considering the pictures and vids available of the game already i would hope its available on PC or it will be a worthless waste of work.
HOrrifically bad depth of field/draw distance, AWFUL shadows all over the place, watch a vid of driving full speed under the L-train tracks which creates traintrack shape shadows along long roads, its so bad its almost laughable. Things like tree's look truly pathetic considering whats in plenty of other large scale games. Most things look fairly bland up close and personal let alone more than 5ft away where the detail starts to go.
Basically the other people in the game look like crap, and only the main characters AND only in the cutscenes look good, everything else is dodgey.
SAme usual pants weird physics stuff, like incredibly dodgey suspension on cars meaning going over a peak in a hill or whatever which in real life would do nothing makes the car lose all control.
Cars and main characters are where they've put effort in, and the cars don't look fantastic, however they aren't bad. But they wouldn't be bad in a pc game from 3-4 years ago either. Again the lack of focus/draw distance means the stuff even mid range away looks so bad, its supposed to do that to make stuff closer look great however it doesn't do that.
Focus and lack of drawing detail at a certain depth is supposed to compensate for lack of power to free up more juice for things up close. But it looks fairly average up close, and terrible far away. It needs, more memory, more graphical power and far FAR better character models and textures, in other words it needs a pretty big upgrade and a PC and only then might it look semi good.