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GPU prices go boom

17 Feb 2006
Yep, plus a lack of a open digital market, it's closed nature, the reliance on retail (i hate physical media and value space), no free online gaming, pay-walled features, ***** network speeds (PSN is held together with duct tape and glue), lack of original IP, a non existent strategy genre, almost no mod support, it's focus on AAA and sequels (i'm snoring), lack of I/O options, adverts embedded within the interface, only 1 of the 3 support digital refunds, etc.

Giving everything up that makes PC gaming great, just to have a ***** little box under my TV. No chance.

AAA gaming will be even worse next gen too, with fewer titles, everything will make the transformation to live services and have a sickening amount of microtransactions, loot boxes, etc.

I can see a lot of people switching to PC gaming next gen, not the other way about.
LOL. Such mis-placed hatred for consoles. You really have your head in the sand/clouds.

Also much lol-age at the next gen being the end of the line for consoles completely. Your crystal ball is broke beyond repair.

Btw many people don't give a crap about mods. I've never modded a single game I own. Ever. Not one. And I've been playing PC games for ages.

You know what I do if a game needs the modding community to fix it/make it worth playing? I buy something else. I don't support companies who can't release a good vanilla game and need mods to fix their games. I also don't mod games to make them so photorealistic that I'd need my own render farm to play them.

Clearly, however, consoles are not for you. Enjoy PC gaming. If you have the money to buy top-end everything, nobody here will tell you with a straight face that consoles are "better".

But as this very thread PROVES, value-for-money is not what PC gaming is about anymore. The consoles have VfM sewn up. LOL, my PS4 Pro was £200. No PC can touch that.
22 Nov 2006
The 2nd hand games market is a thing with consoles.

1. Console games are more expensive when new and nearly new.
2. You can trade in / swap consoles games when you can't with Steam (etc)
3. Older console games hit the same lows (or very nearly) as Steam sales. Just picked up FFXV on PS4 for £5.
4. Steam sales themselves have been increasingly stingy.

The cost of games *can be* higher on consoles... if you want to buy new releases and *keep them*.

If you are the kind of gamer - like I am - who only wants to play a game once and then swap it... the 2nd hand games market for consoles can make it just as cheap as PC gaming.

I've been hugely impressed with my PS4 Pro so far. To my eyes has been silky smooth at 1080p. Not played much yet but it's certainly been holding its own vs my mid-range PC. Not noticing any downgrade in performance. Just enjoying playing games instead of worrying.

I hardly ever pay full price for Steam games. You can get huge discounts using 3rd party key sellers.

Also on PC you can download and install anything you like ;) ;)
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30 Nov 2011
But as this very thread PROVES, value-for-money is not what PC gaming is about anymore. The consoles have VfM sewn up. LOL, my PS4 Pro was £200. No PC can touch that.

value is entirely subjective, consoles are cheaper, cheap does not mean good value to everyone, the vast majority of gaming I do on my PC is not available on console so cheap doesn't even come in to it
30 Mar 2004
With GPU prices as they are, and consoles insulated from current astronomic prices, it's hard to argue that consoles don't currently represent better value for money.
15 Oct 2011
Nottingham Carlton
With GPU prices as they are, and consoles insulated from current astronomic prices, it's hard to argue that consoles don't currently represent better value for money.
TBH they ALWAYS did.
Buy Console play games till its EOL or brakes down :p So lets say 500 pounds for 6-7 years. Buy 500 pound GPU not mentioning rest after 3 years it feels slow at 5 years its crap And dont even mentioned rest of pc build..
Consoles always proveded better bang/buck in long run.
12 Mar 2008
LOL. Such mis-placed hatred for consoles. You really have your head in the sand/clouds.

Also much lol-age at the next gen being the end of the line for consoles completely. Your crystal ball is broke beyond repair.

Btw many people don't give a crap about mods. I've never modded a single game I own. Ever. Not one. And I've been playing PC games for ages.

You know what I do if a game needs the modding community to fix it/make it worth playing? I buy something else. I don't support companies who can't release a good vanilla game and need mods to fix their games. I also don't mod games to make them so photorealistic that I'd need my own render farm to play them.

Clearly, however, consoles are not for you. Enjoy PC gaming. If you have the money to buy top-end everything, nobody here will tell you with a straight face that consoles are "better".

