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Heh, messing in photoshop a year or so ago. Don't like it now :/

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That looks great. Love the colouring. The only thing that I don't like, is the slight jagged outline around the thing. Is there any way you could fix that?
messiah khan said:
This one I designed as a giant wallhanging thing. Its been printed out across 20 A4 pieces of paper, and mounted on a board of MDF, with a cold cathode mounted behind. Im quite pleased with how its turned out.
Any chance of a full size? I really like that :)
Raikiri said:
Slowly :o

Edit: This better?


Yeah, thats the trick. :)

Inquisitor said:
Any chance of a full size? I really like that :)

What size you after? I made it in Adobe Illustrator so its resolution independant. If the wall hanging version had been calculated in pixels, it would be something like 12000x5000.
messiah khan said:
What size you after? I made it in Adobe Illustrator so its resolution independant. If the wall hanging version had been calculated in pixels, it would be something like 12000x5000.
Actually, could I have the Illustrator file, if you don't mind? I like the idea of putting it on the wall :p
Here is what im working on at the moment.

Im really stuck as to how to do the background though. Any ideas? I had though about having her leaning against a car.
I like that one Raikiri. The only problem with it is the light is wrong. The sun is setting below where the planet/moon is, which means that the planet/moon would be light from the bottom rather than the top. If its was a binary star system, you could be lit from both sides, but there way you have it now makes it look out of place and uneasy. Just my 2p worth. :)

Edit; Nice work on the car as well btw.
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