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GPU prices

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OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
I'll just say this: prices in euro zone have not gone up these past few weeks, not with GPUs or anything else. In fact 1080 prices have typically come down a bit or in some cases a lot since the launch. Stock isn't any better here but prices are still slowly going down. Now because £ is weakening compared to €, a lot of people have actually used that to their advantage and ordered cards from the UK. The slower any UK shop was with raising prices, the better the deal was for us using euros. UK hasn't been a great option for GPUs (or anything hardware related really) these past few years because of the strong £ but past few weeks it's been completely different story.

On that note, I have bought half a dozen board games from the UK in the past 2 weeks for the same reason: price. It won't last as UK prices have to go up unless £ gets stronger but for now, it is what it is. In short term the vote was great for non-UK customers, long term I fear it's bad for everyone.

This our over seas shipments have more than doubled this week.
27 Feb 2015
Some of our 980Ti and 980 stocks are running low hence increases, we don't need to give them away. :)

so this conflicts with what you said before.

So low stock means higher price for the sake of it?

Drop it back to 359.99 for the asus strix 980ti and I will pull the trigger now.

The amount of micro management on prices on here seems unreal.

When you answered the earlier question about if the prices will stay at 360 you said as long as stocks will last, if you said no it will be one day only then I wouldnt have waited.
23 Feb 2009
so this conflicts with what you said before.

So low stock means higher price for the sake of it?

Drop it back to 359.99 for the asus strix 980ti and I will pull the trigger now.

The amount of micro management on prices on here seems unreal.

This yo-yo of prices for current stock is pretty outrageous
27 Feb 2015
there is no explanation really other than maximising profits via gauging. They seem to be reacting to changes in demand.

Gibbo also said the prices would last as long as stock does which is why I didnt order one right away.

May have saved myself from an issue holding off, I got a 600w psu with 40amps on the 12v rail, the 980ti apparently needs 38 amps so I would be running it on a thin margin.
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17 Jun 2015
We're pretty much in the same boat give or take; I'm still on a 2GB GTX 770 and it's suffering too.

I think if NVIDIA had priced the GTX 1070/80 at a more reasonable price to begin with then the price increases we're seeing wouldn't be such a bitter pill to swallow. I need a completely new system though but looking at the CPU prices the i7 6700k is now an eye watering £320.00!

Exactly the same, I was planning on building a new system in July, but have taken the step of bringing it forward due to the inevitable price increases, I've opted for the 6600k though, I'll stick the clocks up a bit and live with it, i7 prices are just crazy atm. I think it's probably items like CPUs and graphics cards, that have relatively small margins that are going to hike the most aggressively.

I was hoping medium term, that the resgurgeance PC gaming has seen recently, would generate increased demand and drive prices down as vendors take advantage of the larger market, but it's just not happening and it can only be due to the complete lack of competition, I only hope that AMD's slump is owing to them positioning themselves to make a real run at NVidia next year. I feel they probably spent too much of themselves on HBM in the Fury cards, but one thing I do like about AMD, is they're not afraid to push technology, even when it might be commercially premature, I think the industry needs tech companies that are willing to do that, to keep things moving things forward.

I think the problem we've got as well, is I can't remember a time where display technology has so throughly exceded display adapter capacity. We've got these super high refresh rate monitors, massive 4k panels and for quite a while now, it's felt like graphics cards just aren't good enough, and I think that dissatisfaction and hunger gives vendors a great excuse to release premium products at overinflated prices, but they sell! People seem to be willing to pay for them, so it's unlikely to change without competition. I'd like to see another couple of vendors enter both the CPU and graphics card sector to be honest.

It's been in the attic with the Amiga A500 for years :D

Those were the days, the Amiga 500 had a great multimedia architecture, Agnus, Denise and Paula, although the blitting was pretty poor, anybody who tried to play Street Fighter II on it can attest to that, terrible tearing, just terrible.

That is because the pound is going down the pan by the hour :p

It really isn't looking great for the rest of this year


JP Morgan indeed, was one of the more conservative projections. Julius Bär has forcast as low as 1.16 by the end of Q4 this year. Standard Chartered 1.18, Capital Economics 1.20 by the end of Q4 _NEXT_ year.

It has to be said, there seems to be a lot of passing the buck going on in this thread. :p We've had the devalutation blamed on everything from falling commodity prices, to mass market conspiracy, there have even been references to space born noodle monsters.

Don't those who voted leave, feel that as the majority, they have a democratic duty to take at least "some" responsibility for their decision? At least in the short term?

I think everybody who voted leave, should make it up to us, by buying us all a GTX1080, that's what I think. :D

- BBC - Tech companies blame price rises on Brexit vote
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14 Jul 2005
Don't those who voted leave, feel that as the majority, they have a democratic duty to take at least "some" responsibility for their decision? At least in the short term?

I dont blame the leavers for this i blame europes unwillingness to change. I voted remain by the way but it was a 50/50 decision for me.

If someone can say what has changed in the underlying economy to cause a weaker currency - other than investor panic and speculation - then go right ahead. My view is that nothing fundamental has changed.
2 Oct 2012
This. Everyone is gong to be considerably worse off in this country unless by some miracle it can be stopped.

