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GPU prices

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5 Dec 2007
Funny how many people are surprised at price increases! Also don't compare prices to a rainforest, some sellers won't be paying VAT, that's why it's sometimes cheaper.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
How are other retailers managing to keep prices pre Brexit?

They have not, prices have gone up at competitors also and OcUK is still cheaper on several GPU's compared to competitors, but now not everywhere. :)

If you can find a 10 series card cheaper than us or still at pre-increase I really suggest you place your order because those who have not realised soon will, so order and hope they do not cancel your order. :)
12 Feb 2011
I won't moan about paying a poor exchange rate for a graphics card or having to wait a little longer till I can play a game on higher settings. There has been tougher sacrifices to make our country what it is and what it will be..
30 Dec 2013
Glad I got my 980 Ti from yourselves for £359 NO WAY the 1080 worth close to double or depending on what model you get double of it, it's not OCUK's fault of course but this pricing is a scam we're getting into TITAN prices for what is essentially a 'baby gpu, within it's family'
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Glad I got my 980 Ti from yourselves for £359 NO WAY the 1080 worth close to double or depending on what model you get double of it, it's not OCUK's fault of course but this pricing is a scam we're getting into TITAN prices for what is essentially a 'baby gpu, within it's family'

Maxwell stock is pretty much paid for so we can hold those prices as we have sell out rebates, infact it works opposite way because we get sell out rebate in USD, the horrible low rate worked in our favour and is part of the reason why we could lower price. So if rate builds back to 1.40 Maxwells will go up and Pascals down.

Yep confusing I know, some you lose, some you win, time for sleep. :D
30 Dec 2013
Maxwell stock is pretty much paid for so we can hold those prices as we have sell out rebates, infact it works opposite way because we get sell out rebate in USD, the horrible low rate worked in our favour and is part of the reason why we could lower price. So if rate builds back to 1.40 Maxwells will go up and Pascals down.

Yep confusing I know, some you lose, some you win, time for sleep. :D

haha that is confusing! I'm made up with my purchase so at least you can read my comment and know you've got a hell of a happy customer!! :D honestly made up not broke the bank and it's chomping through my 4k monitor! now get to sleep busy day tomorrow with those 1000+ rx 480s ;) haha! :p
7 Apr 2010
The GBP is expected to drop to 1.2 against the USD thanks to the ignorant brexiters.

Prices are only going to increase in the next months as the sterling plumpets and Britain sinks into a recession.

Get in a boat and sail across the channel.

This leaver hate was happening before the referendum and it is continuing after it too.

Just because you cant grasp why people have mixed feelings over hot topics such as money immigration and laws does not mean the other side are "ignorant brexiters" infact it just makes you look silly for talking about it in such a simple ignorant way.

I for one have no problem either way and personally think why we are having so many problems (atleast pound wise) atm is because of people delibratly panicking people and fear mongering which is the same tactics that was used by the remainer campaigners before the vote, if everyone just sat down and was calm for a moment they would realise that if we stuck together stopped watching the biased news and worked everything threw we would be in the same place we were before maybe even much better off.
11 Dec 2014
Get in a boat and sail across the channel.

This leaver hate was happening before the referendum and it is continuing after it too.

Just because you cant grasp why people have mixed feelings over hot topics such as money immigration and laws does not mean the other side are "ignorant brexiters" infact it just makes you look silly for talking about it in such a simple ignorant way.

I for one have no problem either way and personally think why we are having so many problems (atleast pound wise) atm is because of people delibratly panicking people and fear mongering which is the same tactics that was used by the remainer campaigners before the vote, if everyone just sat down and was calm for a moment they would realise that if we stuck together stopped watching the biased news and worked everything threw we would be in the same place we were before maybe even much better off.


The market decides the value of the pound based on its own confidence in the economy. The 'fear mongering' of individuals is irrelevant. It is you who are ignorant of how the value of the pound is determined. The market has spoken.

