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GTX 780 Owners Club

So what are people getting clocks wise?

According to GPUz i'm running 1052 core, 1652 memory and 1104 boost.
I don't seem to be able to get past 1044 on the core without some artefacting in Heaven Valley. That gives a max boost of 1202, which I'm happy with. My memory is stable at just over 1850 - haven't tried pushing it further yet.
Well after the classified i ordered that was a few mm too big for my case, i now have an EVGA FTW today, installed and ready to get BF4-ing!

Its seriously quiet, even at full load you honestly can only just hear it, and thats with the fan peaking at around 85% with a quick MSI AB fan profile..

First impressions, very happy indeed.

Quick and bad pic of it next to my old 670 WF...


EDIT: GPUZ screenie, probably means more to you guys than me tbh... Does that tell you anything good or bad?


Worth it? I'm thinking of the exact same upgrade
Is there a planned end date on the deal of getting 3 games for free with the high end Nvidia cards? :) the only reason I ask here is cuz im planning to upgrade to a 780 and I wondered if I had a window to get those games too
Stylish. Although...the writing on the backplate will be upside down as you look at it. I suspect that would get on my nerves.
So many guesses about the prices of the Ti, I wanna pull the trigger on a 780, or i'm thinking about it at least but if the regular Ti is comparable enough then it'l be worth the jump I think
So many guesses about the prices of the Ti, I wanna pull the trigger on a 780, or i'm thinking about it at least but if the regular Ti is comparable enough then it'l be worth the jump I think

I seem to remember Gibbo mentioning £599-650. Don't quote me on that, though.
AssaTM said:
A £200 markup just for a regular Ti? I know it's a powerful card but cmaaaan :( haha
Yeah you watch in 5 months time, it will probally be £170+ cheaper like my GTX 780 Windforce has dropped in 5 months lol.

Nvidia are robbing ********! And I am a total mug! lol :(
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