Anyone can shout and moan, "i'm after solutions to the problem not complaints".
If she had some credible answers of her own then more people would respect and listen to her, she has alienated a massive portion of the planet by the way she goes about things.
Why does she need to do this exactly? When there's already credible answers available from scientists/engineers over a period of decades? Solutions have a been there for ages, people just weren't listening/didn't want to listen... Whether or not she's had much effect over that, I don't know, i don't want to attempt to quantify it, I do feel there's been a convenient timing of increased acknowledgement and this movement though (not due to the movement).
If anyone is alienated from resolving the issues because there's a emotional agitator at the forefront being confrontational, then they clearly didn't give a **** in the first place and are just looking for reasons justify their lifestyles.
How insufferable does one have to be as a person to see a train coming at them (a very... very slow train), but they wont get out of the way because among a group of sensible people (who they haven't been listening to for years) shouting for them to get out of the way, there's a few politically charged ragers that they hate so much (for some inexplicable reason...) that they're going to stay out of spite. In fact, that's a rather poor analogy, because it doesn't involve the people shouting getting hit by it as well.
Why do people enjoy hurting themselves to spite others? It's such a stupid game.
I'll just say this, if the methodical, slow pace of reform and progress with society wasn't enough to deal with this crisis, then it's entirely understandable that it would start becoming emotional, she's literally a product of people's inaction.
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