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GTAV performance thread.

I really cannot emphasise this enough:

IF you are running a Rog Swift or similar gsync screen, AND SLI - set the ingame refresh rate to 60hz (which is actually still listed as 59) and then use a framerate limiter and set that to 59. I use bandicam for this (which shows fps too like fraps), but dxtory works too and I presume others out there.

Doing this the game is so so smooooooth it is unbelievable! I have tried every other permutation of refresh rate and framerate limiter numbers going, and weirdly nothing is as good as this. Total microstutter free and buttery smooth. And given that 60fps is the target you can increase most of the settings to max too (780Ti SLI here with an i7 at 4.6ghz).

If you don't set the framerate limiter to 59 there are these tiny microstutters that are just awful. The difference when doing it really is night and day!
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I had some spare FPS so i thought i would stick some ingame MSAA combined with sweetfx, but ive getting messed up textures around the bottom right of the screen where the phone pops up.

I get the same messy textures even without sweetfx, the rest of the screen looks amazing with 4xAA + sweet FX, it gets rid of all them jaggies ya get at night time when its raining, but the messy textures around the phone annoy me.

Anyone else getting this, and/or have found a fix?
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I had some spare FPS so i thought i would stick some ingame MSAA combined with sweetfx, but ive getting messed up textures around the bottom right of the screen where the phone pops up.

I get the same messy textures even without sweetfx, the rest of the screen looks amazing with 4xAA + sweet FX, it gets rid of all them jaggies ya get at night time when its raining, but the messy textures around the phone annoy me.

Anyone else getting this, and/or have found a fix?

It's a fault with crossfire and msaa. Official fix from amd is to turn off msaa for now. Sure amd Matt posted it in the amd driver thread.
cheers guys, guess we will just have to wait on a driver fix, i was hoping they would add hd7000 support for VSR into the next beta drivers, but i think i would prefer them to sort this first now :)
Haven't played in a couple days and updated two patches... played about 25 minutes and had a lowmemory crash. Never had that before :( It didn't even come close to using half of my ram though.. or vram of course. I don't want to re enable pagefile ughhh
Isn't this monitor 144hz? Why would you run 60hz over 144hz?

Is it because virtually no one will get 144+fps all the time in gta v? Still doesn't explain it as you should set it at just below the monitor's refresh rate. I have heard of this and I do it in WOW. I have set my fps limit to 135 in that and I no longer get microstutter. I use gsync 144Hz in that though.
Half the time when exiting the game my PC locks up on a black screen and I have to hard reset. Pretty annoying.
It's only started doing it since I got my Titan X :/
Isn't this monitor 144hz? Why would you run 60hz over 144hz?

Something wrong there wunkley as other SLI users with the Swift don't have to do that.

I thought quite a few people had micro stutter when using SLI AND gsync?

Is it because virtually no one will get 144+fps all the time in gta v? Still doesn't explain it as you should set it at just below the monitor's refresh rate. I have heard of this and I do it in WOW. I have set my fps limit to 135 in that and I no longer get microstutter. I use gsync 144Hz in that though.

Well, in answer to most of this I'm just going to re post a bit of my own post

I have tried every other permutation of refresh rate and framerate limiter numbers going, and weirdly nothing is as good as this. Total microstutter free and buttery smooth. And given that 60fps is the target you can increase most of the settings to max too (780Ti SLI here with an i7 at 4.6ghz).

Call it another SLI / Gsync/ particular game 'quirk'. I have other games that I run the swift at 120hz but use a framerate limiter at say 75 or 85 for various reasons, and that works too. But for GTA5, if I run the swift at 120hz and use a framerate limiter, at any figure, it feels micro stuttery.

Also, I'm sure there are more SLI users out there that have microstutter with this game, but they either don't see it, don't mind it, or don't care.

All I know is, by setting the swift at 60hz, and using a framerate limiter at 59 I get totally smooth stutter free performance, so I don't really care :)
Single card FTW! One of my gripes (that others don't see/get) is micro stutter. I never tried setting 60Hz mind but regardless of SLI/Tri SLI Titans and SLI Titan Xs results in micro stutter but a single card is sweet. I run with GTA V maxed @ 1440P (ROG Swift) and even with frames under 30 fps, I am happy as larry. A lot smoother at those frames than SLI @ twice the frames for me.

Don't get me wrong and it could be PEBKAC but a clean Windows install still did it and various drivers made no difference.
Single card FTW! One of my gripes (that others don't see/get) is micro stutter. I never tried setting 60Hz mind but regardless of SLI/Tri SLI Titans and SLI Titan Xs results in micro stutter but a single card is sweet. I run with GTA V maxed @ 1440P (ROG Swift) and even with frames under 30 fps, I am happy as larry. A lot smoother at those frames than SLI @ twice the frames for me.

Don't get me wrong and it could be PEBKAC but a clean Windows install still did it and various drivers made no difference.

Yep - I used a Titan X for a week and single card is just so much better for any and every game, particularly with Gsync at 1440p! I'm doing a new separate build specifically for gaming in a few months, and the GPU will either be ONE Titan X or ONE 980Ti depending on how that fares.

But, I will probably go SLI again when I go 4k, which I will no doubt do some time fairly soon. There is no other option unfortunately - it's going to be a long time before one card can do 4k justice, so the whole cycle will start again :eek::)
it's going to be a long time before one card can do 4k justice.
It will take some amazing design and engineering, i watched a youtube video of someone who claims to have Titan X in 4-way SLI, you can see his framerate dip into the 30 fps range.

** Removed due to swearing **
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