Guide for HTPC

ahh you mean the kmplugin?
I thought the MP and MCE remote plugin were 2 different ones

It may worth while if we could have some global settings for KMP and WMP Classic and WMPC Home Cinema when using MCE Remote. This will keep things nice and easy and allow most users to have the basic functions. The rest can be mapped later.

I've included a pic. If these buttons could work with the above mentioned players within MPortal then it will simplify things a lot.

The "direction", "back", "OK" and "Info" keys can remain the same so that these can be used to navigate within mediaportal.

your missing the point a little m8. each key can have different bindings for different applications.

As we will only use one application in the active window at a time it doesnt matter.

I have bound play=play, pause=pause, ffw=fww,rwd=rwd, pc off button = exit application, skip=nextchapter, prev=prevchapter, back=back.

This means we can still use mp to navigate the options & then kmplayer can run free without interference from MP, i.e the mappings wont conflict each other.

you have to have the following plugins enabled for all this to work:

1) task create/Switch events
2) keyboard emulation ( for up, down, left, right to work in kmplayer)
3) Microsoft MCE remote
4) Mediaportal
5) Kmplayer
6) Media player classic
7) Not needed but I have it enabled for blu-ray/Hd-dvd. PowerDVD plugin.
Below is my xml file you may wanna copy into your eventghost folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
- <EventGhost Name="Configuration Tree" Expanded="True" Version="1487" Guid="{069E8B3A-8AC2-43E9-847C-7C4E160ADA60}" Time="1231275606.78">
- <Autostart Name="Autostart" Expanded="True">
  <Plugin Enabled="False" File="X10" Identifier="X10">gAJLAl1xAChLAUsCSwNLBEsFSwZLB0sISwlLCksLSwxLDUsOSw9LEGVYAwAAAFgxMHEBh3ECLg==</Plugin> 
  <Plugin Enabled="False" File="ZoomPlayer" Identifier="ZoomPlayer">gAIoWAkAAABsb2NhbGhvc3RxAE2hEoiJdHEBLg==</Plugin> 
  <Plugin Enabled="False" File="Winamp" Identifier="Winamp">gAIpLg==</Plugin> 
  <Plugin File="Task" Identifier="Task">gAIpLg==</Plugin> 
  <Plugin File="MceRemote" Identifier="MceRemote">gAJHP8MzMzMzMzOIhnEALg==</Plugin> 
  <Plugin File="MediaPortal" Identifier="MediaPortal">gAIpLg==</Plugin> 
  <Plugin File="KMPlayer" Identifier="KMPlayer">gAIpLg==</Plugin> 
  <Plugin File="PowerDVD" Identifier="PowerDvd">gAIpLg==</Plugin> 
  <Plugin File="MediaPlayerClassic" Identifier="MediaPlayerClassic">gAIpLg==</Plugin> 
- <Macro Name="Start Zoom Player">
  <Event Name="DVD" /> 
  <Action>EventGhost.JumpIfLongPress(3.0, XmlIdLink(139))</Action> 
  <Action>System.Execute(u'{eg.folderPath.ProgramFiles}\\Zoom Player\\zplayer.exe', u'/TCP: 4769', 0, False, 2, u'')</Action> 
- <Macro Name="Start Winamp">
  <Event Name="Music" /> 
  <Action>System.Execute(u'{eg.folderPath.ProgramFiles}\\Winamp\\winamp.exe', u'', 0, False, 2, u'')</Action> 
- <Macro Name="Switch to mode: Zoom Player">
  <Event Name="Task.Activated.zplayer" /> 
- <Macro Name="Switch to mode: Winamp">
  <Event Name="Task.Activated.winamp" /> 
- <Macro Name="Switch to mode: Mouse Emulation">
  <Event Name="Setup" /> 
- <Macro Name="Switch to mode: Keyboard Emulation">
  <Event Name="TXT" /> 
  <Event Name="Task.Deactivated.zplayer" /> 
  <Event Name="Task.Deactivated.winamp" /> 
- <Folder Name="Context Folder" Expanded="True">
- <Folder Name="Zoom Player" id="36" Enabled="False">
- <Macro Name="Context Navigator">
  <Event Name="X10.Rename" /> 
  <Event Name="Menu" /> 
- <Macro Name="Cursor Up">
  <Event Name="Up" /> 
- <Macro Name="Cursor Down">
  <Event Name="Down" /> 
- <Macro Name="Cursor Left">
  <Event Name="Left" /> 
- <Macro Name="Cursor Right">
  <Event Name="Right" /> 
- <Macro Name="Ok">
  <Event Name="Ok" /> 
- <Macro Name="Play">
  <Event Name="Play" /> 
- <Macro Name="Pause">
