No, there is no timescale and the intensity will fade over time but it will be with you to the end,
I lost my wife in September to cancer and it came as a huge shock. I thought it would be easy, but it isn’t. Some of the emotions are so strong that you sometimes wonder whether it is worth going on, but you do. You have to take it as it comes, don’t bottle anything and never supress the tears. Talk about it if you can, people will understand, it is not something to be ashamed of.
If it becomes overwhelming then seek counselling, there is always help available.
Funny, I feel better having said that tonight and will sleep well.
I'm really sorry for your loss @Cosimo it really is a terrible thing when you lose your loved one. It's absolutely not easy and I know I also need to move forward with my life, she would have wanted the children to be happy and looked after and that's what I intend to do, it's just really hard without her.
I was 18 when we met, I literally don't know any different and I'm no where near as good with the children as she was. She had everything under control even with three that are nerodeverse! The house was under control, the children, the meals.... everything I just went to work which was the easy bit.
I miss her hugs, I miss our conversations and time together with the children, yet I know I have to go on and try and make sense of all this.
I am really struggling with getting things in order, the house is far too small for us all, and it's a massive trigger for me, everything in here is hers and everything I look at causes me pain.
Not only that but it's only a small three bed house with myself and my children + the sister in law and her daughter staying here as well! That's 8 people crammed in here. It's complete chaos at the best of times.
I'm in no position to move yet, my finances are all over the place, my food bills a astronomical and I have to go get all the sisters in laws positions from Portugal where she has moved from to come live with me! No idea how I am going to manage that, a courier service is grands, so I am intending to hire a van and drive out there, I owe it to the sister in law for up rooting her life to have the kids for me to be able to work, the least I can do is get all her sentimental things from the life she once had over there.
Life is in a right state at the moment, but at least the kids are going to school and are relatively happy.
A lot of that is because of the sister in law to be honest, she has worked hard on giving them time as much as possible
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