Grid 2

so got to season 4 then decided to take the plunge and go online.... hummm... i hope it gets better!!!

firstly there were 2 guys constantly broadcasting music during the entirety of the race despite my efforts of tell them to shut the **** up :( the as discussed... some drivers are complete d***s!!! i think in one race within the first lap i was intentionally rammed 3+ times making me use the reset things so wasting them all... and then they kept doing it.... pretty much everyone was spun out at one point... was rubbish!!!!!

only level 1 atm but I hope as I progress I will be grouped with the not so douchebags types.

bit annoying can't just completely disable voip ingame as I don;t want to hear others and I also don't want to be forced to broadcast as I'm on mumble at the same time whit my clan so I either have to talk and everyone ingame can hear me... which I don;'t want as I know how annoying it is and they don't want to hear me chatting ****. or I have to switch my mic off for the duration.... meh :p
I find Online to be a lot more entertaining than SP. When you rank up and get the proper cars its a lot better. Yes you get the occasional bad race full of idiots who dont run clean races but overall its fun!
I find Online to be a lot more entertaining than SP. When you rank up and get the proper cars its a lot better. Yes you get the occasional bad race full of idiots who dont run clean races but overall its fun!

I would second that.
First couple of games i played online were terrible, stuck with it and now i find the majority of people are relatively clean drivers with the odd DB playing.
(sorry for long read :p)

ok having a bit more fun online now :D still running into plenty of ****s though! had a good few races last night and got up to lvl 4 :D also was soooo close to winning a drift competition, was 50k points ahead of everyone... then the last guy came flying over the line and beat me by 20k :( boooo!!!!!

stuck around in the lobby as they seemed a nice bunch.... I was wrong.... next race quite a few scuffs and scrapes, but then there was a faceoff and right at the very start the guy (who was lvl 20something) just swerved over, hit me and kept driving me over till I hit the wall and then sped off... I just retired after about 10 seconds as unless he used up all his restarts there was no chance i was going to catch up :( ****ing **** head!

what takes the biscuit more is I had another faceoff race a bit later and when going round a corner i got a bit too nose in and clipped the rock causing me to pretty much come to a dead stop then the other guy full on rammed into me and I got disqualified for hitting him?! WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!? :( I know I was in a bad place but the fact he had a few seconds to go around but just went hell for leather at me and then I get knocked out..... just sucks! :( I was leading it for so long too!

I am getting better though and on one of the race circuits I had an awesome race, got knocked to the back of the pack pretty early (thanks to the guy not braking at all!) but then there were 3 of us battling for 5th 6th and 7th (I say battling... they were always ahead of me but I almost had them xD) and using the tier 1 cars I was in the charger and one was in the ford mustang and on the final lap we were so close around most the corners we were doing synchronised drifting, getting within a few feet but not contacting... felt awesome :D

quick Q, so if I put voic to "none" can people still hear me? as I set it so but my mic indicator still comes up when it picks up sound, I want to chat to my mates in mumble but I don;t want to be talking rubbish over the race for everyone else xD

tl dr: drifting is fun, people are ****s, i get rammed and i get disqualified, guy takes me out at start of 1 on 1 and doesn't get DQ? if muted all can they still hear me?
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With the current settings for grid, it uses the same settings as windows does for the microphones, so talking in skype will also be generated ingame, I can always hear people talking as if their on skype or something ingame. I didnt realise this at first and was cussing the other drivers in the same race even tho i put chat on none as well XDDD

Hopefully they will have a different option for mic volume sooner rather than later.
haha yea that's the problem... I'll be on mumble **** talking about drivers and then realise they can all hear me... but I can't hear them xD

If it uses the windows settings/default I might just set the default to something not plugged in like front port mic and then in mumble and other programs just manually set the device rather than using the default... still.... bit silly not to include an option to mute self xD
I'm getting there. Into season 3 but am finding some of the races quite hard, despite finding most of them easy...

Faceoff vs Dubai VIP wassiz name in Japan is tough. Though I've only had a go at it in the Honda... He keeps catching me downhill...
Does anyone think Codemasters are going to address the multiplayer ramming?

In 1st place throughout most of my race, tailed by another driver, come to the third to last corner and as I slowed down, he smashed into the side of me, spun me out while he went on to win! :mad:
Does anyone think Codemasters are going to address the multiplayer ramming?

In 1st place throughout most of my race, tailed by another driver, come to the third to last corner and as I slowed down, he smashed into the side of me, spun me out while he went on to win! :mad:

I was under the impression that the red/yellow/white flags system WAS Codemaster's attempt to address multiplayer ramming? Players get segregated into parties depending on their clean driving status (tbh haven't really noticed this in practice).
I was under the impression that the red/yellow/white flags system WAS Codemaster's attempt to address multiplayer ramming? Players get segregated into parties depending on their clean driving status (tbh haven't really noticed this in practice).

Well, if that is true, then it must be broken as I have been in games with people who have red flags, yellow flags, green flags and white flags :p. They should just make your car a ghost car if another car gets very close, it would be annoying, yes, but it would solve it instantly.
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Isn't that funny the very nature of the first Grid game was that it was Patched so many times it was called the Codemasters quilt. I can only vouch for the XBox360 side though. I never played the first Grid game on the PC until recently. Personally I find it more entertaining than Grid 2. Okay the Graphics may be at least 3 years old but the gameplay is quite reasonable on an i7.
Does anyone think Codemasters are going to address the multiplayer ramming?

In 1st place throughout most of my race, tailed by another driver, come to the third to last corner and as I slowed down, he smashed into the side of me, spun me out while he went on to win! :mad:

Yeh, it's annoying. IIRC Forza 2 had a system where if you hit somebody your car slowed down temporarily (like Grid 2 if you cut corners), that'd soon cure most of the deliberate ramming.
There used to be a thing called gaming etiquette. All it seems to be now is either newbie bashing or just trashing. I used to have some decent races on the 360 with PGR series and Forza. When Grid came along there were a few good races, but the character of the racer dropped considerably because when you did Grid World you could smash your way into the lead and that followed suit onto the racetrack in online gaming.
There used to be a thing called gaming etiquette. All it seems to be now is either newbie bashing or just trashing.

I agree but at the same time it's hard to expect people to be considerate in a competitive game - the aim is to win, using the tools you're given... If the developer has allowed ramming etc. to be such an effective tactic then of course the majority are going to exploit it. Even if you believe you "don't want to win that way" then you're just going to lose, so the "can't beat 'em join 'em" mentality rules... Just look at the hoards of players in Battlefield or COD who will flock to any slightly unbalanced weapon known to offer an advantage - followed by all the other players who are sick of getting destroyed by them...
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