Growing Chillies

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Been away for a week, and i've come back to a rather excellent haul of chilli's growing, good ol' mother-in-law kept em watered while we were away... :D

most of my chillies have ripened or have started to ripen, only a couple still green, but ive still not managed to stop the green fly, they just keep coming back. so ive heavily chopped them back, taking out as much of the plant without chillies on as i can.

when ive picked all my chillies can i trim everything off back to just the stem(including leaves)?

forgot to put some pics in :p


Hey Chaps, sorry i have been rather absent again. my chillis are all now turning red, even the ones without the stigma at the bottom, think i mite have to freeze a lot of them as i havent been using many chillis recently

It has taken a realy cold snap up here recently and both plants have stoped flowering
13 chilis now, but they still haven't changed colour. I am wondering if they are the same as the little green thin ones you can buy in the supermarket.
I did have a sprinkling of last years dried chillies on aswell so that added to the heat.

Peri peri bbq sauce mixed with a equal amount of reggea reggea spicy tom sauce goes great on burgers.
Wow at the rate the jalapenos are growing at per few days to a week at a time. I think all my flowers are going to be jalapenos too. :)

I will try to get some pics taken on the weekend.

Btw a q question. When using a spray on the leaves etc do u just use water or tomato feed or baby bio as atm im using spray with tom feed in it. Not sure if im suppose to or not tho hence the question.

Oh and how long from when they start to grow till there ready to pick are jalapenos?
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The Naga when cooked in isn't as bad as people make out. Yes it's hot but not as bad as attempting to eat one raw!

I bought some nagas from tesco and i thought they were a bit disappointing, I was expecting to much i think after all the hype.
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