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GTAV performance thread.

Is it an i5-4690k or an i7-4790k?

Should be fairly decent either way, especially at that resolution at which you'll likely be CPU-bound.

Game will set ya to mainly high, with textures and reflections on very high.

It looks real nice still, and youll get about 50fps average on stock speeds. If your CPU and GPU is overclocked to similar to mine youll get a nice solid 60 fps.
I thought it was just me, but am now noticing more pop-ins

If that's not enough (after spending I don't know how long to be a happy chappy at 60FPS/4K), we now have a bunch of hackers spoiling everything.

One guy took me out 25 times in a row without even a single scratch on him, while I was pumping hundreds of bullets into his head .... interesting
Anyone got decent settings for the following?

Two 980's

I get a fair bit of tearing and stutter in the game, pretty annoying. If I crank the settings up, the game grinds to a halt.

Just had a pair of Titan X's with waterblocks in my basket, then came to my senses.
Sounds like a driver issue since my 7950s are handling 1440 ok, i got a stutter when i started hitting the vram cap, so i turned off high res shadows to get rid, but youve got a gig more vram so i dont think youll need to do that.

Try turning on vsync to get rid of the tearing, and then lock your fps to 60 in tivatuner assuming your using afterburner. That gets rid of the crossfire micro stutter ya get when you throw too much fps into vsync. Might work for nvidia if your monitor is 60hz also.
Anyone got decent settings for the following?

Two 980's

I get a fair bit of tearing and stutter in the game, pretty annoying. If I crank the settings up, the game grinds to a halt.

Just had a pair of Titan X's with waterblocks in my basket, then came to my senses.

For those running 4K with a single Titan X, SLI GTX970s , CFX 290/290X, SLI Titans OG/Black or SLI GTX980/GTX780Ti these seem to be the best performance/IQ settings I have found for a solid 60 FPS with vsync off in-game but set in the NV control panel.

Population Density,Variety and Distance Scaling - 50%
Texture Quality - Very High
Shader Quality - Very High
Shadow Quality - Very High
Reflection Quality - Ultra
Reflection MSAA - X2
Water Quality - Very High
Particle Quality - Very High
Grass Quality - Normal
Soft Shadows - Softest
Post FX - Normal
AF - x16
Ambient Occlusion - Normal
Tesselation - Normal

Advanced Settings are all off.

These provides 60 FPS across the different areas (dips are only down to 58ish FPS) with a Titan X @ 1377Mhz on the core (no mem OC).

Depending on your setup you should be able to add some draw distance. I personally prefer not to have dips.

Total VRAM indication in the menu is 3026MB so I have added the GTX780Tis to the mix of setups for 4K.

Up the Population Density,Variety and Distance Scaling to 75%-100%. Tesselation, Grass and Ambient Occlusion a tad bit higher and maybe add some MSAA.

3440x1440 isn't that demanding unless you running grass @ very high and MSAAx8

Note: the FPS is higher but I'm running 4K@60hz so I limited the FPS with NV panel normal vsync as I wasn't getting any tears or slowdowns with it
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can anyone comment on this games crossfire support? im running 2 6950s and play at 1080p? wondering if its worth buying the game with my hardware or will my ps4 version be better than i can achieve?

other spec i5 2500k 4.5ghz and 8gb ram :) the idea was to sell up on ps4 and get it on pc, if i can run it well without upgrading
Crossfire 290 and 290x here and for the most part it runs very well. Some questionable performance drops in the parts with Trevor but I think this more game issue.
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