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GTX 780 Owners Club

The worse thing is, I want to have a play with one of those Gigabyte GTX 780 GHz Editions, I've got to talk myself out of it... lol :o

I bet they will do 1300 MHz on average, I hope I'm wrong and they do a lot more, but my current Windforce does 1215 MHz, so probally an absolute waste of money.

Yeah def don't go to a Ghz from a vanilla 780, not an upgrade.. You can probably even flash the Ghz bios if you wanted. The 780ti looks like it could be a decent upgrade from a 780 though. It's probably going to be pricey though..
Boomstick777 said:
Yeah def don't go to a Ghz from a vanilla 780, not an upgrade.. The 780ti looks like it could be a decent upgrade from a 780 though. It's probably going to be pricey though..
Yeah well like I keep mentioning lol, I blew £570 on the original Gigabyte GTX 780 Windforce within an hour of it being launched.

Like I said these GTX 780ti although I can easily afford one, I don't fancy it losing £200 through depreciation in terms of Nvidia dropping prices in 5-6 months time, I love AMD, and Nvidia cards, but I should know better, and this has taught me a right lesson.

I won't let Nvidia/AMD take me for a mug by being an early adoptor again - will stick to a <£400> budget from now on.
Boomstick777 said:
You can probably even flash the Ghz bios if you wanted.
Yeah I'm tempted to do that, am just worried I'll brick my card, Gigabyte are usually quite strict on these things i.e. they prevent you from doing bios flashes from one to another of similar cards.

Would be great if it works.
Obviously we wont know until people get them in their hands but do we all think the Ghz editions are just factory overclocked? no binning process or selecting of specific cards that may overclock better than the regular 780's?
Back in the game after cancelling my Gigabyte order.

Found a stonking deal on a reference design Zotac GTX 780 AMP GHz Edition for £350 with games!!!

Cant believe i'm so chuffed and happy to shed out £350 for a GPU as if that's cheap, probably fallen for Nvidia price creep!

Do the reference card clock as well as non reference designs with better phase/vrm designs? Will be water cooling and want to clock the pants off it to atleast 1300MHz with the volt mod.
Is there a way of putting a backplate on the msi gaming 780 without using a waterblock?
So that i can still keep the look of the msi gaming but have a nice backplate on :)
Is there a way of putting a backplate on the msi gaming 780 without using a waterblock?
So that i can still keep the look of the msi gaming but have a nice backplate on :)

I got some nice backplates for my 780's and both are air cooled, I bought them from a gent called Coldzero, He is based in Portugal and does international shipping, His work is top notch, Just type coldzero into google :)
I got some nice backplates for my 780's and both are air cooled, I bought them from a gent called Coldzero, He is based in Portugal and does international shipping, His work is top notch, Just type coldzero into google :)

His sites down at the moment
So you are able to keep everything on the 780 as is, but can add a backplate?
Brill if so, i did buy a backplate for my evga 670 a while back, but i couldnt install it unless i added a waterblock
His sites down at the moment
So you are able to keep everything on the 780 as is, but can add a backplate?
Brill if so, i did buy a backplate for my evga 670 a while back, but i couldnt install it unless i added a waterblock

Its up now :
Anyone know if the evga hydro-copper blocks for the classifieds are any good. would be really nice to have a end to end full cover but don't want to loose performance over the likes of a EK block which does not fully cover the PCB?
Any info would be much appreciated

No they're not, the standard Hydrocopper cards/blocks are pretty good (I have one and their the same as the Titan Hydrocopper block). However the classified one would best be described as god awful garbage.

A normal block has a channel system cut into the copper and it flows over the GPU/RAM/VRMs, however on the Swiftech blocks the channel is cut into the acetal instead enabling them to use less copper (this isn't exactly a bad thing, just a cost saving that isn't passed on to the consumer), the kicker though is that I think Swiftech rushed this block as it has more in common with the 770 block than the Titan block, you may remember a while back people slated XSPC for releasing a block that didn't flow water over the VRM's? well this block has the same issue, but in this case its because it doesn't even cover the VRM's, they just get a solid lump of copper over them bolted to the same black acetal as the main copper block O.o why they figured this was acceptable on the classified block when they had done a proper job on the standard 780 block I have no idea (granted that card did use the Titan block, but still).
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Well after the classified i ordered that was a few mm too big for my case, i now have an EVGA FTW today, installed and ready to get BF4-ing!

Its seriously quiet, even at full load you honestly can only just hear it, and thats with the fan peaking at around 85% with a quick MSI AB fan profile..

First impressions, very happy indeed.

Quick and bad pic of it next to my old 670 WF...

WOW the size of them Fans :eek:...

That evga Cooler looks so much better then that Gigabyte cooler.....:)
That gigabyte cooler just looks so cheap & nasty next to it..
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hi guys im in need of some help please :-)
i bought a msi 780 gamers edtion last week,its been playing games well,but yesterday it my games have been crashing eg, batman orgins and battlefield 4
they can crash anytime between 10 minutes upto 1hr,i dont get any error messages or anything the srcreen just freezes,im using driver 331.65,and i have tryed some below that but still happens.
hi guys im in need of some help please :-)
i bought a msi 780 gamers edtion last week,its been playing games well,but yesterday it my games have been crashing eg, batman orgins and battlefield 4
they can crash anytime between 10 minutes upto 1hr,i dont get any error messages or anything the srcreen just freezes,im using driver 331.65,and i have tryed some below that but still happens.
The first question everyone going to ask you is what PSU are you using ?
Back in the game after cancelling my Gigabyte order.

Found a stonking deal on a reference design Zotac GTX 780 AMP GHz Edition for £350 with games!!!

Cant believe i'm so chuffed and happy to shed out £350 for a GPU as if that's cheap, probably fallen for Nvidia price creep!.

Looks like the new GTX 780 GHZ versions are going cost only around £350....:)
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I think i will have to RMA it
is it easy to do a RMA.i was going to ring them up tommorow,to see if they can change it for another one.is that possible?
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