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GTX 580 Review

28 May 2007
AMD have nVidia beat, badly, at performance per MM2, I'm not sure how they will struggle really. :confused:

They will struggle exactly where i said as nvidia this time have made sure they are not going to be the hot and noisy card they were. Amd on the other hand are building a bigger card than the 5 series so they may struggle to match the thermal and noise levels of nvidia i however don't think amd will struggle for sales as they have the advantage on costs.
24 Sep 2008
It would only be a kick in the balls if nvidia eol the 480 very soon and bring in the 580 at the same price point or lower. Somehow I can't see it happening...

I bought my 480 roughly 4 or 5 months a go now for £335, I have no regrets :)

That's why they've called it the 580 to cash in with both cards. Instead of just selling one high end card.
20 Feb 2007
The point is that it really really shouldn't be called a 580. It's a GTX485 at its very best. It's changed about as much as the GTX280 changed when they released a GTX285.

Not strictly true at least the 580 has extra shaders as well as a bump in clock speeds, iirc the 285 was merely a cooler running 280 with slightly higher clock speeds.

Having said that I do think 480 Ultra or like you say GTX 485 would have been more apt.
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28 May 2007
Not strictly true at least the 580 has extra shaders as well as a bump in clock speeds, iirc the 285 was merely a 280 with slightly higher clock speeds.

Having said that I do think 480 Ultra or like you say GTX 485 would have been more apt.

Its pretty comparible as the speed bump is around the same no matter how they done it. Amd will get off lighter as they done it through architecture and should see a bigger bump in speed.l
31 May 2007
Not strictly true at least the 580 has extra shaders as well as a bump in clock speeds, iirc the 285 was merely a 280 with slightly higher clock speeds.

Having said that I do think 480 Ultra or like you say GTX 485 would have been more apt.

With that though, what they've released as the 580, is what they were pimping as the 480 last year. It does have extra shaders, but this is what the 480 should have been. It's making them look all over the place now, because of this, when they come out with a GPU significantly faster than the GTX580, they're going to have to move on to the 6 series. Considering they skipped the 3 series pretty much just adds to that.

There's nothing they can really do now with Fermi until they can get it on 32/28nm, and they should have left the 5 Series for that. I can't help think they've chosen 580 over 485 is to make out it's "100" better than a GTX480, I can't really see any other reason.

As for the 280 to 285, I'm pretty sure the 285 had a moderate process bump to 55nm too didn't it?
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31 May 2007
Its pretty comparible as the speed bump is around the same no matter how they done it. Amd will get off lighter as they done it through architecture and should see a bigger bump in speed.l

It wouldn't have been bad had the GTX580 been significantly cheaper. I'd say AMD get off because it really is clear that the 6870 isn't a 5870 replacement when you check out its price.
3 Jan 2006
Should be called gtx490. But at the price it's likely to be I think I'd rather just get 2 gtx470 for 330 quid now. With overclock it's like running 2 gtx480 in sli.

That said is running furmark/occt really THAT damaging to cards? Even with decent psu and cooling?
28 May 2007
It wouldn't have been bad had the GTX580 been significantly cheaper. I'd say AMD get off because it really is clear that the 6870 isn't a 5870 replacement when you check out its price.

Yea but the 6870 was not what i was on about, i am expecting at the least for amd to bump there top end around 40%. This is why i think amd are with in there right to go to the 6 series
20 Feb 2007
Its pretty comparible as the speed bump is around the same no matter how they done it.

It's not comparable though, a 280 overclocked to 285 speeds will give you near identical performance as they are basically the same card.

If you overclock the 480 to 580 speeds the 580 should theoretically always come out on top due to the extra shaders, admittedly it wouldn't be by much but still faster nonetheless.
28 May 2007
It's not comparable though, a 280 overclocked to 285 speeds will give you near identical performance as they are basically the same card.

If you overclock the 480 to 580 speeds the 580 should theoretically always come out on top due to the extra shaders, admittedly it wouldn't be by much but still faster nonetheless.

Yea i guess i can give you that one.
4 Jun 2009
With that though, what they've released as the 580, is what they were pimping as the 580 last year. It does have extra shaders, but this is what the 480 should have been. It's making them look all over the place now, because of this, when they come out with a GPU significantly faster than the GTX580, they're going to have to move on to the 6 series. Considering they skipped the 3 series pretty much just adds to that.

There's nothing they can really do now with Fermi until they can get it on 32/28nm, and they should have left the 5 Series for that. I can't help think they've chosen 580 over 485 is to make out it's "100" better than a GTX480, I can't really see any other reason.

As for the 280 to 285, I'm pretty sure the 285 had a moderate process bump to 55nm too didn't it?

It wouldn't have been bad had the GTX580 been significantly cheaper. I'd say AMD get off because it really is clear that the 6870 isn't a 5870 replacement when you check out its price.

+ 1

Totally agree
5 May 2008
Should be called gtx490. But at the price it's likely to be I think I'd rather just get 2 gtx470 for 330 quid now. With overclock it's like running 2 gtx480 in sli.

That said is running furmark/occt really THAT damaging to cards? Even with decent psu and cooling?
GTX 580 is basicly a GTX 480 with all its 512 CUDA cores enabled and tweaked power
16 Oct 2009
GTX460 at £120

GTX460 1gb at £145

GTX470 at £175

GTX480 at £329

Nvidia got this all sown-up, great cards at great prices.

Am I missing a huge niche in between £180 and £320? GTX580 is going to be more expensive than £329 thus leaving a significant market segment with no competition to AMD offerings. And there's a very good chance that HD6950 will take over this sector with HD6970 wrapping it up.
24 Dec 2005
The 6870 is cooler than the 5xxx series and uses less power. It has DP 1.2 and scales better in xfire than the 5xxx series.

Its the mid range before the 6900 series. I fail to see what people don't get....I would rather have a 6870 than a 5870 for the reasons above.

As for the 580 well that will not be top for long when the 6900 hits and I bet the 6900 series will be cheaper.
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