Quite. It's funny how often they get triggered by this sort of thing.
Oh no. Misread. Sorry. You're making that robust argument that once a thing happens enough, or is pointed out enough, it somehow loses validity.
Of course. Why'd I go looking for some sincerity in a post of yours.
It's the vacuousness of social-media driven society and opinions that narks me right off.
By her own admission she knows only what she's read or watched on TV. Which is fine, there's plenty of stuff to read and watch.
But it's painfully obvious when she's interviewed that often she can't even articulate herself very well. People might say I'm being mean and she has ass burgers or whatever.
But she's a global superstar, basically, for just repeating verbatim (or not even that well) what she's been told.
She's a glorified parrot, basically. And I don't think anyone is denying this.
So far, then, she's not even that much different to millions of others, who get their facts from what they read online and have arguments about it online.
But she's got this mammoth PR team behind her to jet her all over the world (she doesn't canoe everywhere, and she pops up all over the place...) and give her massive publicity, and put her on the news 24/7.
And all she's doing is saying, "How very dare you, muh childhood, feel bad you awful white men."
And that's ... that's it. She's a global superstar, about to win the Nobel peace prize and... she's too young to have had a single, original, thought about the climate or done a single thing that's added to our scientific understanding.
She's basically like the YT celebs. No different to Pewdipie or whoever. A celebrity.
Sorry but I'm sick of hearing about her. How she's gone to India to talk to the Pope or whatever. I'm sure it was a riveting conversation. Maybe she told him he was an awful climate destroying white man?