How will this run on an i5-4790k, single HD7950 @ 1650:1080 (22" monitor)
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How will this run on an i5-4790k, single HD7950 @ 1650:1080 (22" monitor)
Had the limiter I game reduced to that somehow? Mine did once and gave me a heart attack, going from solid 60 to 23...
Was literally driving down a road and it just dropped so doubt it unless its turns on automatically. Restarted pc in the end and was fine after
Is it an i5-4690k or an i7-4790k?
Should be fairly decent either way, especially at that resolution at which you'll likely be CPU-bound.
The game after the latest patch has been visually downgraded a tad bit to much.
I was running a mix of very high - ultra @ 4K and now its looks like its very low
I thought it was just me, but am now noticing more pop-ins
Not sure, I updated a week or so ago. I'm at work so can't check right now.
Anyone got decent settings for the following?
Two 980's
I get a fair bit of tearing and stutter in the game, pretty annoying. If I crank the settings up, the game grinds to a halt.
Just had a pair of Titan X's with waterblocks in my basket, then came to my senses.
For those running 4K with a single Titan X, SLI GTX970s , CFX 290/290X, SLI Titans OG/Black or SLI GTX980/GTX780Ti these seem to be the best performance/IQ settings I have found for a solid 60 FPS with vsync off in-game but set in the NV control panel.
Population Density,Variety and Distance Scaling - 50%
Texture Quality - Very High
Shader Quality - Very High
Shadow Quality - Very High
Reflection Quality - Ultra
Reflection MSAA - X2
Water Quality - Very High
Particle Quality - Very High
Grass Quality - Normal
Soft Shadows - Softest
Post FX - Normal
AF - x16
Ambient Occlusion - Normal
Tesselation - Normal
Advanced Settings are all off.
These provides 60 FPS across the different areas (dips are only down to 58ish FPS) with a Titan X @ 1377Mhz on the core (no mem OC).
Depending on your setup you should be able to add some draw distance. I personally prefer not to have dips.
Total VRAM indication in the menu is 3026MB so I have added the GTX780Tis to the mix of setups for 4K.