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GPU prices

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Man of Honour
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
2nd City - Manchester.
Not from OcUK, but I bought a 10-bay NAS unit earlier in the week for £750 from Europe (not available in the uk), it is now selling for nearly £800.

Now the swivel-eyed loons and rabid xenophobes are running the shop there will be a lot worse to come.
30 Nov 2011
Minor note to anyone wanting to quibble over the 1.5 in my figures. That's where it was when Remain was in the lead. Someone the other day declared "but it was 1.4 on the 16th". Well yes, if you just keep going back in time to find the lowest point to support your argument, you can find any figure you want. On the 16th polls showed Leave edging ahead so the pound dropped and it had been low for a little while because of the upcoming referendum anyway. Our reasonable estimate of where it would be if we were staying in the EU is 1.5 because that's where the markets valued it at when confident we were staying in.

Its not about finding the lowest point to suit an argument, its about finding the exchange rate when the prices were set. If the price was set when it was 1.42 then at 1.5 their margin has increased and at 1.37 it hasnt reduced by as much as you are claiming. The exchange rate fell to 1.41 in January and has floated around 1.4 to 1.45 since then. Your 1.5 figure only existed for a few hours, it was only even above 1.47 for less than a day. So which one is cherry picked? The one that existed for nearly 6 months, or the one that existed for less than a day?

Gibbo even said that ocuk would only increase prices if it stayed below 1.35.
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25 Aug 2015
Its not about finding the lowest point to suit an argument, its about finding the exchange rate when the prices were set. If the price was set when it was 1.42 and the profit margin was £8, then at 1.5 their margin has increased and at 1.37 it hasnt reduced by as much as you are claiming.

Gibbo even said that ocuk would only increase prices if it went below stayed below 1.35

What he said. People expect minor variations in pricing, but when I checked other retailers their prices hadn't suddenly shot up. I did do the sums btw, I just didn't cherry pick an artificially high exchange rate, combined with a pessimistic margin to support my argument.
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OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
What he said. People expect minor variations in pricing, but when I checked other retailers their prices hadn't suddenly shot up. I did do the sums btw, I just didn't cherry pick an artificially high exchange rate, combined with a pessimistic margin to support my argument.

Check again! :)
As soon as I was back in the UK and in the office, I corrected everything. OcUK is now pretty much the cheapest of every single GPU from both AMD and NVIDIA. :)
30 Nov 2011
Check again! :)
As soon as I was back in the UK and in the office, I corrected everything. OcUK is now pretty much the cheapest of every single GPU from both AMD and NVIDIA. :)

Yep, and fair play to you guys. People are still arguing that the prices should go back up again and using the 1.5 exchange rate as a reason, despite the fact that the 1.5 figure was never used to lower prices when it happened on the 23rd for a couple of hours!
2 Jan 2014
Wiltshire, England
Check again! :)
As soon as I was back in the UK and in the office, I corrected everything. OcUK is now pretty much the cheapest of every single GPU from both AMD and NVIDIA. :)

Pair of gainward golden samples sold to me this morning, thanks!

Could have done with free postage but hey, I was going for a Sunday delivery anyway.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Its not about finding the lowest point to suit an argument, its about finding the exchange rate when the prices were set. If the price was set when it was 1.42 then at 1.5 their margin has increased and at 1.37 it hasnt reduced by as much as you are claiming. The exchange rate fell to 1.41 in January and has floated around 1.4 to 1.45 since then. Your 1.5 figure only existed for a few hours, it was only even above 1.47 for less than a day. So which one is cherry picked? The one that existed for nearly 6 months, or the one that existed for less than a day?

Six months during a run up to a referendum that depressed the value of the pound, vs. what the market set it at when it thought we would stay in the EU. It's not about how long it was at a value but whether you pick a value that shows the market's valuation if we stayed in the EU and a valuation when it was considered at risk that we leave (or knew we are going to).
18 Feb 2015
People that argue that price of imports won't shoot up are economically illiterate and generally pig-headed anyway, no point in trying to argue with them - the irony is that arguing with them, even with solid facts & good reasoning, just further entrenches them in their position, an unfortunate cognitive bias evolved for a much different effect, called the backfire effect (and btw, not to rain on leavers, it applies to every human; so we're not exempt either). Recommend "The Righteous Mind" by Jonathan Haidt to anyone interested in reading more on it and similar.

Personally my biggest issue now isn't the gpu prices but rather gpu choices. The 1070 looks pretty good but it's Nvidia, which I dislike, it also brings with it a premium for gsync, and it ultimately isn't that much better than a 980ti and which I can find used for much less also; plus I can find a TV with freesync but can't with gsync. On the other hand, AMD has almost nothing beyond a 390 (and soon 480), and crossfire, when it does work, doesn't play so nice with freesync & borderless window, and I certainly won't give up BW.

Too many compromises but I may have to just pay more for Nvidia and be done with it. I guess we'll see.
30 Nov 2011
Six months during a run up to a referendum that depressed the value of the pound, vs. what the market set it at when it thought we would stay in the EU. It's not about how long it was at a value but whether you pick a value that shows the market's valuation if we stayed in the EU and a valuation when it was considered at risk that we leave (or knew we are going to).

this thread is about why the prices suddenly shot up on the morning of the 24th, the prices that had been in effect for over a month previous, so why cherry pick an exchange rate from 1 hour on the 23rd to explain prices from over a month ago suddenly going up on the morning of the 24th?

the 1.42 rate existed for 6 months, the prices existed for 1 month, you choose a rate from 1 hour of 1 day to explain a price rise

would prices have come down if it stayed at 1.5? maybe, but that isn't the topic of discussion, you are justifiying a price rise based on the rate going from 1.5 to 1.37, but it didn't actually go from 1.5 to 1.37 within the timeframe being discussed.
22 Aug 2008
Not from OcUK, but I bought a 10-bay NAS unit earlier in the week for £750 from Europe (not available in the uk), it is now selling for nearly £800.

Now the swivel-eyed loons and rabid xenophobes are running the shop there will be a lot worse to come.

So for £50 you'd welcome a forced mass-invasion of unvettable muslims from warzones? Hint: mindlessly calling people xenophobes and racists is why you lost.

I don't care how high prices get.
27 Dec 2014
So for £50 you'd welcome a forced mass-invasion of unvettable muslims from warzones? Hint: mindlessly calling people xenophobes and racists is why you lost.

I don't care how high prices get.

Agreed. Looks like some people forgot how democracy actually works.

The whole Remain campaign was based on name calling and scare mongering. The result is not surprising. Next time learn to make a point without calling those who have a different opinion any kind of stupid names.
21 Jan 2014
Regrettably, though I consider leaving to be a terrible mistake, I can't sign that as I don't think it's right to just have vote after vote until you get the result you want. And the fact that Farage wants to do so, well lets just say that I hold myself to a higher moral standard than I think he does.

Now allowing the Scottish a second referendum on independence, I think would be entirely fair. And I think they'll get it.

Perhaps its time for Germany to lead Europe, not just economically, but also militarily. This inevitability could occur, whether in two years or twenty, as a consequence of disintegrating the European Union......

But, yeah, as for England (don't think that UK is the right term to use anymore), the leaders of the Leave would have to account for a lot more than just the rising gpu prices to their constituents in the coming years...lol
25 Aug 2015
Check again! :)
As soon as I was back in the UK and in the office, I corrected everything. OcUK is now pretty much the cheapest of every single GPU from both AMD and NVIDIA. :)

At least someone is on the case. I'm more peeved that my last order didn't have any Haribos in it.
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