Greta Thunberg

@Threepwood Yeah I get it you think she's changed the world. You stick with that belief mate, but you're not presenting any evidence beyond your faith in Greta.
I really don't think she has 'changed the world' but nice of you to try and put words in my mouth mate.

What I do think is she is having an effect, one for good.

It's too early to say with absolute 100% fact what policies she has changed. Only things like, after her speech a couple of months ago, Austria saw a threefold increase of membership of their green party, which may mean a coalition government with them and their Conservative party, maybe it was the pigtails?

Or in Canada the youth proportion of Justin Trudeau's party dropped significantly (she had a go at him for not being green enough).

Hell, even blummin Gove said he felt guilty.

I guess we will see, idk how you can say she is having zero effect on green issues, makes no sense to me, maybe you are just winding us up idk. Happy to agree to disagree anyway.
It's too early to say with absolute 100% fact what policies she has changed. Only things like, after her speech a couple of months ago, Austria saw a threefold increase of membership of their green party, which may mean a coalition government with them and their Conservative party, maybe it was the pigtails?

Or in Canada the youth proportion of Justin Trudeau's party dropped significantly (she had a go at him for not being green enough).

Hell, even blummin Gove said he felt guilty.

I guess we will see, idk how you can say she is having zero effect on green issues, makes no sense to me, maybe you are just winding us up idk. Happy to agree to disagree anyway.
That's it?

Gove "felt guilty" (or it least said he does to the camera)?

Trudeau's party lost some youth membership?

Austria's green party membership increased?

Those last two btw mean very little. JC's Labour party membership increased massively before the 2017 election. Look where he is now. He failed to get elected in 2017 and he was blown away in 2019. Party membership doesn't mean you'll get MPs.

Of the "youth membership" that Trudeau lost, how many could even vote? If they really were youths then presumably not many if any.

Are we assuming that Greta's child soldiers (the Greta Youth) will behave as adults the same way they behave as children?

Children adopt, discard and change positions from one day to the next. Today they want to be a environmental campaigner like Greta. Tomorrow they want to be PM. The day after, a marine biologist. Or a football star.

So yeah, if youth movements are her main measuring stick, then there's no evidence at all of policies being changed thanks to Greta, now or in future. Children are fickle.
@FoxEye Yeah I get it you don't think she has, nor will have in any way, an effect on any policy ever... With not a single person, politician or any other entity changed for the better of the environment. You stick with that belief man, but you're not presenting any evidence beyond faith that she has only had a neutral effect.
@FoxEye Yeah I get it you don't think she has, nor will have in any way, an effect on any policy ever... With not a single person, politician or any other entity changed for the better of the environment. You stick with that belief man, but you're not presenting any evidence beyond faith that she has only had a neutral effect.
I'm not the one painting her as the next messiah with no evidence that she's done anything useful.

So yeah, in the absence of any evidence whatsoever to the contrary, and having seen her antics on TV and elsewhere, I'll draw the obvious conclusions. Thanks.

Just more typical "woke" middle-aged white male bashing. It's very fashionable now.

It speaks volumes that that's all they've got in her defence.

We get the same comment on every page now, how utterly boring
Of herself.

Otherwise yes I will happily question that she raised awareness of anything.

The rest of your post is just an attempt to belittle anyone who doesn't view Greta as the next messiah. Not going to bother replying to that.

@Threepwood Yeah I get it you think she's changed the world. You stick with that belief mate, but you're not presenting any evidence beyond your faith in Greta.

And if the best thing she's done is to say, "Listen to the experts," then I'm sorry but that amounts to a whole lot of nothing in my book.

We'll have to agree to disagree. This debate is very light on facts and figures.

So the fact that the Governor of the Bank of England is issuing this climate warning On a BBC Radio 4 that’s being guest edited by Thunberg is just coincidence too? Or has he been taken in by her as the ‘next messiah’? Is that the same for Sir David Attenborough, who’s been working to raise this awareness for the past two decades and who credits Thunberg with achieving success that others had failed to do so during the same period.