But as this very thread PROVES, value-for-money is not what PC gaming is about anymore. The consoles have VfM sewn up. LOL, my PS4 Pro was £200. No PC can touch that.

I would say the value between the two hasn't really changed at all over the years. A 486 would have cost a lot of money on release back in the day while the consoles of the time peanuts. And back then the consoles were actually offering something the PC wasn't doing and couldn't do.
30 Nov 2011
With GPU prices as they are, and consoles insulated from current astronomic prices, it's hard to argue that consoles don't currently represent better value for money.

value is entirely subjective, consoles are cheaper, cheap does not mean good value to everyone, the vast majority of gaming I do on my PC is not available on console so cheap doesn't even come in to it
30 Mar 2004
value is entirely subjective, consoles are cheaper, cheap does not mean good value to everyone, the vast majority of gaming I do on my PC is not available on console so cheap doesn't even come in to it

XBox One X costs £430. The (rough) equivalent GPU in the XBoneX alone costs ~£400. Which of these represents better value for money?
30 Nov 2011
XBox One X costs £430. The (rough) equivalent GPU in the XBoneX alone costs ~£400. Which of these represents better value for money?

Neither of those would enable me to play the games I am currently playing, so neither of those would represent any value let alone good value to me. I paid £550 for my 1080ti so it is irrelevant to me currently what the current price is, as I said, value is subjective, I wont be able to evaluate value until new cards are released and msrp's are announced. I wouldnt pay the current inflated price gouging prices though no. But then I wouldnt buy a new GPU when it is within a couple of months of being EOL either.

Having said that, I need a PC anyway so I would still rather spend the £400 on a GPU and keep to one device than spend the same or more on a console that I would rarely if ever get to use. Whichever way I look at it, a console is valueless to me, so it is only a question of what I am happy to pay for a GPU that reperesents a good upgrade and how much I can get from selling my current one.

Adding £400 on to whatever I could get from selling my current GPU should cover just about any new card on release day before the price gouging starts.
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30 Jul 2016
value is entirely subjective
Is it though? Surely there's an objective evaluation there too....whether you're getting a lot for your money or a little? I understand what you're saying but surely you might agree that there's a way to judge value as an observer?
1 Aug 2017
I'd rather find another hobby than play on consoles. Playing at a cinematic 24fps is not an option for many on here. There are a lot of hidden costs that come with these toys too.

If you want to play all the exclusives across all three systems, that's over £700 in hardware alone and that's not even factoring in the games, Pro/X versions of such hardware or online subscriptions (and other crap i.e. Amiibo/Labo) you'd need to purchase.

You could buy a top of the line GPU once you add it all up or a full PC system, depending on your spec.

Consoles aren't cheaper, they are just good at being discreet when it comes to the real cost of ownership.
30 Jul 2016
If you want to play all the exclusives across all three systems
Having gaming as a hobby doesn't mean you need to own every console though. I expect there are plenty of gamers with just a Switch, or just an Xbox One or just a PS4. You can still enjoy gaming without playing "all the games". (You can't play "all the games" with a top of the line PC either thanks to those exclusives so the cost becomes that much greater!).
30 Nov 2011
Is it though? Surely there's an objective evaluation there too....whether you're getting a lot for your money or a little? I understand what you're saying but surely you might agree that there's a way to judge value as an observer?

Not when it comes to PC vs console, no. They are entirely different things, if someone plays console type games with a controller on their PC and doesnt have much other use for their PC then a console looks like it is probably "better value" for them, however for me that cuts out about 60% of my use case besides gaming for my PC, so spending an extra £400 over what I need for other things is a no brainer for me, particularly once you account for selling the old card to upgrade.
17 Feb 2006
I'd rather find another hobby than play on consoles. Playing at a cinematic 24fps is not an option for many on here. There are a lot of hidden costs that come with these toys too.

If you want to play all the exclusives across all three systems, that's over £700 in hardware alone and that's not even factoring in the games, Pro/X versions of such hardware or online subscriptions (and other crap i.e. Amiibo/Labo) you'd need to purchase.

You could buy a top of the line GPU once you add it all up or a full PC system, depending on your spec.

