Grid 2

i loved the first, will be getting the second, played with stonedpenguin a few times on dirt :D i just havnt been on it in a long time due to nobody being on regularly in my friends list, but when this comes out, im getting rid of the gf for at least a week haha, was so gutted they closed the original grid servers down
Well they are old tech, after all.

Although I don't fully buy that as a reason. Forza and GT have cockpit views. Wasn't there something from Codemasters a while back saying that only 5% of Grid players used cockpit view? If that's the case then I can see why they might want to save the development time used to make the interior views and put it to better use elsewhere.

Yes, they did say that. Clearly it's a case of not wanting to devote the resources on it, and inventing "consoles limitations" as a scapegoat.
i loved the first, will be getting the second, played with stonedpenguin a few times on dirt :D i just havnt been on it in a long time due to nobody being on regularly in my friends list, but when this comes out, im getting rid of the gf for at least a week haha, was so gutted they closed the original grid servers down

Long time fella, Cya on the GRID :D
lets hope they dont shut down the online servers as fast as they did with the first, loved online racing.

In Codies defense, this wasn't their fault. They had a 2-3 year deal with Demonware, which is a networking middleware, think it was for PC and PS3. Sadly, once GRID was shipped, Demonware got brought up by Activision, so when codies asked for for a new deal, they said no. Think it still works on 360 as they used Xbox Live matchmaking system on that platform. Also believe this title, like other recent Codies games, will make use of Steamworks.

Anyway, had a go with this at Eurogamer (shameless plug of yours truly) and felt like great fun. Played GRID a lot online during first year of uni (one of the few games that worked in halls) so looking forward to getting back into it :D
ohhh looking forward to this coming out bought the first from gmg couple of days ago cheap gonna play through it again(played it on the console before i moved to pc).

hopefully they wont neglect the drifting side.
ah well codemasters started making budget games it's fitting that they should return to making budget games.
hopefully sony or someone buys them out and kills the studio after a few months.

I remember when they were an innovative company willing to take risks even if they ****** it up anyway like that dragon mmo they wasted so much money on and jumpgate evolution that never materialised.

actually thinking about it codemasters have ****** up almost every game they have ever touched anyway
Still can't believe they've dropped in car view, won't be going anywhere near this. codemasters really are starting to churn out some rather below average games of late.

I was playing Project Cars over the Easter break, I was amazed a game in alpha stage felt more complete and handled and look tens times better then codemasters latest F1 game. Pcars classic Lotus 78T races were not only stunning to look at, it felt like proper F1 racing, not the half assed effort Codemasters have subjected us to year on since codemasters got the F1 license..

Such a waste, give the F1 license to a better developer I say. As for Grid 2, no interests in this game other then to say, Grid was at first an excellent game, but try playing it today. It looks and feels so dated, it handles like its on rails, codemasters have become a rather misplaced studio, they are now a company that focus solely on racing games, yet in the last year they have released not one semi decent racer apart from F1 2012 if you ignore all its obvious faults.
At first look dropping the in car views seems like a silly move... But how many people use that view much? I would wager a small segment.

I bought Grid from GMG in the sale and gave it a go, it is a little funny, graphics were top notch when it came out though.

I have really enjoyed the Dirt games the past few days so I'm still excited about Grid 2.
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