Grooming gangs

Censoring porn to protect children while turning a blind eye on rape cases is the UK edition of trying to censor video games to stop mass shootings.
It's well known that the establishment is full of paedophiles which is why these gangs are not shut down and why the crimes are not fully investigated. So it's not just a problem for X race in my opinion, that's just too simplistic and dodges the larger problems.
It's well known that the establishment is full of paedophiles which is why these gangs are not shut down.

It's not well known and that is not what the evidence is showing. Have you actually looked into the followup investigations and the ways councils and police acted?
So English Social Services are full of paedophiles, as are the police forces? They may have a fair diversity of odd gender types, but that's stretching things a tad surely? ;) I don't for one moment think the top echelons, nor the rank and file are "full of paedophiles", but do suggest the top echelons are furthering their career prospects by keeping too great a distance from awkward truths of a potentially disagreeable nature.

Take Greater Manchester police for example, not since Sir James Anderton was Chief Constable have GMP been apolitical, he is still regarded as UK's finest ever modern time Chief Constable by many in the UK's police forces, especially at a grass roots level. The Manchester riots would have been umpteen times worse without him taking a solitary,staunch and none PC stance against pressure from higher levels to "not make waves".
So English Social Services are full of paedophiles, as are the police forces? They may have a fair diversity of odd gender types, but that's stretching things a tad surely? ;) I don't for one moment think the top echelons, nor the rank and file are "full of paedophiles", but do suggest the top echelons are furthering their career prospects by keeping too great a distance from awkward truths of a potentially disagreeable nature.

How can simply being in social services or in forces, mean that the person has less or no desire to rape or abuse people?

So you're saying an abuser manages to get a job as a police officer, and is magically cured? What happens when he stops working for social services in future? Magically becomes a psycho again?

A person's underlying desires is not dictated by his job title. In fact it's the other way around, people's desires have a far bigger effect on the jobs they pursue; for example many psychos dream of having a job as a police officer.
How can simply being in social services or in forces, mean that the person has less or no desire to rape or abuse people?

So you're saying an abuser manages to get a job as a police officer, and is magically cured? What happens when he stops working for social services in future? Magically becomes a psycho again?

A person's underlying desires is not dictated by his job title. In fact it's the other way around, people's desires have a far bigger effect on the jobs they pursue; for example many psychos dream of having a job as a police officer.
Good point and I might add that a prospective abuser would look to place themselves in a position where they can gain access to vulnerable children.
How can simply being in social services or in forces, mean that the person has less or no desire to rape or abuse people?

So you're saying an abuser manages to get a job as a police officer, and is magically cured? What happens when he stops working for social services in future? Magically becomes a psycho again?

A person's underlying desires is not dictated by his job title. In fact it's the other way around, people's desires have a far bigger effect on the jobs they pursue; for example many psychos dream of having a job as a police officer.

So all these multitudes of towns and cities cited as having sexual grooming issues of kiddies by a preponderance of males of south Asian origin is just a trivial flippancy and the real cause is a supposed glut of paedophile police officers and social workers who are in the job to share victims of child abuse whilst trying to keep the tin lid on? I am struggling with that, REALLY struggling... And after due consideration I call BS...
Have to confess; I usually stay out of these types of threads but I'm also somewhat perplexed by this considering the attention it's getting elsewhere.

OK, I am being a good boy these days and checking my facts, it seems the BBC home page has more pressing stories, such as the danger in feeding wild birds and a shocking incident of spitting. I hadn't realised such grave news was in the offing today, moving the triviality of mass sexual abuse of kiddies off the agenda, quite understandably.
So all these multitudes of towns and cities cited as having sexual grooming issues of kiddies by a preponderance of males of south Asian origin is just a trivial flippancy and the real cause is a supposed glut of paedophile police officers and social workers who are in the job to share victims of child abuse whilst trying to keep the tin lid on? I am struggling with that, REALLY struggling... And after due consideration I call BS...
I didn't say anything was the "cause" of anything.

You alluded to the distribution of abusers in civil/social services roles as being lower than in general population, I said simply having a job in civil/social services, doesn't magically mean you become cured of your abusive nature. The distribution of abusers/psychotic issues is in fact higher in roles which allows the person to get closer to his psychotic desires (whether it's controlling people, getting cheap thrills, abusing people, or whatever).

Anyway I don't think you have any idea as to the "real cause" of anything here.
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