Consoles aren't cheaper, they are just good at being discreet when it comes to the real cost of ownership.
Your hatred for consoles makes you spew such a lot of nonsense. It's not even worth picking over your posts. Your very first paragraph is nonsense and it doesn't get any better.

Third-rate troll, tbh.
30 Jul 2016
if someone plays console type games with a controller on their PC and doesnt have much other use for their PC then a console looks like it is probably "better value" for them, however for me that cuts out about 60% of my use case
Fair point, well made.
17 Feb 2006
Not when it comes to PC vs console, no. They are entirely different things, if someone plays console type games with a controller on their PC and doesnt have much other use for their PC then a console looks like it is probably "better value" for them, however for me that cuts out about 60% of my use case besides gaming for my PC, so spending an extra £400 over what I need for other things is a no brainer for me, particularly once you account for selling the old card to upgrade.
Games and "other uses" for PC don't have much overlap (in terms of hardware. Ie most non-gamer don't need a GPU at all).

For 99% of the population the cheapest Dell out there will do everything they need (minus gaming). Almost everyone who would be in a position to choose between PC gaming and console gaming will have an office-spec PC or better.

The choice is for those of us sitting on something like a 290/780 or older.

Upgrade our GPU for £400-£1000 or buy a PS4 Pro/X1X.

Buying a console doesn't mean your office-spec PC will explode, so "the PC can do other things" isn't an issue. The PC will still be there for those other things.
30 Nov 2011
Games and "other uses" for PC don't have much overlap (in terms of hardware. Ie most non-gamer don't need a GPU at all).

For 99% of the population the cheapest Dell out there will do everything they need (minus gaming). Almost everyone who would be in a position to choose between PC gaming and console gaming will have an office-spec PC or better.

The choice is for those of us sitting on something like a 290/780 or older.

Upgrade our GPU for £400-£1000 or buy a PS4 Pro/X1X.

Buying a console doesn't mean your office-spec PC will explode, so "the PC can do other things" isn't an issue. The PC will still be there for those other things.

Again, all I can point out is that this isnt correct from my perspective. Again, value is subjective, you obviously and quite militantly see better value in a console, so good luck to you. It simply isnt a choice for me, so £400 over what I need for other purposes plus what I can sell my current card for does put me at or over the £1000 fantasy price anyway.

People sitting on a 290 probably arent even vaguely considering spending £1000 on a GPU so I fail to see how that even gets dropped in to the comparison.
17 Feb 2006
Again, all I can point out is that this isnt correct from my perspective.
If value was entirely subjective and unable to be objectively assessed, companies like Which? couldn't exist.

Or every review would conclude by saying "Score: 0-10 depending if you need one or not."

Clearly the reviewers at Which? don't personally need every single item they assess. But they are somehow magically able to score some items as better value than others. Wonder how they do the impossible, when everything is entirely 100% subjective as you say?

Sure you don't need or want a console. I get that. I don't need a power drill. Does that mean power drills are worthless? Clearly not. You can buy a power drill for £10 or £300. Most likely I could - despite not needing a power drill - determine which was the better value proposition for someone who was going to use one (if I had sufficient expertise).

The value proposition of a console is going to be looked at pretty hard by anyone looking to get into gaming, or someone like myself with very old PC hardware.

The cost of upgrading said PC hardware will run into thousands for myself. The cost of a console is a few hundred quid. Here in this forum we do have the expertise to assess the value proposition of that hardware. Not just for ourselves, but for those with a similar situation to the one described above.
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30 Nov 2011
If value was entirely subjective and unable to be objectively assessed, companies like Which? couldn't exist.

Or every review would conclude by saying "Score: 0-10 depending if you need one or not."

Clearly the reviewers at Which? don't personally need every single item they assess. But they are somehow magically able to score some items as better value than others. Wonder how they do the impossible, when everything is entirely 100% subjective as you say?

Because they compare them like for like and prices that are directly comparable. They dont compare chalk with cheese and say the chalk is better value because it is cheaper.

They also dont review GPU's.

I didnt say everything was entirely subjective, I said value was. You can express an opinion on which of two SIMILAR items is better value, bit it is just that, an opinion, it isnt a fact. A fact is that two similar items have these pros and cons and one of them is cheaper, but cheaper doesnt automatically mean better value if one of them can do a thing and the other can't - that could even just be between what games are exclusive to what platform.
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