Leave supporters can argue that this is a temporary setback. That's a legitimate argument, but the idea that people 'deliberately panicking' is causing this is simply ludicrous.
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7 Apr 2010

The market decides the value of the pound based on its own confidence in the economy. The 'fear mongering' of individuals is irrelevant. It is you who are ignorant of how the value of the pound is determined. The market has spoken.

Leave supporters can argue that this is a temporary setback. That's a legitimate argument, but the idea that people 'deliberately panicking' is causing this is simply ludicrous.

I am sorry but it is completely relevant if i was invested in the pound for example and i watched as large numbers of the uk population/media panicked i do not think i would have a great deal of confidence in the pound and that countries economy.

No of course not all of it is down to the uk population panicking it is also down to the decisions we have made, Our party leaders leaving or firing tons of there cabinet and also people around the world being very concerned with what is going.

It also really does not help when you have england wales and northern ireland (who did vote to remain overall and with good reason) all voting in a correct manner and then you have scotland were most just voted remain because as far as they were concerned it was christmas because either we stick to the eu or leave wins and its a good excuse to try and get another referendum started on scotland being a part of the uk. (thats why they have been so happy all the way threw btw and it was talked about before hand)
6 Jan 2011
Stoke on Trent
I live in stoke on Trent, and Overclockers would have been my first choice, a 10 min drive. But I will put my upgrade on hold now and keep the money burning a hole in my pocket. Ill have a browse of other suppliers to.
20 Sep 2008
I understand these views, but as a remain voter, I wanted to know from a leave voter why they felt immigration was such a defining issue and what they think will improve now.

place where i work english workers come and go, no jobs really ? tho its a **** place where to work:p but you have to work rest of your life anyway too eat and breath
the fact is you cant hope that politics makes your life easy.
NEVER trust fu.... MP's etc btw switzerland is not in EU go and check switzerland retailers and you realise OC is not bad place at all.
might change 2 years time, price will go up anyway.
cheap **** coming in from EU cheap workers and cheap anything most times :p
btw you buy high end card anyway extra 50-60£ should not be that bad.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Get in a boat and sail across the channel.

This leaver hate was happening before the referendum and it is continuing after it too.

Just because you cant grasp why people have mixed feelings over hot topics such as money immigration and laws does not mean the other side are "ignorant brexiters" infact it just makes you look silly for talking about it in such a simple ignorant way.

I for one have no problem either way and personally think why we are having so many problems (atleast pound wise) atm is because of people delibratly panicking people and fear mongering which is the same tactics that was used by the remainer campaigners before the vote, if everyone just sat down and was calm for a moment they would realise that if we stuck together stopped watching the biased news and worked everything threw we would be in the same place we were before maybe even much better off.

The big money players - hedge funds, banks, et al. that are causing to pound to fall are not taking their opinions from the Daily Mail or these forums or people commenting on the value of the pound to each other. They make their decisions based on specialists such as Bloomberg or their own internal research. Your comment about us being influenced by the "biased news" is provably wrong because you and I (unless you happen to be a hedge fund manager and I don't know about it) aren't the ones causing the pound to be so depressed, we're just the ones, legitimately commenting on the fact that it is doing so.

Honestly, the ones I take issue with in this thread are the ones attacking OCUK for prices rises calling it "cynical and greedy" in utter denial of the basic facts of economics. If the pound falls, that creates a pressure on the sellers of imported products. This is utterly basic.
20 Sep 2008
The big money players - hedge funds, banks, et al. that are causing to pound to fall are not taking their opinions from the Daily Mail or these forums or people commenting on the value of the pound to each other. They make their decisions based on specialists such as Bloomberg or their own internal research. Your comment about us being influenced by the "biased news" is provably wrong because you and I (unless you happen to be a hedge fund manager and I don't know about it) aren't the ones causing the pound to be so depressed, we're just the ones, legitimately commenting on the fact that it is doing so.

Honestly, the ones I take issue with in this thread are the ones attacking OCUK for prices rises calling it "cynical and greedy" in utter denial of the basic facts of economics. If the pound falls, that creates a pressure on the sellers of imported products. This is utterly basic.


EU referendum was fully based by bs newspapers and forums where ppl comment vote for ukip
Well MP's dont pay your GPU's
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