GTA 4 PS3 vs 360

Its sad how many people are blinded by a brand name when they say they will get it on the ps3 (its true of most of my real life friends as well).

I mean come on it doesn't "feel right", Sony must be loving you!

I can understand it if its the only console you own but for those with both there should be no question! It's not like supporting a football team where your loyal beyond all reason. For those that want the complete GTA experience you will have to get it on the 360.. thats not being a fanboy.. its just a fact.

Not really, if you own both consoles and you don't want to pay for the DLC, which lets be honest will just be another few hours of missions that will cost what 15 quid? i think it will be at least 1200 points, but i feel it will be MS's most expensive yet and might even be 1800 or maybe even 2100 (iircs cards come in 2100) That is a lot of money for just some more of the same.

So if you are not getting the DLC, and you have 2 consoles you need to make a choice, if you have more online friends on one system that will sway you. But if you don't care about that then why not stick to the machine you have always played the series on?
Take of the DLC and what does the 360 version offer over the PS3 version? (serious question btw)
Pretty sure that was announced as a timed exclusive at the time though wasnt it ?

No, I remember it being announced as exclusive. I would bet that most exclusive contracts have a time limit on them as the developer would want to protect the right to do what they want with their own intellectual property in the future.

I guess time will tell ;)
You can't afford 11p a day (at the full price), but you can afford to buy a PS3 and more games for it?
Has nothing to do with not being able to afford it.

It's whether you perceive it as being value for money which, as it has been established in a previous thread, many people on here don't.
PS3 version without question for me, I can understand people wanting the 360 version and If I could put up with the 360's hardware then I'd be temped, but as it stands I'd prefer to have it on the PS3, tbh it would feel wrong playing it on another console anyway.

Agreed. If the 360 is a lot more reliable and quieter when the DLC comes out then I would definitely consider getting a 360 again - well, if the extra 360 content is actually worth it as I'm not sure I would want to pay to download just extra story, but if there are new vehicles, weapons, map etc then it could be worth it.
I dont get why ppl use the 360s noise as an excuse, u cant even hear it when stuffs coming thru speakers unless ** on real low which is unlikely
Again, this has been covered in previous threads and it seems you get differing noise levels from 360's. Just because you haven't heard a loud one doesn't mean they don't exist!
Agreed. If the 360 is a lot more reliable and quieter when the DLC comes out then I would definitely consider getting a 360 again - well, if the extra 360 content is actually worth it as I'm not sure I would want to pay to download just extra story, but if there are new vehicles, weapons, map etc then it could be worth it.

I was just reading your post of the Kotaku FAQ, now that says Rockstar say the game is 100 hours. MS say the DLC is 10 hours. That isn't a huge amount in the grand scheme of things is it?
Just out of curiosity why will you be buying it on PS3 over 360? I can't see what the PS3 offers over the 360 (unless you prefer the controller) and the 360 offers the exclusive DLC.

Don't get me wrong I'd get it on PS3 over 360 simply because the majority of my gaming friends have PS3's and not 360's, I prefer the controller and don't care much for DLC for a game I'm probably never going to complete 100% anyway.

To be honest I rather play the game on something that isn't going to die mid-game, and the added fact that my PS3 doesn't sounds like a hoover is a bonus. I also prefer the Dual Shock 3 over the 360's controller.

Aside from the hardware plus points, I'm letting my Live run out and this is the last month, so I don't think I will renew, I just don't play often enough on it.

As for DLC - who cares, unless it is something earth shatteringly good, I wont be looking to get it; I'm just enjoying all of the fan-boy comments like "PS3 will never see DLC etc etc" :D

I can understand it if its the only console you own but for those with both there should be no question! It's not like supporting a football team where your loyal beyond all reason. For those that want the complete GTA experience you will have to get it on the 360.. thats not being a fanboy.. its just a fact.

I don't agree, I have both and haven't considered the 360 version at all, and as for the "complete GTA experience", you sound 100% certain that the PS3 wont ever see any DLC, how do you know that - not being a fan-boy I'm just interested to know is all :confused:

I dont get why ppl use the 360s noise as an excuse, u cant even hear it when stuffs coming thru speakers unless ** on real low which is unlikely

I have used it as a excuse because it is true :confused:

If you are one of the lucky few to have a totally silent 360, by comparison to the majority, then you can't really make a comment about the noise.

For me, I don't want to have to turn my speakers up to ear popping volume, just to out drone the noise of my 360, and anyone who suggests so is either stupid, or has a stack environmental noise warning letters.

I've got a 360 but im very tempted to get GTA4 on PS3, as long as the car controls can be mapped to the pressure sensitive buttons. simply hate driving on the 360, and GTA has always felt at home on Playstation
Technically it started as a PC game...

Exactly, I remember buying the first one for my PC. I've played all GTA games on the PC.

I'll be getting this on the 360. I may also pick up the PS3 version as I have a gift card for a high street store but that all depends on if I still have my PS3.
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Even if I had both consoles I'll be still getting this on the 360, purely because of the extra content.

I don't see how noise is an issues tbh. Yes the 360 is loud but if you turn the volume up on your telly/speakers you don't notice it (plus imo you get into the game more).
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