Grid 2

lets hope they dont shut down the online servers as fast as they did with the first, loved online racing.

This. Loved GRiD but they pulled support for online just as I was getting into it :(

Drift events were class, almost as good as Metropolice Street Racer on the Dreamcast :D

Hope they don't Yank-ify it even more :mad:
Grid was good, so hoping for a similar outcome with Grid2, hope it pops up on steam with some nice pre-order bonus similar to the other ones out there ive seen (brands, mclaren, indy car etc.)
The Steam pre order will no doubt be more expensive than elsewhere and my internet is poo so I've took the plunge and pre ordered from ShopTo.

God I hope its good.
I'm really looking forward to spending my money on this, getting really into it and then having it shut down with no refund shortly after. That was something I loved about GRID.
Lol. To be fair, it was a couple of years before they closed the servers, wasn't it?

And caused by a falling out with the providers rather than a conscious effort to close them.

It did suck though.

Edit: it was over 3 years.
Loved the original grid. Only problem was online play didnt punish going off the track at all. Was the only thing wrong with it.
That and the people who kept voting for the derby races. They were rubbish.
Don't you just love consoles. :rolleyes:

Well they are old tech, after all.

Although I don't fully buy that as a reason. Forza and GT have cockpit views. Wasn't there something from Codemasters a while back saying that only 5% of Grid players used cockpit view? If that's the case then I can see why they might want to save the development time used to make the interior views and put it to better use elsewhere.
Yep, old tech holding back games that could be great on the PC.

They did say that only 5% only used cockpit view, now they are saying by removing it they can improve visuals, have more cars etc for the consoles. So which is it?

They could have at least had it for PC gamer's.
yes each transition animation takes a lot of man hrs if its hardly used then it does seem reasonable not to add it.

only way i play driving games is from the bonnet cam as do a lot if that wasnt in it then it would be a no buy but cockpit driving wheel view id actually be glad as in most driving games its restrictive to what you see
Yep, old tech holding back games that could be great on the PC.

They did say that only 5% only used cockpit view, now they are saying by removing it they can improve visuals, have more cars etc for the consoles. So which is it?

They could have at least had it for PC gamer's.

I imagine the improved visuals argument is just the outcome of a previously made decision to not have it.

If they wanted to focus development elsewhere then making it just for PC makes even less sense, as I expect the largest market for this game will be consoles by some considerable margin.

Grid was always more about being good fun than having cutting edge graphics anyway, and with development being obviously console based this is hardly going to be a visual masterpiece. I just hope they don't butcher the gameplay.
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