I had problems with snow storm as well, always getting outflanked by the police, but found a perfect solution, leg it.
I had problems with snow storm as well, always getting outflanked by the police, but found a perfect solution, leg it.
What mission is Snow Storm again? Totally forgot.
I'm not sure if fighting my way out of an abandoned builder would be better or worse.
im struggling on snow storm. ive never found that i run out of ammmo aat all though, i think the game has been very generous on that side of things.
once outside jump in the river and grab a boat!!
i found snow storm rather easy.
*Possible Spoilers Below*
im fine picking the druggies off no problem, its the pigs im having trouble with. i can never find the exit :/
im fine picking the druggies off no problem, its the pigs im having trouble with. i can never find the exit :/
I can't get a strike - let alone 3 in a row.
Ditto! Got the achievement on my first game, but since then I can't get a strike to save my life :/Totally fluked that on my first bowling game with michelle.