Grid 2

Not at all :p

I was saying why would they not put controller support in since they had support in GRID :p
Where did that even come from? :confused:

It'll be a GFWL game, pad support is a certainty.

Doubt it will be a GFWL. More likely to be a steam as Dirt Showdown is.
Although no cockpit view is a major let down. I don't mind the front bumper view as long as that's in the game I'm happy. I'm sure some of the talented race department guys can fix up some cockpit views.
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Not going near a codemasters game after the two broken f1 games i have bought. I also find it really pants that cars are locked to tracks. TOCA 3 and grid were like this. I want to have the choice of using the cars on all tracks.
If i buy it will be after the 1st patch. I will let others loose thier save files, get random punctures and crash to desktop.
dirt 3 was good

Dirt3 was ok, but it didn't live up to the hype and features pushed out and not corrected by CM.

Just as a couple of examples, lots of cars were shown in their marketing videos were not available in the full game, but as later DLC. There'll be x% more rallying in DiRT3 in their interviews etc, but in reality there were probably less unique stages in the base game than DiRT2, as many were rehashed/reversed etc.

I certainly won't buy until well after release, as this sounds like DiRT3 all over again, cutting features, bigging the game up when in reality being very liberal with the truth, and then using customers as a cash cow for DLC.

Will CM give definitive answers to any of these questions, or will we only find out after release?

What cars will there be?
What tracks/variants?
What events?
What views?
What controllers?
What will be included in the base game?
What will be made available as DLC?
Will you have to buy the same DLC more than once to use it in different event types?
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Loved Grid1 so many hours at LANs playing it, hopefully they will include a proper LAN mode as often attend a LAN with no internet connection

It's difficult not to tell you all about it, but I can assure you it'll be true to the arcade genre!

Whilst some of you might not like the decision about the cockpit view there is a very just reason. It really is that 95% of people don't use it (I know this because I work on analysing the data you guys produce in games like dirt/F1 at Codemasters - no, I didn't make the decision!).

You have to remember how many hundreds of thousands of casual gamers there are out there which make up the majority of users. Hardcore sim fans/arcade fans are not the majority.

It was a difficult decision but removing will allow the guys (including QA) to focus on other, more important areas of the game.
I personally wouldn't have removed it, but when you work on the inside you can appreciate why the decision was made.

Keep an eye on for updates :)
can not wait for this loved grid,me and the clan used to have grid fridays have points for 1st 2nd 3rd etc :D
No 1st person is a deal breaker for me.

A repeat of the first Grid's AI would also have been a deal breaker, but I'd wait and see how that would have turned out first. Cars just ignored you and drove their line through you, and used boost cheats to keep up / overtake you (not just slipstreaming). Kind of hit home just how arcadey it was, though I still enjoyed playing it to a point, it was the area I'd gripe about.
Omitting cockpit view is shocking for a company which has restructured to focus mainly on driving games lol

Exactly what I was thinking! They rebrand themselves to include racing in the title, and then release two games that have nothing to do with actual driving, Showdown and GRID2. Jesus F. Christ.
I imagine if the default view was the in-car view, rather than the chase-cam, then the stats would be quite different as to what percentage of people use the in-car view ;)
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