Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [21st - 24th September 2012]

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Either way he implies that Suarez wouldn't have got the decision because he is a "known diver", truly a PR genius.

Whats your point? DM said something completely different which i'm questioning where he read Johnson saying that.

Or he feels is treated unfairly, but I mean treat it the way it makes you most happy, it is what everyone does on here.

Also RE: the Halsey thing, you can actually get people arrested for that on the internet? It is disgusting considering what he went through but I've about a list of 1000 people from online games who need in jail.
Also RE: the Halsey thing, you can actually get people arrested for that on the internet? It is disgusting considering what he went through but I've about a list of 1000 people from online games who need in jail.

of the 1000 people on your online game community, only the liverpool fans would be arrested.
of the 1000 people on your online game community, only the liverpool fans would be arrested.

What online game community? I meant online games in general where people are constantly told 'get aids' 'go die' 'your ****ing awful at life, hope you burn'.

I'm taking it you sing the 'always the victim' cm since you keep bleating on about it.
What online game community? I meant online games in general where people are constantly told 'get aids' 'go die' 'your ****ing awful at life, hope you burn'.

lol. sounds like i'm missing out!

and i'm referring to the online community you say you have a list of about 1000 who need in jail (sic). i don't think they can arrest under 16's though, as i would assume that's what age they are.

and i sing nothing but love songs.
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lol. sounds like i'm missing out!

and i'm referring to the online community you say you have a list of about 1000 who need in jail (sic). i don't think they can arrest under 16's though, as i would assume that's what age they are.

It is hardly a surprise, the internet is just a massive space of largely anonymous communication, people don't give a **** what they say or what people think, I'm sure those tweeters didn't actually mean it and I hope all the mad russians in dota2 don't hope i get cancer and aids and raped by my father, but they still say it, people take the internet far too literally.

Same with footballers getting fined for saying stuff on twitter, its pretty dumb.

Also most probably aren't under the age of 16.
I'm sure those tweeters didn't actually mean it and I hope all the mad russians in dota2 don't hope i get cancer and aids and raped by my father, but they still say it, people take the internet far too literally.

Same with footballers getting fined for saying stuff on twitter, its pretty dumb.

wow. what does one have to do on dota2 (whatever that may be) to get that kind of response? lol.
Also RE: the Halsey thing, you can actually get people arrested for that on the internet? It is disgusting considering what he went through but I've about a list of 1000 people from online games who need in jail.

You are allowed to report them to the police too.

People who throw insults around on the internet deserve what they get, I can't imagine any level headed adult logging onto twitter and posting lines of abusive vitriol to someone they don't know. It's utterly pathetic and for some reason people think they're not accountable for their words on the internet, which is perplexing
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What was said to him was disgusting and it is ridiculous how people believe they can say what they like on twitter but is this really a matter for the police? If somebody insulted you on the street, would you report them to the police? I can understand if somebody continues insulting or harassing you then you go to the police but this seems slightly pointless. Is Halsey even on twitter for these messages to have been aimed directly at him or was it something he was told about?

I was watching some police type program a few months back, with an entire episode dedicated to the amount of time they waste dealing with arguments on Facebook.
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hmmm its horrendous to have that kind of thing aimed at you , but it does appear to be a little pointless

On the other hand - shoudnt the police try and iron it out now so the problem doesnt grow?

Whether ref's should be on twitter or not (likelihood is they are always going to be ******* someone off) is another matter entirely - but it should be their choice if they want to be there or not.
Neither here nor there on the law, never really thought about the validity of it. A lot of these trolls do use continued abuse though as you mention, so it can easily become harrassment. I'm not sure why he's reported whoever he has reported, I just know that I have no sympathy whatsoever for them
What was said to him was disgusting and it is ridiculous how people believe they can say what they like on twitter but is this really a matter for the police? If somebody insulted you on the street, would you report them to the police? I can understand if somebody continues insulting or harassing you then you go to the police but this seems slightly pointless. Is Halsey even on twitter for these messages to have been aimed directly at him or was it something he was told about?

I was watching some police type program a few months back, with an entire episode dedicated to the amount of time they waste dealing with arguments on Facebook.

Apparently it wasn't even said to him. His Son re-tweeted it and showed his Dad, he then reported it.
On the other hand - shoudnt the police try and iron it out now so the problem doesnt grow?

It has been going on since online communities/groups began, good luck. Toughen up and ignore it, you'd hardly phone the police for being called fat at 10 years old which is probably more psychologically damaging than getting that from some random inbred over the internet.

wow. what does one have to do on dota2 (whatever that may be) to get that kind of response? lol.

Off topic but maybe make a small mistake? I swear for a PC forum it is like half the people have never played an online game before and experienced retards first hand flaming them.
Cheers, I didn't think Halsey had a twitter account. Makes it seem even more pointless if it wasn't even tweeted directly to him.

Maybe twitter should up their efforts and start closing/suspending accounts of offenders.
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