

I still reckon cardio is fine after weight training, obviously not before as you will tire yourself out but afterwards some cardio should be fine. Even just 10-15 minutes of walking or jogging. I still stand by that because it's done me no harm.

Also Morba, what is your opinion on circuit training for fat burning? (I'll define it if needed).
source- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/animalpak19.htm

Looking at your current argument against SK07 doing cardio after weights what are your thoughts on this? Not saying your points are wrong or right just came across this and wondered what people thought.

Edit: Just re-read some points made and I don't know if you are referring to just HIIT or cardio completely.

My points are about HIIT specifically, though I did put 'medium pace exercise for a short period of time after weights will keep to burning fat.'

Ah, sounds good. Cheers for makin that clearer for me cause I was gonna start doing HIIT after wieghts cause I heard it was better for fat loss but after finding med paced cardio would be better to stop the reduction of muscle mass when cutting then I will leave the HIIT for another time (sperate day or afternoon if morning training or morning if afternoon training).
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