  <Event Name="Pause" /> 
- <Macro Name="Stop">
  <Event Name="Stop" /> 
- <Macro Name="Fast Forward">
  <Event Name="Forward" /> 
- <Macro Name="Fast Rewind">
  <Event Name="Rewind" /> 
- <Macro Name="Num1">
  <Event Name="Num1" /> 
- <Macro Name="Num2">
  <Event Name="Num2" /> 
- <Macro Name="Num3">
  <Event Name="Num3" /> 
- <Macro Name="Num4">
  <Event Name="Num4" /> 
- <Macro Name="Num5">
  <Event Name="Num5" /> 
- <Macro Name="Num6">
  <Event Name="Num6" /> 
- <Macro Name="Num7">
  <Event Name="Num7" /> 
- <Macro Name="Num8">
  <Event Name="Num8" /> 
- <Macro Name="Num9">
  <Event Name="Num9" /> 
- <Macro Name="Num0">
  <Event Name="Num0" /> 
- <Macro Name="Next Track">
  <Event Name="NextTrack" /> 
- <Macro Name="Previous Track">
  <Event Name="PreviousTrack" /> 
- <Macro Name="DVD Menu">
  <Event Name="DVDMenu" /> 
  <Action Name="because not every DVD has a title menu">EventGhost.Comment()</Action> 
  <Action Name="and we want to do it with just one key">EventGhost.Comment()</Action> 
  <Action Name="we simply use both actions. One of it will">EventGhost.Comment()</Action> 
  <Action Name="succeed everytime.">EventGhost.Comment()</Action> 
- <Macro Name="DVD Audio">
  <Event Name="DVDAudio" /> 
- <Macro Name="Zoom In">
  <Event Name="ChannelUp" /> 
- <Macro Name="Zoom Out">
  <Event Name="ChannelDown" /> 
- <Macro Name="Toggle Controlbar">
  <Event Name="EditImage" /> 
- <Macro Name="Toggle Fullscreen">
  <Event Name="Fullscreen" /> 
- <Macro Name="Exit Zoom Player">
  <Event Name="Power" /> 
- <Macro Name="Forced Restart" id="139">
  <Action Name="Taskkill ZoomPlayer">System.Execute(u'{eg.folderPath.System}\\taskkill.exe', u'/F /IM zplayer.exe /T', 1, True, 2, u'')</Action> 
- <Folder Name="Winamp" id="141" Enabled="False">
- <Macro Name="Play">
  <Event Name="Play" /> 
  <Event Name="Ok" /> 
- <Macro Name="Stop">
  <Event Name="Stop" /> 
- <Macro Name="Pause">
  <Event Name="Pause" /> 
- <Macro Name="Cursor Up">
  <Event Name="Up" /> 
- <Macro Name="Cursor Down">
  <Event Name="Down" /> 
- <Macro Name="Cursor Left">
  <Event Name="Left" /> 
- <Macro Name="Cursor Right">
  <Event Name="Right" /> 
- <Macro Name="Next Track">
  <Event Name="NextTrack" /> 
- <Macro Name="Previous Track">
  <Event Name="PreviousTrack" /> 
- <Macro Name="Visualization">
  <Event Name="Fullscreen" /> 
- <Macro Name="Exit">
  <Event Name="Power" /> 
- <Macro Name="Volume Up">
  <Event Name="VolumeUp" /> 
  <Action>EventGhost.AutoRepeat(0.33000000000000002, 0.050000000000000003, 0.050000000000000003, 3.0)</Action> 
- <Macro Name="Volume Down">
  <Event Name="VolumeDown" /> 
  <Action>EventGhost.AutoRepeat(0.33000000000000002, 0.050000000000000003, 0.050000000000000003, 3.0)</Action> 
- <Folder Name="Mouse Emulation" id="188" Enabled="False">
- <Macro Name="Mouse Move Up">
  <Event Name="Up" /> 
  <Event Name="Num2" /> 
- <Macro Name="Mouse Move RightUp">
  <Event Name="Num3" /> 
- <Macro Name="Mouse Move Right">
  <Event Name="Right" /> 
  <Event Name="Num6" /> 
- <Macro Name="Mouse Move RightDown">
  <Event Name="Num9" /> 
- <Macro Name="Mouse Move Down">
  <Event Name="Down" /> 
  <Event Name="Num8" /> 
- <Macro Name="Mouse Move LeftDown">
  <Event Name="Num7" /> 
- <Macro Name="Mouse Move Left">
  <Event Name="Left" /> 
  <Event Name="Num4" /> 
- <Macro Name="Mouse Move LeftUp">
  <Event Name="Num1" /> 
- <Macro Name="Left Mouse Button">
  <Event Name="X10.Rename" /> 
- <Macro Name="Right Mouse Button">
  <Event Name="X10.Snapshot" /> 
- <Folder Name="Keyboard Emulation" id="223" Expanded="True">
- <Macro Name="Up">
  <Event Name="Up" /> 
  <Action>EventGhost.AutoRepeat(0.59999999999999998, 0.29999999999999999, 0.01, 3.0)</Action> 
- <Macro Name="Down">
  <Event Name="Down" /> 
  <Action>EventGhost.AutoRepeat(0.59999999999999998, 0.29999999999999999, 0.01, 3.0)</Action> 
