Graphics Gallery

Thanks! c: I'm interested in doing a whole strip of the little fella. Putting him in as many different situations I can think of. Should be quite fun to do.
Psypher5 said:
Thanks! c: I'm interested in doing a whole strip of the little fella. Putting him in as many different situations I can think of. Should be quite fun to do.

I love them. A simple idea , but a brilliant end result. :D

Nice work, I'll look out for more.

Psypher5 said:
Need to neaten the bus up, you get the idea though. :) Hope you like

I don't like that one as much. I think its the perpective that doesn't really work. I twould probably be better if you tried to keep it all quite close and 2D.
next project, doing it with my girlfriend. She drew the body and wing outlines, im adding my touch on hair and wing colour (yes i know the black line is too bold!)


long way off yet though :)
Something I started ages ago and I never came around to finishing it.

I want to colour it, but I don't know a method to do it in.

Any ideas?

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That's Awsome ! I like it :D

I got an original image of The one and Only GOOGLE! and then whacked it into Photoshop and then started doing strokes over the lines using various pixel thicknesses. I used the Pen Tool for the selections.

I used to be scared of the pen tool, but now it's all I use for selections.
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