Greta Thunberg

So you state all this, and yet also state that she hasn’t raised awareness of climate change.

You’re basically arguing with yourself, and getting increasingly angry about it!
She's raised awareness of herself.

We already knew about climate change.

We had Greenpeace and Attenborough long before we had Greta.
Why are you calling him God? Curious. I'm making the point that awareness (and opportunity for awareness) has been around for years.

Climate awareness is something I grew up with. It's been on the TV all throughout my life.

Greta really isn't doing anything new, or anything that's not already been done.

Again it's indisputable that she hasn't added to our knowledge (how could she at her age?)

And part of the things "inspired" by her - like the "climate strikes" by secondary school kids - she's come out herself and said they haven't achieved anything.

Yet I've seen people here say those "climate strikes" have "raised awareness" myself. I've seen a couple myself.

A lot of giggling kids and cars hooting their horns.

Is that what real action looks like? Of course not. It's the kind of social-media inspired dross we live with in 2019.

Like the "Assault on Area 51" they tried to organise. Lol. The idea that people on Twitter could put together a cohesive plan of action is pretty silly :p
The truth is Greta nor anyone else can do a damn thing, whilst economic interests and climate interests are not aligned.

Economic interests trump all.
I think you may be looking at this the wrong way.

Lets take Boris for instance. His new partner is reportedly an environmentalist. Im sure she has had a little hand in influencing Boris on some policies.

His next partner might be the complete opposite of course though and want to make things even worse.

Its the kids that will change the habits of adults and even if they dont they will then become adults and hopefully keep those desirers for a cleaner milder planet.
I am not bothered about CO2's

THIS is what bothers me, and unlike CO2's and climate change, this IS something that we in the UK can do something about to protect ourselves.

(Disclaimer, Do not know if claims made in the article are correct, but it really is the idea that counts)
Trouble is, we are socially, economically, functionally dependent on plastic. In literally every aspect of our lives.

And globally. Everything from our clothes to our contact lenses. Virtually all packaging. Most food containers. Tools, vehicles, and pretty much everything that's "disposable".

At best we can try to contain it. But we're pretty lousy at that currently.

It's too late to eliminate or even reduce our dependency on plastic. That ship sailed long, long ago.
I don't understand, it's a perfectly civil discussion.

Some people occasionally think it's fun to post about "white men being triggered", but other than that the discussion has been "grown up" by the standards of the internet.
Trouble is, we are socially, economically, functionally dependent on plastic. In literally every aspect of our lives.

It's too late to eliminate or even reduce our dependency on plastic. That ship sailed long, long ago.

Plastic is kind of like the internet.

For most people, the internet didn't exist before 2000, now it has ingratiated itself into the collective to such an extent that if it stopped working, even if only for a couple of hours, people really would die (And probably in really quite large numbers)

I really do have a Love/Hate thing about the internet!

Similarly, Yes, of course Plastics were around when I was a kid (Who, of a certain age, doesn't remember Formica??)

But they were nowhere near as ubiquitous and essential as they are today.

As you say, 50 years ago we could function without plastics. Today, it would be so much harder. :(
Plastic is kind of like the internet.

For most people, the internet didn't exist before 2000, now it has ingratiated itself into the collective to such an extent that if it stopped working, even if only for a couple of hours, people really would die (And probably in really quite large numbers)

I really do have a Love/Hate thing about the internet!

Similarly, Yes, of course Plastics were around when I was a kid (Who, of a certain age, doesn't remember Formica??)

But they were nowhere near as ubiquitous and essential as they are today.

As you say, 50 years ago we could function without plastics. Today, it would be so much harder. :(
Yet this is the kind of "radical action" people like Greta are pushing for. With little or no understanding that it's simply not possible.

Whilst some would rather watch the world burn than give up plastics, most appreciate that it isn't even a choice being offered. You might want to live in a plastic-free world, but you can't. Our entire society would need to be re-engineered from the ground up to eliminate plastic, and it's simple not going to happen. No matter how great the need (or perceived need), it can and will not happen.

It's the same with demands to go carbon neutral in 5 years or whatever.

Many people might want it. But it's not a choice being offered. There isn't the will, there isn't the investment, there isn't the drive for ground-up change.

So people like Greta are going to get angrier and angrier, but it's not going to bear any kind of fruit.

Change, if it happens, will happen slowly. There will be no radical acceleration of "greening up".

The most recent climate talks ended in failure, did they not?

As said, until economics and climate concerns align, economics will win every time.
Do you like 'grown men' or something?

You can add the US and Australia to that... and loads more tbh. The most recent climate talks basically ended in failure.
I think she is a credit to young people. How many of you naysayers would have the balls to start a campaign in their home country then go on to talk to reporters etc. She has talked to UN and other conferences in front of World leaders. How many of you were able to do that at 16?
You can add the US and Australia to that... and loads more tbh. The most recent climate talks basically ended in failure.
Untill China and India sort themselves out it's a losing battle, China used more concrete in two years than the USA did in the entire 20th century (cement production 8% of total co2 emissions). Not to mention the raping and destruction of river banks for sand.
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