Got £200 to spend on speakers

Alexrose1uk said:

Check this link. Its an auction finishing in an hour for some Mordaunt 902 (not the 902i) but all my reseach when I was looking for my mate suggests they're just as good as the 902i, which is basically a refresh. You might be able to get the speakers for £80 inc delivery!


10 minutes left... How come there not selling? How much shall I bid? How much are they worth?

squiffy said:
That's way too much! I would pay £70-£80 excluding postage. I've never heard them going so you're taking a chance as well.

I mean't £110 including postage. Ill bid £90. See what happens.
They've won a few best buy awards AFAIK. As long as they work fine, they shiould be worth 80ish :) Leaves more money for your amp. Richer sounds are selling an A5 ex-display on the bay too :) Then just order £10 of cabling and your away :)
ok. Do you have a amp? I'll be £89. he he he :D you'll still win in but have to pay extra even though you'll have won it anyway, at the lower price. Evil :D

Read the reviews about the speakers you just bought and be even happier :)

'General Comments
These Mordaunt Short 902s are the first speakers I have ever purchased and they are simply excellent. They have an wonderful bass and the treble is sharp. I've been listening to SACD on them and the music really fills the room. They really are lively and accurate.'

As long as you can cope with having controlled, tight bass not the phat bass puke of a pc sound system sub, you should like those. They;re meant to emphasise the treble and vocals a little, so partnered with a nice warm mid-low liking amp (the cambridge's are a bit like that) and you should be happy :D
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are the first speakers I have ever purchased and they are simply excellent.

No offense, but that's a useless review. ie "I have bought my first Hi-Fi, Bose Lifestyle, it sounds great although I'm ignorent of what other setups sound like"
I never said it was a great review, but our buyer hasnt used a great deal of speakers and hi-fi's. I selected this quote, because it summed up the first time opinion of a new buyer, to give an idea of how people feel about these, if perhaps they're not used to hi-fi audio equipment. A lot of first time buyers wouldnt notice the more refined aspects of higher end audio equipment, you almost have to train it, but they will notice if it sounds decidedly cack.

It also summed up quite nicely sentiments expressed in other reviews on thier and on the net - not the best speaker, but not a bad one at all for the price.

Although put Bose out of this please :( it sounds *ok* (and I say that in the most demeaning manner), but thier fascination with making every speaker the size of a pinhead ruins how it sounds, not to mention the price! :eek:
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squiffy said:
ok. Do you have a amp? I'll be £89. he he he :D you'll still win in but have to pay extra even though you'll have won it anyway, at the lower price. Evil :D

Could you explain that please? Ive got a standard 2 channel amp ill run them on in the mean time. :)
Alexrose1uk said:

Read the reviews about the speakers you just bought and be even happier :)

'General Comments
These Mordaunt Short 902s are the first speakers I have ever purchased and they are simply excellent. They have an wonderful bass and the treble is sharp. I've been listening to SACD on them and the music really fills the room. They really are lively and accurate.'

As long as you can cope with having controlled, tight bass not the phat bass puke of a pc sound system sub, you should like those. They;re meant to emphasise the treble and vocals a little, so partnered with a nice warm mid-low liking amp (the cambridge's are a bit like that) and you should be happy :D

Those reviews are very positive :)

Damn proud of my purchase and the inspirater here (You)

Yeah defiantly going for the A5, fits all the criteria, and Richer Sounds put a similar amp together in one of their hifi separates combo sales. (With the 90")
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Heheh, when you get it all placed, wired etc, let us knowwhat you think. As the reviews and my mate noticed, you do get more bass if you place the speakers close to the wall. If you do get a better amp as well, let us know what you think of that too :D
Alexrose1uk said:
@ Carl:

Finishing tomorrow :) If you get that for around £100, you can then spend the last £20 on a connector (headphone jack to l/r phono) and some speaker cables (NOT Bellwire :P)

Yeah man

Get some decent cable and a connecter.

Ive had a lot of experiance with high end DJ gear, nexo, etc. I know what good quality empraises in music, i wanted it deep down at heart.

I will keep an eye on that amp for the time being. Hopefully it wont go for more than £100 im happy to pay that. I have a Richer Sounds store local to me, so i could purchase one in store.

I think some nice stands will be on the order soon.
Alexrose1uk said:
Heheh, when you get it all placed, wired etc, let us knowwhat you think. As the reviews and my mate noticed, you do get more bass if you place the speakers close to the wall. If you do get a better amp as well, let us know what you think of that too :D

Rear ported speakers need space between the rear wall, otherwise they just sound bloated and boomy.
squiffy said:
Rear ported speakers need space between the rear wall, otherwise they just sound bloated and boomy.

All personal preferance though, some people like that slightly emphasised boomy bass sound. Best to move them til they sound just right.


Theres a couple of other A5 amps on the bay right now too :)

If you want wall brackets, my Gale ones cost me roughly £20 from Richer Sounds and if you have one local, all good. They sell speaker cable and interconnects in thier too, although my local one only stocks the Cambridge Audio phono to headphone jack interconnect (well, they did at the time, dont know about now), which cost about £15 which is probably a bit expensive, if you look around you can probably find a fairly nice one for slightly less.
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squiffy said:
What kind of amp? Poweramp or stereo integrated amp?

Well I did have one, my dad had to temporally supply a hotel with it. It was very similar to the Cambridge audio one. So power amp I believe. My dads a DJ, and has plenty of amps knocking around, or I can plug the speakers into his Sony stack downstairs. :)
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