I think the most important thing right now is to optimise the global economic system, to reduce the consumptionism/capitalism/profitalism, while redirecting more resources for a normal living to the less developed countries.
We must seek more advanced energy generation technologies, we need more efficient system - for instance - if we can invent an energy system with high enough 'over-unity' coefficient, we will limit a lot of the waste thrown in the environment, a lot of unnecessary garbage thrown in the environment.
Burning fossil fuels is the least efficient energy source possible.
Agreed, but are you willing to give up your car and take public transport?
Unfortunately most people in the west will not be willing to reduce their standard of living low enough to make a real difference.
Energy is not the only issue. Food is a massive one. Our current system is damaging the planet more than anything else. It's contributing significantly to climate change and is the main driver of the Holocene extinction, including everything from the historic collapse of megafauna and recent collapses in insect and fish biodiversity and populations alongside all the other extinctions.
One thing to consider is we as Brits hold rather hypocritical/blinkered views on this because we consider the industrial landscape that makes up around 70% of the British Isles as scenic and "natural", while we chastise countries like Brazil for chopping down their forests. All they're doing is following in our footsteps - the mass destruction of the environment to turn into farms and fields for crops and livestock. Unfortunately they are following us down the rabbit hole of environmental destruction.
Electric cars are not going to make things much better on that front. Yes, they'll help reduce the the severity of AGW/CC, but where are we going to get the resource for them? The seabed - mining of which is going to happen in the near future, both in hydrothermal vents and abyssal plains, both extremely fragile ecosystems that will cause major extinction events in the oceans, in places that have so far largely avoided the human caused extinction on land and in the shallow(er) seas. They're another prime example of technology not being the solution, but quite often just solving one problem and creating another. EDIT: And before Anglian pipes in with his anti tech straw man, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be moving to electric cars from ICE cars, but that they're still a problem and won't solve the overall issue - humanities use of too many resources due to the size of our population.
I think we're talked out on most of this, so I'm just going to address one point:
Why anyone thinks that dismissing language as "semantics" is a valid argument I don't know - semantics is a key part of language. But anyway..."genocide" explicitly refers only to targetted mass killing. It literally means "killing a type". It is not a catch all term for mass killing. If you killed a billion people at random, that would not be genocide. If you killed the last remaining 50 people in a tribe specifically because of their tribe, that would be genocide. You brought up genocide. I didn't.
1) I did not bring up reducing population by a large enough amount quickly enough to solve the problem of CO2 emissions. You did that. I just pointed out that mass killing is the only way to do that. Natural population reduction by voluntary reduction in breeding occurs far more slowly and as a result of improved standards of living, not as a cause of them. As I said before, you have the cart before the horse.
2) If you don't understand what a word means and you don't understand the importance of semantics, that's not my problem.
Because the semantics argument you're using is irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether its targeted mass killing or not, at least for my argument, because I'm not advocating mass killing.. The semantics argument is a convenient way for you to divert the argument however...
And secondly no I did not bring up "reducing population by a large enough amount quickly enough to solve the problem of CO2 emissions." That's one of the strawman arguments you've been using since the beginning, as I've also explained multiple times to you. No point discussing this with you any more, as you seem intent posting irrelevant drivel unrelated to my posts.