- <Macro Name="Right">
  <Event Name="Right" /> 
  <Action>EventGhost.AutoRepeat(0.59999999999999998, 0.29999999999999999, 0.01, 3.0)</Action> 
- <Macro Name="Left">
  <Event Name="Left" /> 
  <Action>EventGhost.AutoRepeat(0.59999999999999998, 0.29999999999999999, 0.01, 3.0)</Action> 
- <Macro Name="Ok -> Enter Key">
  <Event Name="Ok" /> 
- <Folder Name="Volume Control">
- <Macro Name="Mute Volume">
  <Event Name="Mute" /> 
- <Macro Name="Decrease Volume">
  <Event Name="VolumeDown" /> 
  <Action>EventGhost.AutoRepeat(0.59999999999999998, 0.29999999999999999, 0.01, 3.0)</Action> 
- <Macro Name="Increase Volume">
  <Event Name="VolumeUp" /> 
  <Action>EventGhost.AutoRepeat(0.59999999999999998, 0.29999999999999999, 0.01, 3.0)</Action> 
- <Folder Name="Other Examples" Expanded="True">
- <Folder Name="State Folder Example">
- <Folder Name="Folder1" id="257">
- <Macro Name="Enable other Folder">
  <Event Name="Blue" /> 
- <Folder Name="Folder2" id="261" Enabled="False">
- <Macro Name="Enable other Folder">
  <Event Name="Blue" /> 
- <Folder Name="Folder3" id="265" Enabled="False">
- <Macro Name="Enable other Folder">
  <Event Name="Blue" /> 
- <Folder Name="State Macro Example">
- <Macro Name="State1" id="270" Enabled="False">
  <Event Name="Green" /> 
  <Action Enabled="False">System.MonitorPowerOff()</Action> 
- <Macro Name="State2" id="275">
  <Event Name="Green" /> 
- <Folder Name="State Macro Example 2">
- <Macro Name="Macro1" id="281" Enabled="False">
  <Event Name="Yellow" /> 
- <Macro Name="Macro2" id="284">
  <Event Name="Yellow" /> 
- <Macro Name="Macro3" id="287" Enabled="False">
  <Event Name="Yellow" /> 
- <Folder Name="MediaPortal" Expanded="True">
- <Macro Name="Cursor Up">
- <Macro Name="Cursor Down">
- <Macro Name="Cursor Left">
- <Macro Name="Cursor Right">
- <Macro Name="Ok">
- <Macro Name="Back">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Back" /> 
- <Macro Name="NumPad 0">
- <Macro Name="NumPad 1">
- <Macro Name="NumPad 2">
- <Macro Name="NumPad 3">
- <Macro Name="NumPad 4">
- <Macro Name="NumPad 5">
- <Macro Name="NumPad 6">
- <Macro Name="NumPad 7">
- <Macro Name="NumPad 8">
- <Macro Name="NumPad 9">
- <Macro Name="Enter">
- <Macro Name="Power1">
- <Macro Name="Power2">
- <Macro Name="Start">
- <Macro Name="Info">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Details" /> 
- <Macro Name="Volume Up">
- <Macro Name="Volume Down">
- <Macro Name="Mute">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Mute" /> 
- <Macro Name="Channel Up">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.ChannelUp" /> 
- <Macro Name="Channel Down">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.ChannelDown" /> 
- <Macro Name="Forward">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Forward" /> 
- <Macro Name="Rewind">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Rewind" /> 
- <Macro Name="Play">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Play" /> 
- <Macro Name="Record">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Record" /> 
- <Macro Name="Pause">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Pause" /> 
- <Macro Name="Stop">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Stop" /> 
- <Macro Name="Skip">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Skip" /> 
- <Macro Name="Replay">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Replay" /> 
- <Macro Name="OemGate">
- <Macro Name="Oem8">
- <Macro Name="DVDMenu">
- <Macro Name="LiveTV">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.LiveTV" /> 
- <Macro Name="Guide">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Guide" /> 
- <Macro Name="AspectRatio" Expanded="True">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Details" /> 
- <Macro Name="MyTV">
- <Macro Name="MyMusic">
