But people saying plastic is better than glass due to the carbon have it all wrong glass is 100% reusable all the time you simply melt and recycle. Now tell me what fumes and pollution etc are given from plastic recycling? It would not surprise me also of there was a big pro plastic lobbying group trying to convince us all that plastic still should be used over glass, When it should be banned in consumer products.
So an Indian guy manages her facebook page basically
I am not saying that "Plastic is better then glass"
I am saying that if your only obsession is CO2's, then plastic is better than glass. A very different thing altogether.
For my part, of the top ten things that we should be worried about as regards mankind's adverse impact on the planet and its ecosystems. CO2's probably isn't even on the list.
So yes, for my part I think we should revert to using more glass. But doing so will likely hammer the CO2's figures. So the Greta of this world will get in a strop about it.
The way I see it, glass jars/bottles should be standardised and not producer specific. so that any glass container can be re-used by any manufacturer.
Also, many of the transport issues would be mitigated if we went back to doorstep deliveries for not only liquids like Milk, but also other goods supplied in glass
(IE the Milkman becomes rather more than just a Milkman)
The electric floats (A very good use of EV tech, unlike most others) would make the deliveries and return the empties as a single trip.
But, of course (Like many green things) this would cost more, and in some ways be less convenient.
And for it to really work well it would have to be a national program with a fair old deal of centralised planning involved. which a lot of people would not like, as a matter of principle.
Profits. Large changes mean costs (and less profits). Inertia. Greed.
All of the above.
e: Also shareholders/CEOs. How many shareholders are going to approve of a decision that sees growth take a hit, share price take a hit, in order to be more environmentally friendly?
Agreed but why have they not taken action? Big retail and lobbyism is the reason if the product you sell has a lot of plastic it is best you use some profits to convince the Goverment of the financial loss.
Maybe a top consultancy job after being a minster would sweeten the deal, Thats how it works and why it is and why were too late. They need to ban minsters taking jobs related to groups they had influence and control over in politics and start banning dumb plastics.
Even things as small as a plastic pepper grinder or a plastic coke bottle does my head in, The old glass coke tasted better and if you can not grind your own pepper without the use of plastics then you should not exist, Existing like we do is a disaster.
What annoys me is i love coke, And i buy cans for A taste and B to deny plastic sales. [..]
Drink cans (and probably other cans) are lined with plastic. Plastic is such an astonishingly useful thing that it's used in almost everything.
- REALLYprotein from the sea ..if we stop poisonoing the sea .. simple conservation, then the protein from it would sky-rocket
Protein from the sea
yes - that's what I thought, he implied .. but, listen, he was suggesting a bounty to feed the world ! (... maybe with krill)
Yes...if we don't poison the sea and fish in a sustainable manner, there should be more than enough food to feed the Worlds growing population.
Come, rain, or shineEats shoots and leaves!
Yes...if we don't poison the sea and we fish in a sustainable manner, there should be more than enough food to feed the Worlds growing population.
Approximately three billion people in the world rely on both wild-caught and farmed seafood as their primary source of protein.
The contribution of fish proteins to total world animal protein supplies rose from 13.7 percent in 1961 to a peak of 16.0 percent in 1996, before declining to 15.3 percent in 2005. Corresponding figures for the world, excluding China, show an increase from 12.9 percent in 1961 to 15.4 percent in 1989, then declining slightly to 14.7 percent in 2005.
Globally, fish provides more than 1.5 billion people with almost 20 percent of their average per capita intake of animal protein, and nearly 3.0 billion people with 15 percent of such protein.