GTA4 - Will it be appearing on pc?

Managed to find a PS3 copy in the Swindon "Station for Games" this afternoon, after a good 2 hours spent driving round different supermarkets. Good fun although only done the first couple of missions, but I so want to play this on a PC. Can't quite get the hand of the waggle sticks to control foot movement compared to keyboard and mouse and items like the mobile phone cry out to have key commands.

The graphics are not top of the line, agree re blurry - admittedly playing on a 42" plasma but the output from other PS3 (and XBox 360) games is better. Maybe it's my eyes again but everything seems slightly out of focus and despite adjusting in game contrast the nights are really dark, dark.

Looking forward to cracking on with the rest of the game, but I'll be even happier if/when a PC version is sitting on my desktop.
Sorry it looks real bad. I have a 720P native 40" HDTV and GTA4 looks like a PS2 game in many places. Very low res textures are used for most of the gfx on the PS3. It has horrible fuzzy DOF filters to mask the lack of AA (which is still very evident). This game is just screaming out for a decent high res + AA PC version so you can experience it without having to ignore the graphical issues (lots of minor shadow glitches as well). Very surprising most reviews choose to totally ignore these factors:(

Looks fine to me on my 37" upscaled to 1080P, don't have any issues with it and I sit about 6 feet away.

If you're up close to a 720P native image then obviously you will see multiple imperfections.
the answer to all this is simple Console version: £40 PC version: £20 - £30 (or free) :D

Grant you on the piracy issue, but I think I'm right in saying that devs get more profit per unit from a PC sale than a console sale? Seeing as a large portion of the cost of a console game goes back to the console maker.
Looks fine to me on my 37" upscaled to 1080P, don't have any issues with it and I sit about 6 feet away.

If you're up close to a 720P native image then obviously you will see multiple imperfections.
Well you must have a super duper HDTV then as loads of people have reported issues with the visuals being too blurry.

To me it looks as though like (as with the PS2 GTA games) R* have again made something which the current consoles just cannot handle without glitches. Some of the pop in on the PS3 is just ridiculous. Like you are say 10ft away (in the game) and some windows on a building or aircon units magically appear. It is pretty obvious by now that the PS3 & 360 just cannot handle decent visuals on this type of game without major compromises yet a reasonable PC could do it justice just as all the other PC GTA games looked great compared to the console version.
Gah, seriously, if you're a PC guy, don't get it on the console... it really doesn't compare to PC. I've got it on 360, the game is great, but San Andreas is infinitely nicer to control. Combat, walking and driving. But I think that's just the difference between PC and consoles (I have SA on pc).
like many of you in this thread i'm REALLY considering buying a 360/PS3 just for this game!!

just read that the PS3 version lacks AA but is that true for the 360 version also or is it better quality?

if its poor res/textures/aa then i might be inclined to hold onto my money.
id hold out for the pc tbh, the online for pc was already funny enough, now with a solid base for the modders to work on it should get crazy.
There will be a PC version tbh, theyv already tested the water with steam.
As per other thread, I've now got the PS3 hooked up to my PC monitor and the sound routed to the PC speakers so I can pretend I'm playing on PC.

However I am really, really missing the keyboard and mouse for foot control. One of the early missions has you fighting a character in a dockside warehouse, messed up the waggle stick and fell out the window into the water. Had to swim to shore and walk/run all the way round again to resume the scrap.

Have to say the picture is much improved on the PC monitor, items I was having to get up and squint to see on the TV screen (like the mobile phone text) are in focus and easy to see.

So come on Rockstar, you know we want it on PC. Please don't make us start a petition!
Having played it on the PS3 I'm really disappointed with the performance. The framerate is somewhere around the 25fps mark at many points, the image is blurry, and the draw distance is annoyingly low. And of course the control pad isn't as good as a mouse.

It's begging to be ported to PC, I'd definitely buy it.
They really should bring it out on PC, this is one game that i would definitely buy on day of release even if it was as expensive as the console versions and I dont think I have done that since Half life 2, with most pc games i wait a few months til the price comes down but this is an exception.
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