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***GTX 780 Ti Owners Thread***

They're very subjective to temps. So you'll probably find you'll be able to push a little further under water. 1250 on stock volts is very impressive. I can't manage that with 1.212v :(1230 is my limit on all 3 cards. FU EVGA! Although that'll be partly down to temps as well.

Mine should be under water just after Christmas, or before.
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My parts are on the way now and have some time off in order to build it. Hopefully get it under water before Xmas pending no problems! Bloody hope so as with H100 dead in the system right now it's unusable! :(
I've yet to see a Superclock or EVGA Ti do those speeds on stock volts. I think EVGA really have given a lot of people short straws due to the extra quantities needed for this Kingpin edition crap. Will be interested to see if it transpires there is an issue with my build causing it when I use the Super Flower, but I doubt it.

I can manage 1230Mhz @ 1.212v. Another card can't muster 1215. That's still a decent overclock, but quite a contrast compared to 1250 at stock volts.

I salute my middle finger to EVGA. Been awhile since I've used their GPUs but I certainly won't be buying one again. Hope Kingpin is happy with his little venture, mind.

Second that ! I had around 5 780 GTX and all of them were mediocre at best , one was "SC" ;) had even 1 Classy and that one could not do 1300 -no way- !just! 1228 game stable - e.g. no binning , nada.

They just keep the stock artificially low here in EU to raise the idea of their "exclusivity" . I m done with EVGA as well !
Hi fa5719 what would you recommend over evga for overclocking? As in previous thread an op said that the asus was one of the best for overclocking and they seem to have had a price increase
No, I got it the other way round: it depends on the quality of the chip that could be in EVGA , Palit etc

But EVGA plays a cunning game pretending to give " more " and not doing it. No binning , just maybe a better customer care , I got to give them that...
Do not forget that 780s were /are the "crippled" Tesla cores that were /are sold cleverly as gaming chips and now the "complete "2888 shader chips are maybe binned now.

But hey, again : the Classy and Kingpin "Superclassy " are being prepared, so the chance to get EVGA GTX 780 Ti with a decent chip is lower.

And do not forget the price /performance ratio to 290x/290,
That's my thinking with price and performance I'm maybe going to hold off as I'm really liking this MSI twin fozr 290x as it's around the same size as the classified
I have just checked EVGA's website and they have at least six versions of the 780ti listed. On top of that there is going to be the Kingpin edition, so seven versions so far. They must use some form of binning of the GPU chips to have that many different versions with different specs.


I feel sorry for people who buy the lowest spec EVGA cards as they will have a very good chance of losing out on the silicon lottery. All these different versions of the 780ti does not even make sense to me for a card that is not going to sell in huge numbers.
Second that and add the price to that .

But IMHO vanilla- SC -FTW etc are not selected/binned . My friend even had Classy that had trouble running 1215-1225 Mhz benchstable ...
Do not forget that 780s were /are the "crippled" Tesla cores that were /are sold cleverly as gaming chips and now the "complete "2888 shader chips are maybe binned now.

But hey, again : the Classy and Kingpin "Superclassy " are being prepared, so the chance to get EVGA GTX 780 Ti with a decent chip is lower.

And do not forget the price /performance ratio to 290x/290,

I don't even think the Kingpin Edition is a serious card, if it was there would be no point even selling it with an air cooler. If it was a serious contender I think selling it with waterblocks as the very minimum or even just the plain PCB would be better. I think the Kingpin Edition is just EVGA's attempt to screw even more out of their customers, I don't think Kingpin himself would use one of these cards off the shelf. I think EVGA would cherry pick the cards for him anyway lol.

exactly my point , no need to say more - a good WC block would do much better here .

I do not want to rant here and start another Nvidia / AMD flame war, but in spite of the not so good cooler / you can always put a better one / AMD did wiser this time around .
lol. Oopsy! ^

Kaap, couldn't agree more. I think the SC might even be casts off from entry level. A nice bump on the core clock to give possible effective boost of over 1100mhz and job done.

It's cheeky and I think they've played people by taking advantage of just how good these chips are or can be. Essentially they're selling a product which should be the same as other manufactures however they're not. By binning you're putting aside the worst and charging the same, or more for it.

It's actually pretty disgusting when you look at it truthfully. But alas, overclocking isn't something which is taken into account at consumer level and we have no rights to return on those grounds, despite being an enthusiast products aimed at people who have exactly this on the brain.

Hopefully I should be able to push mine a bit further on water, but I don't think it's really worth it in the long run. Maxwell please.

Chase, did you kill it with these clocks? Sin_Chase - 780Ti @1221/3649, 331.65. 79.9.
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