- <Macro Name="RecordedTV">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Recorded_TV" /> 
- <Macro Name="MyPictures">
- <Macro Name="MyVideos">
- <Macro Name="Print">
- <Macro Name="MyRadio">
- <Macro Name="Teletext">
- <Macro Name="Red">
- <Macro Name="Green">
- <Macro Name="Yellow">
- <Macro Name="Blue">
- <Macro Name="PowerTV">
- <Macro Name="Messenger">
- <Folder Name="KMPlayer" Expanded="True">
- <Folder Name="Settings" Expanded="True">
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: RootMenu">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.DVDMenu" /> 
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: PrevChapter">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Replay" /> 
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: NextChapter">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Skip" /> 
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: Backward2">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Rewind" /> 
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: Forward2">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Forward" /> 
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: CycleRatio">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Details" /> 
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: Stop">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Stop" /> 
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: PausePlay">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Pause" /> 
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: PlayPause">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Play" /> 
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: LanguageMenu">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Blue" /> 
- <Macro Name="KMPlayer: Exit">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Power" /> 
- <Folder Name="CyberLink PowerDVD">
- <Macro Name="Play">
- <Macro Name="Pause">
- <Macro Name="Stop">
- <Macro Name="Menu">
- <Macro Name="Previous chapter">
- <Macro Name="Next chapter">
- <Macro Name="Step backward">
- <Macro Name="Step forward">
- <Macro Name="Toggle fullscreen">
- <Macro Name="Toggle mute">
- <Macro Name="Volume up">
- <Macro Name="Volume down">
- <Macro Name="Next audio stream">
- <Macro Name="Next subtitle">
- <Macro Name="Next angel">
- <Macro Name="Say-It-Again">
- <Macro Name="See-It-All">
- <Macro Name="Capture frame">
- <Macro Name="Navigation Up">
- <Macro Name="Navigation Down">
- <Macro Name="Navigation Left">
- <Macro Name="Navigation Right">
- <Macro Name="Navigation Enter">
- <Folder Name="Media Player Classic">
- <Folder Name="Main controls" Expanded="True">
- <Macro Name="Media Player Classic: Play/Pause">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Pause" /> 
- <Macro Name="Media Player Classic: Play">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Play" /> 
- <Macro Name="Media Player Classic: Stop">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Stop" /> 
- <Macro Name="Media Player Classic: Jump Backward Large">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Rewind" /> 
- <Macro Name="Media Player Classic: Jump Forward Large">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Forward" /> 
- <Macro Name="Media Player Classic: Next">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Skip" /> 
- <Macro Name="Media Player Classic: Previous">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Replay" /> 
- <Macro Name="Media Player Classic: DVD Root Menu" Expanded="True">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.DVDMenu" /> 
- <Macro Name="Media Player Classic: DVD On/Off Subtitle">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Blue" /> 
- <Macro Name="Media Player Classic: Quit Application">
  <Event Name="MceRemote.Power" /> 
one final one, remember to install the message plugin inside mediaportal!

