The BBCs choice to not report it is much more damning than any external criticism of the BBC.The press and those with an agenda against the BBC.
The BBCs choice to not report it is much more damning than any external criticism of the BBC.The press and those with an agenda against the BBC.
I didn't say anything was the "cause" of anything.
You alluded to the distribution of abusers in civil/social services roles as being lower than in general population
What pressure is there though? I've spoke to a few people at work about Telford and none of them had heard about it, probably because most people get their news from the BBC. It's an absolute disgrace. To organise any mass demonstration against this would pretty much demand social media, which is heavily moderated by police forces who alongside councils are largely at fault. Also any protest against this, even from moderates, would attract the extremer types which would just get the events denounced as far-right etc. Meanwhile you have right-wing commentators denied entry to the UK to hold a speech on the topic of 'free-speech' at Hyde Park's Speakers Corner which was made as bastion for free speech, because it might hurt some people's feelings. And anyone speaking out in a nasty way about these rape gangs on twitter gets the Police turn up at their door to intimidate them into submission. We really are turning into a police state.This "in denial" response from affected councils will have to stop, surely shear pressure from voters will bring those that deny justice for nefarious reasons to heel, it can't continue much longer with such overwhelming evidence of evasion of duty of care, surely?
I did? Cite it then please.
So all these multitudes of towns and cities cited as having sexual grooming issues of kiddies by a preponderance of males of south Asian origin is just a trivial flippancy and the real cause is a supposed glut of paedophile police officers and social workers who are in the job to share victims of child abuse whilst trying to keep the tin lid on? I am struggling with that, REALLY struggling... And after due consideration I call BS...
Very interesting stuff. Are you saying that police officers out there are constantly self-conscious about not coming across as racist, enough that it is hindering their ability to police properly?
If it was whites gang raping children in Muslim countries they'd have their tackle chopped off and quite rightly too. In the UK we pat them on the back and give them more benefits.Bump on this one but how the hell are these scum still in the country?!
Newcastle grooming gang jailed for raping 13-year-old girl
The girl says the group "tortured" her and made her childhood a "living nightmare"
Did you even read the article? Some of the rapists were white.If it was whites gang raping children in Muslim countries they'd have their tackle chopped off and quite rightly too. In the UK we pat them on the back and give them more benefits.
Did you even read the article? Some of the rapists were white.
I guess you know these guys personally too since there is no mention at all of their religion in that article? Or did you just make unfounded assumptions?
Please show me where I have defended those vile people?Ah yes, those well known bastions of white society, Syria and Kuwait.
Did you even read the article? Or could you not wait to try and defend 4 child rapists?
Please show me where I have defended those vile people?
I am calling out the xenophobic and racist rhetoric in that post.
Bigoted? How the hell did you come to that conclusion?Xenophobic racism? That happens to be accurate?
Whilst you made things up to try and defend your bigoted predisposition.
Easy. You made a false, unsubstantiated and inaccurate claim that at least one is white. Why would you do that unless you were desperately trying to cling to a false belief?Bigoted? How the hell did you come to that conclusion?
Because at least one of them was white?Easy. You made a false, unsubstantiated and inaccurate claim that at least one is white. Why would you do that unless you were desperately trying to cling to a false belief?
Because at least one of them was white?