GTA4 - Will it be appearing on pc?

Should deffinately make an appearance on the PC. If th console versions are gonna sell millions im sure a PC version would sell a nice healthy ammount (plus with Rockstar shoving all there stuff on Steam, it would seem there still intrested in PC gaming).
Hated the PC versions of the GTA games. The gamepads for the consoles seem to suit it much better.

I do have a PC compatable 360 remote, but I reckon I'll just get the 360 version of the game, so much easier, just whack the disc in and away you go.

What I am curious about is what multiplayer will be like over Xbox Live....should be good craic I reckon.

I'm the opposite. I remember buying PS2 just for SA and I just hated the controls. In the end it was why I stopped playing the game I just couldn't do that minigun mission with toy planes :mad:
pc controls are easy for gta... only; wasd, ctrl L/R, arrows, mouse (all buttons), space, 2, numpad 123468 :D that all the keys i use on GTA:SA (for all vehicle types) well i find it easy anyway :p
I was actually surprised at how well it controlled when i tried it a couple of weeks ago. Even driving was a breeze. They make good ports :).
I don't really trust that source, never even heard of the site and of course there is zero proof.

Got the 360 version to tide me over until it comes out on PC with some cool mods hopefully.
Hated the PC versions of the GTA games. The gamepads for the consoles seem to suit it much better.

I do have a PC compatable 360 remote, but I reckon I'll just get the 360 version of the game, so much easier, just whack the disc in and away you go.

Hated the gamepad it drives me crazy - manual aim is impossible but is critical in some of the missions (remember the RC plane/antenna mission in San Andreas?) and the auto aim just seems to aim at anyone BUT the enemies :/

As for it not coming to pc - I doubt it, I think it will be on PC will just take some time.
I don't really trust that source, never even heard of the site and of course there is zero proof.

Got the 360 version to tide me over until it comes out on PC with some cool mods hopefully.

It could be true. American sales had plummeted apparently because of pirates, so they are taking a big hit from that.

Why would they make it for pc if everyone just pirates it? Whereas despite the console version already pirated its still a saver bet
Hi there

Just wondering as it is coming out on the ~cough~ consoles soon, is it going to be like all the other games in this series and comes out a year later or will this year be different?

Plus what specs do you think it will need?

Thanks - sorry if someone else has posted - at work and only got a few minutes to post without getting told off!

Although there has been a few threads on this already, if you google it you'll find a speculated release date of October this year dude.
Although there has been a few threads on this already, if you google it you'll find a speculated release date of October this year dude.

I wasnt saying that there wont be one, I was just stating a reason why they might not.

I hope they do as it should be great but not holding my breath
considering the pictures and vids available of the game already i would hope its available on PC or it will be a worthless waste of work.

HOrrifically bad depth of field/draw distance, AWFUL shadows all over the place, watch a vid of driving full speed under the L-train tracks which creates traintrack shape shadows along long roads, its so bad its almost laughable. Things like tree's look truly pathetic considering whats in plenty of other large scale games. Most things look fairly bland up close and personal let alone more than 5ft away where the detail starts to go.

Basically the other people in the game look like crap, and only the main characters AND only in the cutscenes look good, everything else is dodgey.

SAme usual pants weird physics stuff, like incredibly dodgey suspension on cars meaning going over a peak in a hill or whatever which in real life would do nothing makes the car lose all control.

Cars and main characters are where they've put effort in, and the cars don't look fantastic, however they aren't bad. But they wouldn't be bad in a pc game from 3-4 years ago either. Again the lack of focus/draw distance means the stuff even mid range away looks so bad, its supposed to do that to make stuff closer look great however it doesn't do that.

Focus and lack of drawing detail at a certain depth is supposed to compensate for lack of power to free up more juice for things up close. But it looks fairly average up close, and terrible far away. It needs, more memory, more graphical power and far FAR better character models and textures, in other words it needs a pretty big upgrade and a PC and only then might it look semi good.
I dunno, the single player shots looked quite nice, the multiplayer ones looked a little dodgy, though. I doubt, however, that throwing processor power at a dodgy shadow rendering system will help anyway.
I dunno, the single player shots looked quite nice, the multiplayer ones looked a little dodgy, though. I doubt, however, that throwing processor power at a dodgy shadow rendering system will help anyway.

processor power, no, graphical power, yes. I honestly forget which shadows which, what effect soft shadows does. I remember with Fear one way the shadows looked ok and the other option the shadows had this weird edge to the shadow that was much lighter, like a inbetween shadow step. I get the feeling that the dodgier looking effect was soft shadows done badly, and took a heck of a performance hit. I wonder if GTA4 went with soft shadows taking a hit on gpu performance which also makes it look like crud. Either way its something you simply don't have the option to change on console, but probably a config file somewhere to be found to disable or enable it on a PC version.

THe shadows, however bad and quite a big affect on the overall appearance, the complete lack of distance has a much much bigger affect overall.

Oh well, its started, games that can clearly look better being completely gutted via settings to run on already old console power.
I wasnt saying that there wont be one, I was just stating a reason why they might not.

I hope they do as it should be great but not holding my breath

1. You aren't very good at structuring a sentence, you didn't make a clear question.

2. As I said it'll be released later this year as most PC ports are, this is usually to ensure the game is compatible with various brands of PC hardware, whereas the xBox/PS3 has a specific hardware profile, so its easier to ensure compatibility.

No offense mate but when someone answers your question its best not to be arsey with them.
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