Place MessagePlugin.dll in the MediaPortal\Plugins\Process\ folder.
Place MessagePlugin.xml in the MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\Defaults\ folder.
Import MessagePlugin.hip into HIP.
Configure MediaPortal.
- Disable any remote plugins.
- Enable and configure MessagePlugin.

Does the hip file go into EventGhost's directory?
Do i just bin the other files in that zip (.cs, csproj, .cs files)

I use LMRemote at the moment to map my "Green Button". Im assuming i can just get rid of that now and let EventGhost handle that for me...???
Last edited:
So have you got it all done now mate?
KMP and WMPC working fine in MP and respond to the MCE remote and all the functions that we have when using MP's built in rubbish player??
So have you got it all done now mate?
KMP and WMPC working fine in MP and respond to the MCE remote and all the functions that we have when using MP's built in rubbish player??

yep :). not tried WMPC as it weas crashing today for some reason. I think kmplayer is better after looking at them closely today. Kmplayer responds better to FFW and RW commands.

EDIT: oh yeh nd kmplayer has a nice "cycle all aspect ratio" button
yep :). not tried WMPC as it weas crashing today for some reason. I think kmplayer is better after looking at them closely today. Kmplayer responds better to FFW and RW commands.

EDIT: oh yeh nd kmplayer has a nice "cycle all aspect ratio" button

Excellent work my friend!
Looks like MediaPortal is here to stay after all.
i got a problem. Ive set it up as per your instructions and have enabled the plugins.

When i press a key though it results in the action performed twice. I press the up key once and it moves up two
Heres the error report also:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "EventGhost.pyw", line 34, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\", line 23, in <module>
import Cli
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\", line 131, in <module>
File "<COMObject {7EB106DC-468D-4345-9CFE-B0021039114B}>", line 2, in BringToFront
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, u'Python COM Server Internal Error', u"Unexpected Python Error: <class 'wx._core.PyDeadObjectError'>: The C++ part of the MainFrame object has been deleted, attribute access no longer allowed.", None, 0, -2147467259), None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "EventGhost.pyw", line 34, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'eg' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "EventGhost.pyw", line 34, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'eg' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "EventGhost.pyw", line 34, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\EventGhost\eg\", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'eg' is not defined
didn't want to create a thread about this and its htpc related i suppose so here goes,

my kids watch their films on the tv (secondary display) that are played from my pc using MPC with FFDshow, while they are watching their films i want to be able to play games.

when i try and run a game i the tv will go black and no picture is displayed, i figured it out once before but have forgotton now. what settings are needed so i can game and have a film on the tv at the same time?
would these components + a decent gfx card be good enough to support blu-ray /1080p HD file playback?

1. Celeron D 2.4Ghz 256Kb L2 533FSB Skt 478 Processor
2. 2x 256MB DDR 333 PC-2700 Memory
3. MSI 865P MicroAtx Motherboard
didn't want to create a thread about this and its htpc related i suppose so here goes,

my kids watch their films on the tv (secondary display) that are played from my pc using MPC with FFDshow, while they are watching their films i want to be able to play games.

when i try and run a game i the tv will go black and no picture is displayed, i figured it out once before but have forgotton now. what settings are needed so i can game and have a film on the tv at the same time?

in my nvidia settings go > display > setup multiple displays > check dualview.

job done
Hopefully someone in here can offer some advice using mptv-series.

I can't get it to parse anything,

My format is:

Tv Shows\<series name>\Season <#>\<#> - <title>.avi

(# being season and episode numbers respectively)

I have a single parse expression:

\<series>\Season <season>\<episode> - <title>.<ext>

Parsing however fails on every single file, what's going on? it's a pretty straight forward format.
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