I get that you don’t want to acknowledge things that don’t fit in with the way you want them to be. So perhaps it isn’t surprising that you’re incapable of acknowledging clear evidence, when it is simpler to mock instead.
So the fact that the Governor of the Bank of England is issuing this climate warning On a BBC Radio 4 that’s being guest edited by Thunberg is just coincidence too? Or has he been taken in by her as the ‘next messiah’? Is that the same for Sir David Attenborough, who’s been working to raise this awareness for the past two decades and who credits Thunberg with achieving success that others had failed to do so during the same period.

I get that you don’t want to acknowledge things that don’t fit in with the way you want them to be. So perhaps it isn’t surprising that you’re incapable of acknowledging clear evidence, when it is simpler to mock instead.
It's simply a fact that Greta has not created any new understanding, of anything. Has not proposed any solutions or invented anything. Has not discovered anything.

She is a front man for a PR team with unknown objectives, piggy-backing on the work of real scientists and others working on actual solutions.

We are, sadly, celebrity obsessed now. Objectively she has done nothing, bar becoming a major celebrity by being an angsty/worried teen. Can you list her achievements beyond becoming famous? Well, can you?

But if celebrity is what we (collectively) crave, she ticks that box. It's like the people saying YouTube "stars" deserve to earn more than playing games than the people who create the games.

Greta is obviously what society wants and deserves. We (collectively) value scientists and engineers much less than angsty teenagers handled by clever PR teams.

In what way is she different to the countless other celebs, who became famous for being famous? (ie, without merit, see Big Brother et al).
Greta is basically a PR exercise. They have to invent achievements for her because she's done nothing of note besides being in the spotlight. She's famous for being famous. Famous for being a worried child with no answers to the things that worry her. Famous for saying, "Listen to me when I tell you to listen to others because they might understand things that I don't." So why is she even involved? Her interviews clearly demonstrate she's not an academic.
Must be nice in that little echo chamber of hers. I wonder if she has the balls to debate anyone for real

She probably has more balls that anyone else in this forum.


'i dont need no kid telling me what i can or cant do, im gonna eat more meat and run my car in the morning to warm it up now hahah'
She probably has more balls that anyone else in this forum.
'i dont need no kid telling me what i can or cant do, im gonna eat more meat and run my car in the morning to warm it up now hahah'


Said who? Most of us are merely questioning the need for Greta, not the need for action on climate change.

Because, weirdly enough, there was an understanding of climate change before Greta was even born. Not that you'd know it, listening to her advocates.
That still doesn’t seem to be balanced by an understanding that her actions have broadened and amplified the understanding to a wider audience. Unfortunately, that seems to attract some hostility and resentment.
Why do people fall for Greta, why would someone like myself be ridiculed for not thinking she's an inspiration?

She's a kid that's been led on, she's a big piece of putty that's moulded and shaped into something to meet an agenda.
She's a mouth piece
She's scripted
She's easily influenced.

She's Looking for the fight of her life in the real time world
No one sees her at all they all say she's crazy, she is crazy.
“What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.” ~ Richard Lindzen
Why do people fall for Greta, why would someone like myself be ridiculed for not thinking she's an inspiration?

She's a kid that's been led on, she's a big piece of putty that's moulded and shaped into something to meet an agenda.
She's a mouth piece
She's scripted
She's easily influenced.

She's Looking for the fight of her life in the real time world
No one sees her at all they all say she's crazy, she is crazy.
There's a reason the Tories spent like crazy on social media advertising (often with highly dubious "facts").

Greta isn't the only one being led on or moulded (though I agree with you entirely that she's just a mouthpiece for a PR machine/group with unknown links and objectives).

People on social media are easily influenced too. A lot of young people base their whole outlook on life on what they are told on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, funnily enough. Substance not required.

Those places are a tier below Wikipedia, imho, as YT deliberately creates echo chambers via its algorithms, and nobody gets to fact check on anyone else's channel.

People moaned about Wiki back in the day but at least it's mostly factual. Web 2.0 is all about echo chambers and believing what you want to believe, with no evidence for anything.
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