Greta Thunberg

Anyone can shout and moan, "i'm after solutions to the problem not complaints".

If she had some credible answers of her own then more people would respect and listen to her, she has alienated a massive portion of the planet by the way she goes about things.

Why does she need to do this exactly? When there's already credible answers available from scientists/engineers over a period of decades? Solutions have a been there for ages, people just weren't listening/didn't want to listen... Whether or not she's had much effect over that, I don't know, i don't want to attempt to quantify it, I do feel there's been a convenient timing of increased acknowledgement and this movement though (not due to the movement).

If anyone is alienated from resolving the issues because there's a emotional agitator at the forefront being confrontational, then they clearly didn't give a **** in the first place and are just looking for reasons justify their lifestyles.

How insufferable does one have to be as a person to see a train coming at them (a very... very slow train), but they wont get out of the way because among a group of sensible people (who they haven't been listening to for years) shouting for them to get out of the way, there's a few politically charged ragers that they hate so much (for some inexplicable reason...) that they're going to stay out of spite. In fact, that's a rather poor analogy, because it doesn't involve the people shouting getting hit by it as well.

Why do people enjoy hurting themselves to spite others? It's such a stupid game.

I'll just say this, if the methodical, slow pace of reform and progress with society wasn't enough to deal with this crisis, then it's entirely understandable that it would start becoming emotional, she's literally a product of people's inaction.
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Short of drammatic change without our society (the UK), and I mean drammatic, the problem we could potentially be facing isn't something we as a country can solve or even really impact without the entire globe doing the same.

The largest and arguably main culprit in any possible change to our climate is down to China, things they have done on their own and things the rest of the planet has forced them into. They are after all the manufacturing capital of the globe, and with little or no regulation in place to prevent harmful chemicals having an impact on our planet or wildlife, the damage has already been done and unlikely to be resolved without significant cost and time.

So a 17 year old girl shouting, may have us listening but the people who really need to listen are the ones who can force that change and even then without China on board, she might as well be talking to a brick wall.
Short of drammatic change without our society (the UK), and I mean drammatic, the problem we could potentially be facing isn't something we as a country can solve or even really impact without the entire globe doing the same.

The largest and arguably main culprit in any possible change to our climate is down to China, things they have done on their own and things the rest of the planet has forced them into. They are after all the manufacturing capital of the globe, and with little or no regulation in place to prevent harmful chemicals having an impact on our planet or wildlife, the damage has already been done and unlikely to be resolved without significant cost and time.

So a 17 year old girl shouting, may have us listening but the people who really need to listen are the ones who can force that change and even then without China on board, she might as well be talking to a brick wall.

To be fair, something that is often poorly recognised, in their own way China often follows where the rest of the world leads - if the rest of the world is only paying token homage to the issue they won't feel any need to change how they do things.
Yep, she needs to go to China, India and Russia.

Squeaking at a bunch of school kids in the UK is going to change F.A.

Those who seek to control the world first control the children.

Aristotle said "Give me a Child before he is seven and I will show you the man"

More recently this has been interpreted a different way.

More "Give me a Child before they are seven and they will be mine for life"

The first thing that brutal dictatorship wannabies try to do is control the children.

Thunberg is a tool, not a leader!

It's an extremely dangerous way to force the issue, you end up with an entire generation of people who will not accept compromise or rational thought because they were "told so". It's why we have an epidemic in western society now with people ignoring science because of "feelings".
It's an extremely dangerous way to force the issue, you end up with an entire generation of people who will not accept compromise or rational thought because they were "told so". It's why we have an epidemic in western society now with people ignoring science because of "feelings".

Welp maybe if people acted sooner...
Looking at historical data for global temperatures, there have been peaks and troughs every 50,000-100,000 years, it just so happens that the current climate has been rising for about 15,000 years, and the last 100 have had a significant increase because of our impact on the atmosphere. So while it may be possible to curb the situation through radical change, I don't think we can stop it and the next trough will be vastly worse than previous years, but that might not happen for thousands of years by which time we probably would have died off or populated other planets.
Those who seek to control the world first control the children.

Aristotle said "Give me a Child before he is seven and I will show you the man"

More recently this has been interpreted a different way.

More "Give me a Child before they are seven and they will be mine for life"

The first thing that brutal dictatorship wannabies try to do is control the children.

Thunberg is a tool, not a leader!


A certain youth program in the 30s.
It's why we have an epidemic in western society now with people ignoring science because of "feelings".
I take it that you are referring to COVID-19? That is down to people ignoring science because of "feelings" is it?

I thought it was metaphorical for identity politics - children(people) just behind some blinkered dogmatic cause, without understanding, like the brexit epidemic.

the most lamentable thing she suggests no practical measure children might take ....... name that songbook
  • Avoid abstract ideas - appeal to the emotions.
  • Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.
  • Give only one side of the argument.
  • Continuously criticize your opponents.
  • Pick out one special "enemy" for special vilification.
Why does she need to do this exactly? When there's already credible answers available from scientists/engineers over a period of decades?
She's really no different from countless other "celebrities" who are famous for being famous.

As you say she offers nothing beyond simply being Greta Thunberg.

Some of us are just getting (or already are) pretty sick of this modern phenomena of attention-seeking "celebrities", who can't stay out of the news, who hog the limelight, who are the focus of constant media attention - because they're a fad. Most if not all of the time they haven't done anything except bared their soul in front of a camera. It's very much like the Truman Show in all honesty.

The climate isn't a fad, as many acknowledge climate debate, climate study, climate protest has been around for decades. Centuries, perhaps. Greta, however, is a forced fad. And forced fads often suck. Even the good ones tend to outstay their welcome.

She's another forced celeb no different to the Big Brother "celebs", now famous for being famous. Hopefully she'll fizzle out and go away. She's nothing but a child whom the media follow around like starving dogs, reinforcing her unearned fame and fake importance.

e: Oh and what did she say today? "You all behave like children. We [the children] will have to be the adults and take action."

So she really doesn't understand jack ****. Who does she think she is, and who does she think is doing the real research, development, climate lobbying, etc? Children like her? Nah, of course not. Children like her are just bunking off school and having a laugh.
. . .
  • Constantly repeat just a few ideas.
. . .
Standard advertising / lecture strategy:
  • Tell them what you are going to tell them
  • Tell them it
  • Tell them what you just told them
Oh, yeah, and keep it simple so that the idiots understand.

It does work you know, I have done it often enough when training people.
Indeed you are, even if your assertion that she is "purely used as a megaphone" is unsupported and is founded on irrational prejudice and perhaps even a touch of envy.

Oh, if only the few people asserting that climate change is not a serious issue had a few interested parties to help them act as "megaphones"; perhaps some generous person from the energy sector could step forward :(

She's a kid, I don't believe the words that come from her mouth are truly hers, and that is where the Megaphone comes in, if you think that's making fun of someone I think your perception is a little skewed.

There is no envy, I'm not making fun, you can try accuse me of that but it's just a futile attempt.
Oh, yeah, and keep it simple so that the idiots understand.

It does work you know, I have done it often enough when training people.
It's nice you treat people who go on your training courses as idiots. Although maybe they have lost a few IQ points by the time they leave.
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