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GPU prices

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25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Putting prices up on items already in stock is beyond greedy IMO.

I could understand new stock coming in later on but right now is just ludicrous.

As they've already said, they get the stock in and pay for it on account 30+ days later. So no, just because it is in stock, doesn't mean its safe from a fall in the pound. They don't forecast their sales precisely two months in advance and I bet they'd love it if they could!



18 Oct 2002
Totally unjustified of course, they're just trying to milk it for every last penny

As much as i like OcUK as a store and it has great CS this aspect of the shop really annoys me

i know they are business and not a charity but sometimes they really do take the mic
6 Jan 2013
I honestly don't mind OCUK trying to maximise a profit. After all, I can choose where to buy and I often do.

I just bought my X34a from OCUK as they were £200 cheaper than another retailer that I had previously used to buy my 5930k as they were about £30 cheaper than OCUK.

It's called shopping around!
5 May 2016
Wales UK
Just another reason Currency should not be on any Markets.

Just gamblers out to make a quick buck and they screw everything up, a bit of news here or there and bang people lose pensions etc as the numpties jump on a bandwagon without a second thought.
26 Jul 2004
Expecting retailers to gamble on currencies to protect you against prices rises from a weak pound... You have crazy expectations. Hedge funds whose sole purpose is to predict the market got it badly wrong last night. And you want a retailer to be taking the same risks? You realize that hindsight is no good for forecasts and currencies can go down as well as up?

Britain voted leave. The price of foreign goods is now going up as a result. What did people expect? This is just dumbfounding.

Huh? He's saying if they bought futures they wouldn't be at the mercy of sudden currency fluctuations. By not doing so they're doing exactly what you say they shouldn't be doing i.e. speculating on currencies.

If sounds like they believed in a remain vote and so would get a better deal on the currency conversion. It didn't happen.



22 Nov 2005
What's wrong with some of you guys?

If you're not happy with the slight increase, sit it out for a week and wait for the rates to stabilise. EVERYONE predicted fluctuations in exchange rates regardless of which way the Brexit vote went.

Bit unreasonable to expect OCUK to take a loss on goods they have on tick.
7 Dec 2010
I think the most shocking thing is no other retailers have changed prices. Also many retailers are a good chunk cheaper currently. This is not just regarding gpus. This sort of move by OCUK only damages their reputation. I buy most of my personal purchases from them even when they are a little higher priced, but their behaviour today is not great and to end my rant with their delivery prices are silly high too. Even as a long time forum member I don't get free shipping because I always order over the phone. Then i compare the prices of other retailers I find it is cheaper to order with shipping even before OCUK has added the shipping.

Hopefully Gibbo will look into this as I like to support OCUK the new OCUK I might add not the company that was owned by the previous owner that displayed shocking behaviour in the past.
16 Jun 2004
You can guarantee one thing, if the vote had been for remain and the pound surged by 10%, there would have been no 10% price reduction.

..just sayin.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Hi there

So the prices!

I had every price reverted back on graphics, I have then gone through all our prices, some I have being able to keep at the original price because the stock had landed and I also purchased them in GBP currency (UK suppliers) so thankfully even when we pay for those goods in 30-60 days the price shall be the same. :)

Then on the pre-order lines mainly where stock is incoming and not paid for I have gone 50/50 essentially, so where minimum increases should have being at least £20-£30 and higher, I have actually tried to keep these increases to around £10 sacrificing some of our margin.

This does mean however the prices will not get back down to their original pricing until the rate reaches 1.43, of course we may fine tune in between some prices down if rate improves.

Unfortunately if the rate does go sub 1.35 then I shall have to make further increases to graphics, thankfully Maxwell stock is un-affected by this as it was all paid for so I shall remain very aggressive on these SKU's and I have additional support to go even lower.

AMD's new launch unfortunately is effected, I have stock, but again it is not paid for and I booked the stock at an original rate of 1.43-1.44 whereas now we have re-adjusted this down to 1.36 but again I am going to sacrifice some OcUK margin to try and hit price points. I shall push AMD for some additional support to see if they can help us hit original target MSRP's I had in mind.

However I have being able to obtain more support for old gen from both AMD and NVIDIA so now we have GPU's from the following price points which puts us the lowest in the UK by miles:

R9 Fury @ £341.99
R9 390X 8G @ £259.99
R9 390 8G @ £209.99

GTX 980Ti @ £359.99
GTX 980 @ £275.99
GTX 970 @ £209.99
GTX 960 4G @ £149.99
GTX 960 2G @ £139.99

I shall be keeping a close eye on rates and adjusting products accordingly both up and down if the rate shifts by substantial amount.
Our pricing in general on graphics is the cheapest in the UK at present and we have FREE shipping enabled pretty much on every GPU!!! :)
13 May 2007
There's some Orwellian double-think! By not speculating on currencies, they're speculating on currencies.

I'm sorry but having worked for clients in multiple industries, foreign exchange hedging and derivative contracts are a very common measure of limiting your exposure to wild swings in foreign exchange movements like we've witnessed over the past week.

I simply found it surprising that a fairly sizeable retail operation didn't operate hedging given the current climate. With a forward exchange contract, they would agree to buy a certain amount of foreign currency on a specific future date. The purchase is made at a predetermined exchange rate. Given the volatility and expected drop arising from a brexit vote I find it hard to believe that no mitigation was put in place. The downside is you would limit any potential upside if exchange rates moved in a positive direction but you would absolutely avoid a loss if the pound tanked.

Anyway nevermind I hate to be a cynic but I think they are being disingenuous, especially given the backtrack. I don't for a second buy that they would knock prices down if they were legitimately eating into their margins as a result. They're a business not a charity.
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