Great First day back at work...

nope, 3 clips onto each wing thats it. Got bolts now, and to get it off now, you would need to open the bonnet, remove headlights and undo some clips before the bolts come off. I may modify it further so its bolted on behind the numberplate to the crash structure. Looking at some ideas with my mate. I may buy a really damaged one for £60 to try some ideas out first. Then i might offer to "fix" other peoples cars too, so it wont happen to them.

Trouble is then the scrote gets the hump when he cant nick his bits and gives the car a general bashing.

In the late 80s and early 90s when Rolls Silver shadows and silver spirits were still prominent, people used to nick the hub caps because they had a body coloured painted coach line and were about 800 quid a set to buy.

Anyway in the fight against crime they invented this locking allen key thing, which i smuggly bought only to find one day that my hub caps were still in place, but now sadly mangled by the **** trying to nick them with his screw driver along with my wheel and tyre.

This was a problem on the scale of a mini beasty boy fan nicking VW badges, it was happening a lot.

On my second dose of this i reverted back to the non allen key version because it was driving me less mad.

Thank **** i no longer live in London and never have to park cars on the street.
Pointless tbh.

The thief will still assume it's not bolted on so best case you keep your bumper, albeit damaged, worst case they get it off and destroy anything it's bolted to also.
nope, 3 clips onto each wing thats it. Got bolts now, and to get it off now, you would need to open the bonnet, remove headlights and undo some clips before the bolts come off. I may modify it further so its bolted on behind the numberplate to the crash structure. Looking at some ideas with my mate. I may buy a really damaged one for £60 to try some ideas out first. Then i might offer to "fix" other peoples cars too, so it wont happen to them.

The other problem with this is, they expect it to detach from the car by pulling it, and end up breaking it by pulling too hard not realising it is bolted on. :(

I hope nothing like this happens to me, this is a real cruddy thing to do to someone. :(
God this thread makes me feel sick.

The little sod is obviously selling stolen goods. I don't think I'd be able to stop myself paying him a visit. I'd do time to avenge such a crime.
God this thread makes me feel sick.

The little sod is obviously selling stolen goods. I don't think I'd be able to stop myself paying him a visit. I'd do time to avenge such a crime.

Fair play but not really a wise move is it? Personally I hate this sorta stuff as much as the next man but is it worth doing a stint inside just to teach him a lesson?
Fair play but not really a wise move is it? Personally I hate this sorta stuff as much as the next man but is it worth doing a stint inside just to teach him a lesson?
You don't have to be violent to teach someone a lesson. I am not a violent person at all, but if somebody tore the bumper off my car (and I knew for sure it was them), I'd do something.
Maybe not, but that was clearly what was inferred by "I'd do time"
Oh true, I didn't read it like that at first! I'd certainly not 'do time' to avenge bumper theft! There are far more satisfying ways to get back at violent scumbags than violence. They know violence, they live it every day, it's familiar to them and they can cope with it in their tiny minds. You want to irritate the **** out of them and the best way to do that is with constant poking, reporting, police irritation etc.
to the above poster, don't tar Essex with a complete bad brush, theres very nice areas, I live in Chelmsford and the crime rate is exceedingly low indeed
Most of Essex in terms of square miles is really nice. Unfortunately, most of Essex in terms of per 1000 people is really not at all!
I'd do time to avenge such a crime.

You don't have to be violent to teach someone a lesson. I am not a violent person at all, but if somebody tore the bumper off my car (and I knew for sure it was them), I'd do something.

Please explain how you would teach someone a lesson, with the pretense of "I'd do time to avenge such a crime" without being violent?


EDIT: I'm too slow :(
Please explain how you would teach someone a lesson, with the pretense of "I'd do time to avenge such a crime" without being violent?


EDIT: I'm too slow :(
Time in front of the computer, tapping away letters reporting them to the council for violating a noise pollution rule with an attached recording? Hmm maybe not the same..
Are you not just lying though then? Plus that could effect the other people who live in the house if it's just some 19 year old scrot doing the stealing and his innocent parents who know nothing about the whole thing could end up having to deal with lots of crud.
Oh true, I didn't read it like that at first! I'd certainly not 'do time' to avenge bumper theft! There are far more satisfying ways to get back at violent scumbags than violence. They know violence, they live it every day, it's familiar to them and they can cope with it in their tiny minds. You want to irritate the **** out of them and the best way to do that is with constant poking, reporting, police irritation etc.

Water off a ducks back, bashing them is the only way, its just not worth getting nicked over.
Are you not just lying though then? Plus that could effect the other people who live in the house if it's just some 19 year old scrot doing the stealing and his innocent parents who know nothing about the whole thing could end up having to deal with lots of crud.
I imagined it being true when I dreamt it up (you know what 'those' kinds of families are like).
I imagined it being true when I dreamt it up (you know what 'those' kinds of families are like).

Me and my family are what I would call a very nice family. Doesn't stop one member being an out and out so and so, currently on bail for assaulting a police officer, possession of a class a, criminal damage and many other things with a tag.

I agree people who do stuff like ripping bumpers off cars should pay, but it's certainly not worth a trip to court over unless they are the ones defending themselves.
My condolences about your car, OP. I had £300 of damage done to my car by scum last year (they stole my steering wheel, of all things), and it's a horrible sinking feeling when you come back to the car and see the damage. Especially when, in my case and probably yours too, it renders the car undriveable.

There are some rotten people out there. :(
Tonight, i believe i was targeted again, I had started walking to work due to what had happend, but tonight, i decided to drive as i wanted to go for a long drive after work because i havnt done one for a long while, and i do like doing a random 2-3hour drive in the middle of the night.

Full story goes:

I moved my car to the front of the store at 9pm, right where i was working so i could keep an eye on it. While i was finishing up some jobs, i notice a half cast guy, walk up to the car, stop, get on his phone, walk around the car, then walk off, into the store i think. 10minutes later he came back from the other direction, phoned up someone again, and this time a van parked 2 spaces from it, and he got in the van. (LS07 WXH).

Thinking to hell with this, i walked out, got in my car, and drove off, out of the store, onto the main road, but back into the burger king right next to our store. 5minutes later a mate left so i asked him to check the car over. He phoned me and told me the van (same van) was parked up opposite it over there now. So i run out the staff exit, gave the guys evils and sped off back to the front of the store. At this point my mate had come back, so i phoned the police and told em everything, the number plate is now on there system so will get stopped and searched. My mate waited outside while i finished off my final jobs in work (20minutes). Great mate.

Sigh :( :( :(
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