I live in London and i can get on a bus and literally be the only person with english as their first language. if i we can deal with it the rest of the country can as well.

I hope all the leave voters choke on their pork pies and pints of spitfire.

This isn't the thread for this discussion i know but this gets my back up. Here's a quick shot why and this isn't for a sympathy vote. When i was 19 my mum passed away and i never knew my dad it was just me and my mum. I had only a part time job and no where to go but to keep on the house we both lived in. Obviously a part time job was not enough so i seeked benefits which to no avail, i was told i just was not eligible to get any. I lived in a area which was heavily populated be refugees which most pretty much was on benefits.

I argued this point how can these refugees get handed over benefits so easily but you wont take care of one of your own born and bred citizens. I had to be 25 and their only advice was to live at home which really ticked me off as i explained my predicament. My only saving grace was going to university through student loans, however for nearly a year and half i was scraping every last penny i had to make ends meet. I sold my console and PC back then to make ends meet to. So when i get told it's not a problem especially when the refugees gave me hassle where i lived really gets my back up.
Don't get me started on trying to get a doctors appointment.

Anyways i don't see the EU doing us any massive favours.

Back on topic the currency will stabilise and strengthen again it will take time. In the long run this country will be much better off. Jumping on the bandwagon blaming everything on Brexit voters when obviously the majority of the UK agree on leaving is ridiculous. At the moment i can see retailers taking advantage and using this to increase prices.
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19 Feb 2011
I was holding out for Polaris being a good upgrade over my 290, it's not, so that leaves me waiting til Vega now, and if I'm going to wait I may as well wait for the top end Vega so that's what I'm going to do, by the time it arrives the £ will hopefully be in a much better place, I have £2k set aside for upgrades, if I can get 2 Vega, a cpu, mobo and Ram outta that I will be happy for another 3 years.
19 May 2004
I was holding out for Polaris being a good upgrade over my 290, it's not, so that leaves me waiting til Vega now, and if I'm going to wait I may as well wait for the top end Vega so that's what I'm going to do, by the time it arrives the £ will hopefully be in a much better place, I have £2k set aside for upgrades, if I can get 2 Vega, a cpu, mobo and Ram outta that I will be happy for another 3 years.

If you are on a big core you do need to wait for the next big core ;)
19 Oct 2004
This isn't the thread for this discussion i know but this gets my back up. Here's a quick shot why and this isn't for a sympathy vote. When i was 19 my mum passed away and i never knew my dad it was just me and my mum. I had only a part time job and no where to go but to keep on the house we both lived in. Obviously a part time job was not enough so i seeked benefits which to no avail, i was told i just was not eligible to get any. I lived in a area which was heavily populated be refugees which most pretty much was on benefits.

I argued this point how can these refugees get handed over benefits so easily but you wont take care of one of your own born and bred citizens. I had to be 25 and their only advice was to live at home which really ticked me off as i explained my predicament. My only saving grace was going to university through student loans, however for nearly a year and half i was scraping every last penny i had to make ends meet. I sold my console and PC back then to make ends meet to. So when i get told it's not a problem especially when the refugees gave me hassle where i lived really gets my back up.
Don't get me started on trying to get a doctors appointment.

Anyways i don't see the EU doing us any massive favours.

Back on topic the currency will stabilise and strengthen again it will take time. In the long run this country will be much better off. Jumping on the bandwagon blaming everything on Brexit voters when obviously the majority of the UK agree on leaving is ridiculous. At the moment i can see retailers taking advantage and using this to increase prices.

I'm sorry you had a harsh upbringing mate but you to realise that those refugees were fleeing war zones etc. The majority 52% were sold a lie but boris and farage who both conveniently quit when they released they'd screwed the country. Brexit won't change anything about immigration we'll end up losing 30% of the bank trade to Paris and everything you buy is going to cost is going to be 25% more expensive. Plus tax is going to go up - Osbourne has already mentioned 2p on the basic rate of tax.

If people don't think anything bad had happened I suggest reading something other than the sun. This is literally the worst thing to happen since the war.
29 Jan 2010
its predicted by the end of 2016 the exhange rate from £ to $ is supposedly going to continue falling to 1.1. Should I just buy a new pc now or wait...these 2 years is going to be rocky.
14 Jul 2004
I think if NVIDIA had priced the GTX 1070/80 at a more reasonable price to begin with then the price increases we're seeing wouldn't be such a bitter pill to swallow.

Call me a cynic, but reckon Nvidia launched with 2 prices exactly because of brexit, and as a preemptive measure against a serious shift in sterling/dollar exchange rates. That founders edition bs was nothing but a front.
16 Nov 2013
Call me a cynic, but reckon Nvidia launched with 2 prices exactly because of brexit, and as a preemptive measure against a serious shift in sterling/dollar exchange rates. That founders edition bs was nothing but a front.

Flounders edition is simply due to Nvidia actually knowing their direct competitor would not be releasing anything competitive.

In a way we should be mad at AMD for Nvidia's current pricing trend, but underdog and all that....
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